For the next several weeks it became Tawny and Dylan’s ritual to go to the library. After class, they both made their way to Westminster Hall (separately, of course - so as not to cause a scandal).
Linda got used to the duo coming so much, she even bent the “No Food and Drink” rule, occasionally providing Dylan and Tawny with snacks and Earl Grey tea.
As they went through the material, preparing it for the presentation, Tawny noticed Dylan was becoming progressively comfortable. It wasn’t long before he abandoned the index cards entirely and recited his segments with aplomb and authority.
When the day finally came, the project went off without a hitch. They even had something akin to witty banter, and Dylan’s natural charm earned him some genuine chuckles from their classmates.
“In conclusion,” Tawny said, wrapping up the presentation. “Mark Twain may not have been part of English Literature, but he was part of literature as a whole. He was a chameleon, transcending barriers to be one of the truly prolific minds within history. Our past never looked so prescient through his timeless words. Thank you.”
The class applauded enthusiastically, with Dylan’s best friend being the most vocal supporter. “Way to go, Dil!” he yelled.
“Indeed - quite the spirited presentation from both of you - well done,” said Professor McCurdy. “Yes, a question?”
Violet St. Regis-Wright had her hand up; Tawny held her breath. Violet stood up. “This question is for Dylan. I have to know...since your project was so well-researched...”
“Thank you,” chimed in Dylan.
“Was it difficult to get into character? Putting yourself in the mind of a pauper? I imagine it must come so easily for your partner. Tell me - did she have to give you poverty training?”
A few of the students snickered. Violet sat back down, eyeing Tawny smugly along with Elaine and Elizabeth, the rest of the Evil Elite.
Tawny felt her cheeks burning from embarrassment, she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.
“Excuse me,” said Dylan. “But the point is not about the lived-in experience of poverty. It’s about the human condition. About compassion and integrity and avoiding excess. I wouldn’t be so quick to judge. Especially since the only English Lit you knew prior to this class involved wizards flying around on broomsticks.”
The class oohed and laughed at the witty retort while Violet looked aghast.
“Okay, class, okay - settle down,” said Professor McCurdy. “Dylan, Tawny. Your presentation, as unconventional as it may have been, was incredibly enlightening. Well done.”
Tawny beamed. At that moment the bell rang.
“We’ll conclude with the rest of the presentations next class,” said McCurdy. As everyone filed out of the classroom, Tawny decided to stop Dylan in the hallway.
“Hey,” she said. “Thank you back there. For backing me up.”
“Yeah, well...Violet’s got a big mouth sometimes...” said Dylan. “If anything, I should be thanking you. I never thought I’d set foot in a library again...but I think it really helped me focus on the project. I would have never gotten any work done if Grady was my partner. I hate to admit it, but we make a good team.”
Tawny nudged Dylan’s arm playfully. “Why is that so hard to admit? Is it really that inconceivable that a prince and a pauper could work together?”
Dylan smiled. “Okay. I see what you did there.”
“Excuse me,” came a voice behind us. It was Elaine, staggered by her posse.
“What’s up, Elaine?” asked Dylan.
“Me and the girls are throwing a party this weekend,” said Elaine, regarding Tawny coolly, but saying nothing to her. “I need to borrow about 5 or 6 of your maids.”
“You know, there are catering services for that,” quipped Dylan.
Elaine shrugged. “Not as fun. It’s better when you know the help by name. Walk with me.”
Elaine walked off and Dylan followed close behind. Before Tawny could take two steps, Violet and Elizabeth surrounded her.
“Let me say this in terms someone like you will understand,” said Elizabeth. “Elaine has marked her territory....okay? Sniff around somewhere else.”
“It’s for your own good,” said Violet. “Bad things come to those who cross Elaine. We’re just looking out for your best interests, Tawdry. Ta-ta...”
The two girls walked past by Tawny before she could say another word. Elaine and Dylan were already out of sight.
Tawny hated to admit it to herself, but she actually felt disappointed she couldn’t continue her conversation with Dylan. Over the span of several weeks, they had reached something that could almost be called a good rapport.
She didn’t see him as a pompous jerk, and he actually...saw her as a person. As something other than the poor scholarship transfer student.
Tawny walked outside alone. There was a large group of students gathered around a tall oak tree. One of the female students was looking upward frantically.
“Baxter!” cried the student. “Baxter, don’t worry - I’ll get you down, honey.”
Tawny looked up; there, high in the branches of the oak tree, sat an excessively fluffy white kitten, mewing sadly.
“Can someone please help him?” said the female student.
Another student scoffed. “You kidding? I ain’t climbing up there...”
As several students rebuff her pleas, Tawny felt a presence behind her. Sure enough, when she looked over her shoulder, there was Professor McCurdy, looking engrossed in the unfolding situation.
“That’s quite the quandry, isn’t it?” he said.
“Yeah...” she said. Then, Professor McCurdy handed Tawny his leather messenger bag. She was confused, but before she could ask him why, he began to take off his blazer and unbutton his white collared shirt.
Now he was just wearing a white sleeveless undershirt. He handed those to Tawny as well and sprinted for the oak tree, using the momentum to leap for the lowest hanging branch. He then began to deftly climb the tree, as the growing crowd looked on in amazement.
As he approached the mewing kitten, McCurdy deftly scooped the creature into his arms, cradling Baxter securely between his rippling muscles.
He leapt to ground below, and handed that cat to the awestruck student. “Here you are. Cheers.”
“Thank you, Professor McCurdy,” said the student, nuzzling the kitten to her face.
Tawny, however, was mesmerized. She watched eagerly as a now sweaty Professor Mccurdy approached her, the outline of his pecs and six-pack apparent through his undershirt. He held a hand out to her, expectantly, and her heart skipped a beat.
“W-what?” Tawny said.
McCurdy smiled his award-winning grin. “I said, may have my clothes back, please?”
“Oh. Yeah.” Tawny handed the shirt, blazer, and messenger bag back; briefly her hand brushed with her professor’s and she practically exploded inside.
“Exciting day. See you tomorrow?” said McCurdy, walking up the steps back into the school.
Meanwhile, Tawny’s head was spinning. She felt like she was drugged.
She could deny it no longer: she had a MASSIVE crush on her English teacher.