Days later, the group had walked out of a town. They all seemed very tired, yet they kept pushing forward. They wanted to see this journey to its end...260Please respect copyright.PENANA64pEy3Mtne
Volk: We're getting near to ground zero of this mess.
Sobaka: How are we supposed to handle this? We lost everyone trying to get here.
The four of them saw a building in the distance.
Okami: Is that a fucking castle?
Kitsune: That's a fucking castle.
Volk: Holy shit.
Sobaka: We can mark up 'suspected' ground zero to 'confirmed' now cause if that doesn't say 'Important Base' then I don't know what does.
Volk: Let's move ahead and not waste time.
Volk started walking forward as Okami suddenly grabbed his arm.
Okami: You're really not gonna get revenge for everything?
Volk: What choice do we have? We can't fight a goddess by ourselves.
Kitsune: Yeah, we should lay down. We'll only fight if necessary.
The four of them looked towards the castle covered in snow and ice.
Volk: Anything you all want to say before we go in?
Kitsune: Let's stay positive, we'll make it out of here.
Okami: Yeah, after all this is done, let's all hang out once we leave Russia.
Volk: First I'll have to find a place to live, but yeah. Let's all stay in contact, this journey was painful, but I'm glad I met you all.
Sobaka: Yeah, we'll all live in the memory of all those who fell.
The four of them nodded and started walking forward, they reach the entrance and notice it was open. They walked inside and looked around the dark area.
Okami: I can't see shit.
Kitsune lit a flame in her hand, she looked around at the walls and saw a torch. She grabbed it and lit it up. She handed the torch to Volk and saw another one, she lit it up and gave it to Okami.
Okami: That's better, thanks, hun.
Kitsune smiled and lit another flame in her hand. They kept walking forward and still saw no one inside.
Volk: What the hell is with this silence? I thought we'd find someone or something by now.
The group heard some footsteps from up ahead, they all looked at where the footsteps came from. They heard a voice say "Volk?"
Okami: What the...?
The voice spoke again and said "Okami? Is that you guys?"
Kitsune: That doesn't sound like what I thought Hel would sound like.
Sobaka: No...that voice is familiar.
Volk and Okami looked at each other.
Volk and Okami: It's Ly!
The two of them ran forward while Kitsune and Sobaka tried grabbing them to stop them.
Kitsune: WAIT! What if it's a trap?!
Sobaka: You should know not to run in like that Volk.
Okami and Volk stopped and looked back at the two. At the end of the hallway a figure appeared, he resembled Lykos. Kitsune and Sobaka noticed it and started walking towards Volk and Okami.
Okami and Volk noticed the figure.
Volk: Ly? Is that really you?
The figure started walking towards them, Volk pulled out his Telum.
Volk: Stop right there. Answer the question first.
Lykos: Yes! It's me! Lykos Astraea!
Volk: Hmm...tell us something only Lykos would know.
Lykos: Okami can be a cunt sometimes.
Okami: Hey!
Kitsune: Everyone knows that.
Okami: HEY!
Lykos: told us about a girl named Lisa who was taken from you when Hel attacked Russia.
Volk: Alright, get over here.
Lykos started walking towards the group when he noticed it was only 4 of them.
Volk: What the hell happened? Why are you here? Where's Fidi? Why is your hair black again?
Lykos: No, wait. Where's Ale and Sky?
Volk and Okami looked at each other and didn't know what to say. Lykos noticed this and moved back.
Volk: Listen, they're back at the house we found. Let's all regroup first.
Lykos: Oh, alright then.
The group started walking back, Lykos, Kitsune, and Sobaka were walking in front of Volk and Okami. Okami started whispering to Volk.
Okami: What in helheim's name was that?
Volk: We need to talk to him about this calmly.
Okami: I know that but...lying to him?!
Volk: It is the only way.
Okami: Is it? Did you see the future for this?
Volk: Yes...the outcomes are not good, only one of them works.
Okami: And how many did you see to get to that one?
Volk: 115 futures sir.
Okami: What the hell?!
Volk: It was not fun.
Lykos: You two okay?
They looked at him.
Okami and Volk: Yeah.
Lykos: You sure?
Volk: Yeah, we're just planning to see what we'll do after this. Actually Kit has to talk to Okami real quick to see what they'll do.
Volk walked next to Sobaka and Lykos, Kitsune went behind them with Okami, and they started whispering.
Kitsune: What's the plan?!
Okami: He'll need to be calm or else we die, apparently.
Kitsune: What?!
Okami: That's what Volk is insinuating.
Kitsune: Why would he...
Okami: I don't know, he just wanted to clear you up on the plan in case anything happens.
Kitsune: Alright then...just know that I'll be here if you need anything.
Okami: Yeah, I'll be here for you forever, Kit.
The two kissed and walked next to the others while holding hands.
Lykos: So how's everything been?
Volk: The fight was a pain but y'know, still here... What happened in that place?
Lykos: Well...
He started explaining how when he was conscious again, he saw Fidi get impaled by someone's Telum. After that he woke up on a throne with no one next to him, he didn't know what happened, and he just stood up and walked around the place. He was extremely confused but didn't know what to do but look for a way out.
Lykos: That's when I found you all.
Volk: What the fuck?
Okami: You slept for more than a day?!
Lykos: Maybe...
Volk: What about Argos?
Lykos: Well...he could've been the one in front but...I would've noticed. He's been awfully quiet for a while though.
Volk: wouldn't happen to know anyone by the name 'Stella', right?
Lykos looked at Volk annoyed.
Lykos: My deadbeat father's last name.
Volk: Ah, understandable.
Lykos: Why do you ask?
Volk: Just testing a theory.
Lykos: Alright? How are Ale and Sky?
Volk: They're fine, just tired and sad about you leaving. We left them...sleeping, they needed some rest.
Lykos: Alright then, I don't know what I'd do if something had happened to them.
Okami: Haha...I know that feeling.
The group reached the house they were last in after a while more of walking. As Lykos went up ahead to open the door, Volk grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.
Volk: Listen, there's something we gotta talk about before you enter the house.
Lykos: Volk, you really think I'm that dumb?
Lykos' eyes turned white, and he took off his glasses and threw them on the ground.
Sobaka: Huh?
Argos: You noticed the black hair and didn't question it further.
Volk: Fuck. What about Ly? Is he fine?
Argos: That's the least of your concerns.
Okami: What about Fidi?
Argos: He's been killed by Hel's assistants. They're also dead along with Hel herself.
Okami: You killed a Goddess?!
Argos started getting annoyed. His clothes seemed to change again, just like when he switched personalities. This time, instead of the green in the hoodie getting darker, it was replaced by orange.
Argos: Honestly that's child's play when you have her powers...
He pulled out Crescent Moon, the group backed up a bit. He gave an ominous smile and started walking towards them.
Argos: Speaking of power, how about you share some with me?
Argos snapped his fingers, the snow stopped falling. Okami looked around, seeing no one else move.
Okami: What the hell are you doing?!
Argos: I've always hated you the most, you got us in trouble for no reason.
Argos pointed a finger at Okami, icicles started falling from the sky. Okami summoned his Star Diamond and moved back.
Okami: Stop! We've done nothing to you.
Argos suddenly teleported behind Okami and kicked him onto the floor.
Argos: Well, too bad for you.
He struck Okami down, his body started to disappear. In the spot where Okami was, a red light started floating up, Argos grabbed it and infused it in his body.
Argos: This time around things seem different.
A star appeared under Argos' left eye, he then snapped his finger and everything began to move. The group looked at him and noticed that Okami was gone.
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