I feel...so...bad...that i suddenly dissapeared on you guys...like no joke. I completely frgt bout every writting platform..and i...have been gone for...about a year now?...With no update...no explanation...not even a peep...and...i feel so f-in bad about it...I cant...even explain...like...i hve no excuse for why i dissapeared...it just...felt right to...just dissapear for a while. No i am not depressed or anythin like tht, just...idk why XD.
I know i left while everyone was hoping for an update...i know i left everyone when they were just getting so into this story...but i have many things coming to make it up to u.
I just...ah..i feel so freakin bad even saying sorry 100 times isnt enough...I have a new story lined up...and MANY updates to this story especially as a sign of my forgiveness. Look forward to a new story on my page in a few mins. Ill have a VERY VERY long winded prolougue lined up for this new story as a sorry, and im still workin on a cover for it so itll be in like 30 mins-1 hour for tht new story. as for this story, an update will come hopefully before i go to bed tonight, or sometime tmw afternoon. I will work very hard, and ENDLESSLY, to make up for everything i made u guys go through, and how long u had to wait