Volk: Ale, are you okay?
She looked at him with a sad face.
Alepou: Should I be?
Volk: I-
Alepou: There's no sign of him anywhere, I've been waiting all night.
Volk looked outside the window as well.
Alepou: I didn't want any of this...I just wanted a normal life with my friends...
Volk put his hand on her shoulder and tried to comfort her.
Volk: I'm sure that Fidi's just having trouble coming back.
"I wish that was the truth." said Volk to himself in his head.
Volk: He'll come back with Ly anytime.
"I wish we had another chance..." said Volk to himself again.
Alepou: You don't have to lie...it'll hurt more when the truth hits us.
Volk: I... I don't know what else to say...you should get some sleep though, we're gonna finish all this tomorrow.
Alepou: I don't wanna sleep...I don't wanna see tomorrow...I don't wanna lose anyone else. Can't we have a break?
Volk sat down near her.
Volk: I understand you completely, but the break will come sooner if we finish faster.
She took a deep breath and let it out.
Alepou: I guess you're right...I just need to clear my mind.
She stood up and started to leave the kitchen.
Alepou: Hey V...
Volk: Hmm?
Alepou: Thanks for everything...
Volk: You're...welcome. Good Night.
She left the room. Volk sat down while looking outside, he eventually fell asleep with his head on the wall. Morning arrived and Sobaka walked into the kitchen to see Volk asleep. He walked over to him and woke him up.
Sobaka: Wakey, wakey...
Volk: Hmm, oh hey.
Sobaka: You good?
Volk: Have I ever been?
Sobaka: Right...should we wake everyone else up?
Volk: Give them a few minutes, everyone must be exhausted.
Sobaka: Alright then, I'll make breakfast for today.
He walked over to the stove and turned it on, he started making breakfast for everyone else.
Volk: Since when can you cook?
Sobaka: The only thing I can make is breakfast, it's my only specialty.
Volk: Fair enough.
Volk was still looking outside the window, he saw two figures approaching the house.
Volk: Is that...?
He looked closer thinking it was Lykos and Fidi, he noticed that they were too tall to be any of the two.
Volk: Wake everyone up, we have company.
Sobaka turned off the stove and ran to the rooms to wake everyone up. Volk went out through the front door and confronted the two figures.
Volk: I'm guessing Hel sent you.
?: Why yes, we're here to finish the job.
Alepou and Okami came out of the front door. Alepou recognized both of them immediately.
Alepou: Dad?!
Okami: That's Liontari?
Alepou: Yeah...and that's Arkouda. The last Protectors of Freedom...
Arkouda: That's a name I haven't heard in a while...
Skylos, Kitsune, and Sobaka came out of the front door.
Liontari: We don't go by that name anymore, especially after being saved by Lady Hel.
Volk: Are you really going to kill your own daughter just for some crazy goddess?
Liontari: It all depends on what you choose to do.
Volk summoned his X-02.
Volk: Whatever you're going to do, stop. You're not getting away with anything.
Volk stomped the ground creating a shockwave, Liontari, and Arkouda were not affected. The two summoned their Telums and clashed their weapons together and created a more powerful shockwave that knocked down the whole group except Volk. 228Please respect copyright.PENANA5fi8kdYSTW
Skylos immediately stood up and sent 2 clones towards the 2. Liontari split his Telum, which was a sword, into a fan of knives, he threw them at Sobaka and Skylos. Arkouda used his Telum, which was a katana, and took out the clones with a dash forward. Volk ran forward with his shield and clashed weapons with Arkouda.
Okami ran forward and went to attack Liontari with his Star Diamond, Liontari immediately called his knives back and turned them back into the sword to block the hit. Alepou stood back not being able to do anything, she didn't want to fight her father. She moved back and got closer to the house.228Please respect copyright.PENANAJGTArRyECy
Volk tried moving Arkouda back but Arkouda was too strong and Volk couldn't move him. Sobaka used his electricity to hit Arkouda and help Volk out. Liontari kicked Okami onto the floor, Skylos sent out two clones to try and stop Liontari from moving forward. Arkouda looked around and signaled Liontari to move back for a second.
Arkouda: It seems like you're missing two of your friends...
Liontari: Where's your father Sky? Did he run away?228Please respect copyright.PENANA2f4wMoyyUr
Skylos looked annoyed.
