We arrived at the toy store, and i helped my sister out the car. "Ahh! Sissy look at that one in the window, i want it!" I looked toward the window as i held my little sister in my arms. My expression went wide at the price tag, and i laughed. "No way, that giant bear is to expensive. Lucas won't spend that much money on it." "I know a friend who works here, he gave me a bunch of coupons so anything not too expensive should be fine."
We walked into the store, and i put down Luna and held her hand. "I can't let you wander off okay?" "otay." Her eyes were bright at everything before her. "Okay, let's find you a bear." I looked at her and she looked at me with a bright look. As we walked around, her attention went to alot of things. And i just followed her , it's like she was dragging me around. "Hey sissy, look at that one! It looks like a bigger version of Mr. cuddle bear, and pink too!" GAHHHH PINK! I hate the color pink. Pulling her grip free, she ran down the isle. "Hey, Luna! W-wait, you can't go off on your own!" I began to run after her as she got farther and farther. "Luna, Luna! Luna, wait! LUNA!"
She got farther into the crowd to the point i could barely see her, and many people got in my way every step i took. "Luna! Luna, come back!" Pushing my way through as much as i could, her figure eventually dissipated. This was getting serious, How could i be so reckless?! "Luna...Luna!" Looking through the crowd, i was turning every way looking for her. "Luna, where are you?!" I looked around, she was nowhere to be found. I ran back down the crowd and around the store, then i ran down to the front of the store. When i saw Lucas from afar, i stopped and yelled his name. "Lucas!" He turned around to look at me and i ran up to him and was catching my breath. "L-Luna...Luna is gone! My sister is gone and i can't find her anywhere!" "What? Where did you last have her?" "Toward...the back. I can't loose her, she is my little sister!"
We ran around the store looking for Luna, and calling out her name almost to the point where our throats were dry. Then, a voice came over the intercom. "Um, excuse me everyone, we have a young girl by the name Luna looking for her older sister and her, um, boyfriend?" Boyfriend? We looked at each other with looks, then ran toward the front. When we got their, Luna was standing their with a man. "Luna! Oh my god!" I ran ahead of Lucas, and went toward Luna and lunged down and hugged her. "Luna...don't scare me like that do you hear me? Your the only thing keeping me here."
Looking at Luna , i hugged her once more and picked her up holding her in my arms. "Glad your okay, Luna." Lucas said with a gentle smile on his face. I had just let him see my weak side once more, i had been weak in front of him once more."i'm okay sissy, i found some bears i want." I looked down at the desk and she had like one big bear and three tiny bears. "Luna, we can't get all that. Lucas is paying, remember?" "It's okay, i have plenty of coupons." I looked at him, and he gave a smile. Sighing i agreed to it.
When we got back in the car, it was already getting late. "Okay Lil sis of mine, time to get you home. It's getting late, so Lucas needs to go home as well." "Awwwww, do we have to?!" "You have school tomorrow Luna, and i have to make dinner and get you ready for bed. And then get myself ready for bed, so yes we do." "Otay sissy..." "I'm in no rush to go home, no one is home after all." "What 'bout your dad?" "Been away for a while." "Mom?" "Dead." I regretted asking that question, but why should i feel sorry for him?
"Okay young one, go upstairs and put your stuff in your room and get ready to take a bath. Lucas, just..." I couldn't think of a way to get rid of him. "ugh...come inside for dinner." I was defeated, and i didn't like it. He smiled viciously at me, and walked inside with Luna. Jeez, he was so hard to wipe off my shoulder. He was just a nuisance, i couldn't get rid of him easily. Walking inside, i caught Luna halfway. "Luna, wait. i'm going to take a shower first, go hang out in your room." "Otay!" She smiled and ran upstairs to her room. Going upstairs, i walked to my room to grab my clothes and slippers for my bath. When i walked out my room, i saw Lucas standing before me.
"What you doing?" Lucas gave me a look, and i ignored him trying to walk past him. "Don't make me ask again." Pulling on my hair slightly, he pulled me back slightly and blocked the way. "Tch, i'm going to take a shower, idiot."
When i got out of the shower i went downstairs to make dinner, i looked around and began to think about what i should make for dinner. I tapped my chin for what seemed like minutes, and then i just got out a big can of soup and put in a pot. Placing it on the stove, i looked at it and thought something was missing. I simply chopped up some ingredients and threw it in the pot of soup and turned on the stove. It's a quick and simple dinner, but it has my own touch to it. I walked upstairs, leaving it on the stove. I knocked on my little sisters door, i could hear laughter from inside. When the door opened, i saw Lucas holding Luna.
"Dinner is being prepared, so go take a bath young Missy." I grabbed Luna slightly and placed her on the ground. "okie"
After what seemed like such a short evening, everything basically came to a stop. After going around with Katherine, seeing her freak out when she lost her sister, and hanging out with her at her home; she was not so bad. Perhaps she let her guard down, but she didn't have her hard shell like usual. I sat in her living room reviewing some of the project, her house was fairly large now that i think about it. But, then i realized she hadn't come downstairs in over thirty minutes. I walked upstairs to check on her, last time i remember she was putting her sister to bed.
Opening her sisters door slightly, i peeked my head in. And there she was, cradling her sister in her arms, she and her sister were asleep on top Luna's bed. Walking toward them, i smiled at her peaceful face. And this was such a warm scene, i shouldn't bother them. I turned around to walk out the room, and something grabbed the edge of my shirt. Turning my head, i saw luna looking at me.
"Thank you, mister." She said slightly as i blinked a couple times. "Thank..you?" "Yesh, thank you for changing big sister." "What do you mean?" We talked in slight voices careful not to wake up Katherine. "Before she meet you, she would never have been so open to me. Not since He died, and now, big sis hangs out with me more. And she wasn't shut up in her room like she usually is. Today was the first time i had fun with big sis since the incident, thank chu."
I looked at Katherine for a second, and then back at Luna who was asleep once again. I was shocked for a second, i didn't think i changed her that much. I thought she was always this nice to her little sister, but i was wrong.