Sobaka: So how's it been like for you after...well...the mess?
Aster: It's been...quiet, nothing to do, no place to go...just staying here waiting for death to claim me.
Volk: You don't plan on escaping?
Aster: There's nothing else for me out there, that's why I had come to Russia.
Inu: I felt like you weren't from here.
Aster: I'm name is Aster Yakudatsu, my mother and younger brother died when I was young. My dad was head of a mafia and had decided to leave me with my grandparents, throughout the years...they all passed away. When I was old enough I decided to travel here since I always wanted to visit Russia. All this happened, and now I'm stuck here with only my thoughts.
Inu thought to himself for a second "Yakudatsu...why does that sound so familiar...?" He took a moment to think, he then remembered an incident that had happened with Okami. He remembered the day, he ran towards Okami who was carrying a gun, shaking.
Inu: Right...
Sobaka: Listen, I won't try to change your mind, but I'll leave you with this. You still have a whole life ahead of you, there are more places to visit.
Aster: Yeah...I'm just comfortable here. Leaving one's comfort zone is hard.
Sobaka: Right, but it's not impossible.
Aster: True. Enough about me, what about the long story you mentioned?
Sobaka: Well basically...
Sobaka explained everything the group had talked about when they met. He explained how the others managed to get to Russian to his best ability. Inu explained his side of the story and how they appeared out of nowhere.
Aster: Really now...if anything it seems like the power of a Telum user I happen to have met around here one day.
Inu: And who would that be?
Aster: He's an older guy called Fidi, he says he came from Greece after a monstra attack wiped his team.
Volk: From Greece you say?
Aster: Yep.
Sobaka: We could ask Lykos and the other two to see if they know a guy by that name.
Volk: He could just be anyone in Greece, how would they know?
Sobaka: There's always a chance.
Volk: This dumbass.
Aster: I mean, he did say he was a part of a group of heroes.
Sobaka: See what I mean, I'm sure the three of them can tell us something.
Volk: Hmph.
Inu: Anyway...yeah.
Sobaka: Hey Aster, do you by any chance have any new information on what caused this whole mess in Russia?
Aster: Well judging by what happened and all the snow and ice...I'd say Hel had something to do with all this. I can't prove she did have something to do, but it seems likely. The reason why is another question that I don't know the answer to.
Volk: Hel? Ruler of Helheim, Hel?
Aster: That's the one.
Sobaka: Man, she's a whole grain bitch.
Volk: For once, I agree.
Aster: Same here.
Sobaka: Should we go get the kids to tell us about this Fidi guy?
Volk: I'm still not convinced they're gonna know something.
Inu: They should rest but...this feels important.
He stood up and left the house, he looked around to see which was the house they had gone into. He saw the little house with a light on and decided to go there. He knocked on the door and Skylos opened it.
Skylos: Oh, hey Inu.
Inu: Uhh, where are the other two.
Skylos: In the bedroom, they told me to wait outside for a few.
Inu: Umm, we need you three for something.
Skylos: Oh, I'll go get them. I just hope they aren't doing anything...bad.
Inu: Right...
Skylos: Alright, wait there, I'll be back with them.
Skylos walked down a hallway and went right into another. He knocked on a door and called out Lykos and Alepou's name. He heard no response and decided to walk in, he gently opened the door. He saw the two of them asleep face to face while holding hands. 243Please respect copyright.PENANAPa0OhXAQ14
He went over to them and shook them gently to wake them up. The two woke up, they took a second to notice how they were, and once they realized, they let go of each other immediately, Lykos and Alepou's faces were red.
Skylos: Uhh, the guys need us.
Lykos: Ah...ahem...alright, we'll go there
Alepou: Ahh, right.
They walked out of the room and left Skylos in there.
Skylos: Alright then.
From the distance Skylos heard Inu ask "You two okay? Your faces are red." followed by a "SHUT UP." from both Lykos and Alepou.
Skylos: Bruh.
Skylos left the room and joined them, they walked over to Aster's house.
Inu: Alright, here they are.
Sobaka: You three. Do you know anyone by the name Fidi?
Skylos: You
Sobaka: YOU SEE THAT VOLK! IN YOUR STUPID FUCKING FACE.....wait...why'd you say it like that Sky?
Skylos: Well he went missing years ago when Amnea fell.
Lykos: Right along with our parents as well. The Protectors of Freedom fell and so did Amnea.
Sobaka: Oh.
Volk punched Sobaka's arm.
Sobaka: deserved.
Aster: When did you say he disappeared?
Alepou: Years ago at this point.
Aster: Well I ran into a man by that name, he was blonde and had cyan eyes. Kinda like you Skylos.
Skylos: How long ago was that?
Aster: Umm...three days ago, I spotted him heading east.
Volk: Why's he heading closer to ground zero?
Aster: No clue, he said he had a fight to finish.
Skylos: I don't think we can reach him now...right?
Volk: There's still a chance but heading east is dangerous.
Skylos: I mean...I won't put the group in danger just cause of this...
Inu, Sobaka, and Volk looked at each other and nodded in agreement.
Sobaka: We can make it. After all, that's why our Telums exist, to protect each other.
Lykos: Right...
Alepou: I just hope it doesn't take long to find him.
Volk: So we got a plan?
The 7 of them stayed in Aster's house for a while longer talking about their lives, once it got late, they said their good nights and headed off to their respective houses. Lykos stayed in the living room for a while and looked up at the ceiling while reflecting on everything that has happened. He started hearing that voice in his head again. "It's almost time for me to come out" said the voice as Lykos looked mad.
Lykos: Shut up for a while, would you?
He stood up from the couch and passed a mirror on his way to the bedroom. His reflection was different from him, it had black hair and white eyes, his beanie was different, he had no glasses and there was a scar on his neck. Lykos noticed this once he had passed the mirror, and he went back to see it, but his reflection was normal.
Lykos: Argos...? You've never worn orange before...
He pondered what he had seen, but he quickly shook his head and headed to the bedroom to catch some sleep for the day.
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