Liontari: Doesn't matter, he was always the weakest in the group.
Skylos ran forwards with 2 clones, he grabbed Volk's sledgehammer and started attacking Liontari. Volk ran forwards to try and stop him, Liontari and Arkouda both went to strike him with their Telums. Alepou bubbled Skylos, but the two broke the bubble and struck Skylos down, Arkouda cut his left arm off and Liontari impaled his chest with the sword. Kitsune shot fire at the two while Volk and Okami rushed in to fight them. 228Please respect copyright.PENANA1D8BDUGj9J
Alepou ran over to Skylos, she kneeled down next to him. Skylos let out one last breath as he looked back, smiling at Alepou. She looked up at the fight with tears in her eyes, she stood up and started walking over to Liontari. Volk looked back at her and saw her approaching, once she was next to him, he grabbed her arm to stop her.
Volk: Stop! Are you crazy?!
Alepou bubbled her arm to make Volk let her go.
Alepou: I'm gonna stop him, I have nothing else to lose!
She had the sledgehammer that Skylos had grabbed, she ran forward and went to strike Liontari. Volk threw his shield at Liontari to try and help Alepou, the shield hit Liontari's chest and Alepou went to hit him in the stomach. Arkouda threw the fan of knives at Alepou, but she bubbled herself and deflected them. She then let go of the bubble and kicked Liontari, he grabbed her foot and threw her to the side. Arkouda recalled his knives and threw them at her again. 228Please respect copyright.PENANA4QiVTyFIH5
Okami got in the way and used his Star Diamond to deflect the knives, all while Volk recalled the sledgehammer to his hand so Alepou was forced to stay back and not fight. Alepou stood up and walked towards Liontari either way, she bubbled her hand. Okami resonated with his Telum and ran quickly over to Arkouda and sliced through him, turns out Arkouda had moved back and left an afterimage of himself. He then rushed Okami but Alepou had bubbled him, she kept walking over to Liontari. 228Please respect copyright.PENANAn6yyUJm1gx
Kitsune ran behind Alepou and grabbed her arm to try and stop her. Sobaka was still assisting Volk with his lightning. Alepou pushed Kitsune away and kept walking forward, Okami went to hit Arkouda again but the two clashed weapons multiple times. Arkouda managed to kick Okami back by 5 meters, he threw the knives at Alepou again, she bubbled herself and finally arrived in front of Liontari. Volk couldn't throw his Telum to help Alepou because he could accidentally hit her. Liontari struck Alepou's bubble to try and break it. 228Please respect copyright.PENANAi7K8iuh1Ol
Sobaka made lightning strike Liontari and Alepou lowered the bubble around her and punched Liontari in the stomach with the bubble around her hand. He flinched and moved back, Arkouda threw the sword at Alepou this time. Alepou tried to bubble herself, but the sword went through the bubble and her. She didn't flinch and let the bubble down, she pulled the sword out of her chest and went to pierce Liontari's stomach with it. 228Please respect copyright.PENANAQG3WrYyK9C
She barely got the sword through him and fell forward. Volk noticing what was happening grabbed his head and thought "Not again..." when the voice from before responded to him "You can rest for a while." Volk's hair turned blonde and his eyes red, he grabbed the sledgehammer and ran forward at the two. Kitsune ran over to Alepou to see her expressionless face as she was bleeding out. 228Please respect copyright.PENANAJZpKdn1CeO
She didn't know what to do, Arkouda recalled the sword and threw it at Kitsune to which Okami ran in front of and blocked. Volk threw the shield forward and Liontari blocked it, he saw that Volk was already in front of him. Volk cracked open Liontari's head with the sledgehammer, he then ran over to Arkouda and Okami followed. The two of them resonated with their Telums once again and went to strike Arkouda, he blocked the first two hits and made an afterimage as he jumped up. 228Please respect copyright.PENANA1Pkc2o9cU1
Volk didn't fall for it and threw his shield up at him, it hit his stomach. Okami stretched up and cut Arkouda in half, his body fell down and disappeared. They looked back and saw that Alepou and Skylos's body had disappeared as well. They saw their orbs on the ground and grabbed them.
Okami: Kit...use this one, Volk.... you use the other one. We'll spare no mercy, not to anyone!
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