Tawny did NOT have a good night's sleep.
Despite the comfortable accommodations, she awoke in a worse state than when her head had hit the pillow. In fact, all the pillows migrated to the floor during the night, implying that her slumber had been exceptionally fitful.
Nevertheless, Tawny exited the room and made her way to the dining room where a breakfast spread had already been prepared and waiting for her.
The sun was just peeking from the horizon; a sliver of golden sunlight escaped through into the window and gave the dining room an ethereal glow, different from the previous night.
Professor McCurdy was sitting at the table, not yet fully dressed; he was in a white sleeveless undershirt and comfortable-looking flannel pants. As he sat he read the newspaper.
Tawny blushed; though he was wearing clothes, seeing her teacher in such informal, casual wear made it feel like she was observing him naked.
As Tawny approached the table, he took notice of her and set his reading down. "Miss Matthews...good morning."
"Good morning," answered Tawny, sitting across from McCurdy at the table.
"Please, help yourself," said McCurdy. "I trust that you slept alright?"
"Oh yeah...like the dead," lied Tawny, as she spooned some fluffy scrambled eggs onto her plate.
"That's wonderful," said a voice. Tawny turned her head to see Rebecca walking toward the table, wearing a plush royal purple robe that came down to just below her knees. She stood beside her husband, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It must be all the fresh air. Whenever I'm back in my own bed, I have the most amazing dreams."
This kickstarted a latent memory in Tawny's brain. "Actually," Tawny said. "I did have a dream."
"Do tell," said Professor McCurdy, pouring a cup of coffee from the aluminum moka pot on the table.
Tawny looked at her plate struggling to remember. "I was on a boat...a really old, large one that creaked a lot...and on my shoulder there was an angry parrot that kept screeching in my ear, going 'Aah, ahh, ahh!'...not the most relaxing dream, I'm afraid."
She had intentionally left the part out about her friend and mother hanging on for dear life. When Tawny looked up, she was suprised by both of the McCurdy's reactions.
Rebecca gnawed on her pinky finger, and her professor had his eyes determinedly fixed on his coffee, which he sipped in silence.
Both of their faces seemed uncharacteristically red as they avoided eye contact with Tawny.
Tawny was confused. Then she mentally played back what she said in her head...
It was Tawny's turn to become the same shade of red. Everyone had no choice but to embrace the uncomfortable, awkward silence. At last, Professor McCurdy cleared his throat, which Tawny took as her excuse, however feeble.
"I gotta get ready," Tawny said, standing up abruptly. "Thank you for breakfast."
"Yes, quite," responded Professor McCurdy, but Tawny was already high-tailing it to her room.
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The awkward silence persisted, even as Professor McCurdy drove her back to Westinghouse Manor.
She understood on an intellectual level that he and Rebecca were a married couple very much in love. But still, to have their throes of passion invade her dreams, to even CONSIDER her professor in such a compromising position, especially with someone other than herself....
Tawny practically bolted out of the car when they stopped in front of the manor. She didn't know if Professor McCurdy had said goodbye and her thoughts were her much too preoccupied to care.
The only thing that would get her mind off the embarrasment was a solid day's worth of arduous labour.
That's why Tawny was actually relieved to have Madam Fraus barking orders at her and the other Dylantantes.
"This group will be working in the Manor today," barked Fraus. "So I expect you to mind your Ps and Qs and to remember that the Westinghouse word is LAW, no exceptions!"
"Let's go, new girl," Audrey said, as they returned to their chambers to get prepared for the busy day ahead.
Tawny followed, but she regarded the green-haired girl warily. In the past 24 hours, her conviction on who she could trust was dramatically shaken. She liked Audrey, and Professor McCurdy, and even Rebecca! But her interactions with them made her realize they were all keeping her metaphorically at arm's length, withholding something that she felt was crucial.
As Audrey collected her supplies for the day's chores, Tawny found her voice. "Hey," Tawny said.
Mop and bucket in hand, Audrey closed the supply closet and looked at Tawny. "What's up?"
Tawny rubbed her hands together, nervous. "So...what's the deal between you and Professor McCurdy?"
Audrey raised an eyebrow. "My 'deal'?"
"When I spoke to him the other day about you, it seemed like you two had a history."
"A history?" Audrey frowned. "What is this about?"
Finally Tawny could contain herself no longer. "It's just...I get the feeling that you two might have been close at some point and if that's the case then I want to know upfront because the last thing I want to do is replace you and I think I heard them both in bed last night while I was dreaming I don't know but I can't stop obsessing about it because I have such a massive crush on my teacher and--"
"Stop," said Audrey, placing a single digit on Tawny's lip. "Please, for the love of God, stop."
"Sorry," said Tawny. "I've had like 3 hours of sleep last night."
"Uh-huh...that explains a lot," said Audrey. She handed the mop and bucket to Tawny. "Follow me."
After filling the bucket with water, Tawny accompanied Audrey down a long, massive corridor within the Westinghouse residence. Their footstep echoed loudly on the pristine hardwood floor. Tawny mused why any one family would need so much space, how so many people in the world were without shelter, and Dylan and his family lived in such egregious, excessive opulence without so much as a second thought.
When they finally reached the other side of the corridor, Audrey turned around to face Tawny. "Okay, I think we're alone now. You wanted to know about me and McCurdy?"
"Yes," Tawny said, nodding eagerly.
Audrey folded her arms and leaned against the wall. She sighed deeply before finally speaking. "Okay...the thing going on between me and Professor McCurdy is...absolutely nothing."
Tawny was nonplussed. "What?"
Audrey cackled and punched Tawny unexpectedly in the arm. "What the hell did you think I was gonna say? Nah, I've got no beef with your crush. I like the dude. I mean, I don't like-like him like you apparently do, he's not my type."
"I see," said Tawny. She mulled over this new information, and was surprised that she was reminded of Maddie's similar response when she asked about potential dates for the Autumnal Social. "So no bad blood? No history?"
"Absolutely none. McCurdy's good people, even if I was a bit of a shit-disturber in his class. "
"What about his wife?"
"His wife's a bit of a freak," remarked Audrey. "And I mean that in the best possible way. She's eccentric, but I guess that comes with the territory."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, she's loaded. She's like a duchess, or a daughter of a baron or some international oil tycoon or something. Rumour has it she's actually worth more than the entire Westinghouse fortune.
Tawny's jaw dropped at this revelation. "Get out. Why is she even here?"
"The short answer? Love," said Audrey. "She met Professor McCurdy while studying at Oxford. Rumour has it he was a rebel without a cause until they got together. Seems cliche, but she changed him."
"Yeah...well, mostly. I like the guy, but every now and again I see a little of that mean streak shine through...it's kinda hot, I guess, if you're into that kinda thing."
Tawny's mind wandered back to her dream, and to the bizarre morning interaction with the McCurdys. Shit, well so much for trying to keep distracted...
"Okay, Spanish Inquisition, have I answered all of your questions? Are you satisfied now?"
Tawny felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Yes," she said. "Actually, I did have one other question..."
"You want to know why I became a Dylantante," said Audrey.
Tawny's eyes widened. "How did you--?"
"It's a valid question," said Audrey. "After all, I've been doing this longer than most of the girls here at Ivoree Gates. It's gotten to the point where after graduation, I shouldn't even bother with college, I should just become Fraus assistant whip-snapper."
"Something tells me you're not doing this for Dylan's affections..." mused Tawny.
"Hell no," said Audrey. "That little pipsqueak? He's all bluster, but if he ever talked down to me I'd crush his head between my legs like a walnut. I'm here because I crashed a stolen car through Ivoree Gates."
"WHAT?!" Tawny nearly dropped the mop and bucket.
Audrey laughed sheepishly. "Yeah...I hotwired a Porsche someone brought on campus and decided to take a little joyride. Unfortunately for me, I never learned how to drive a stick. I went from zero to 60 to zero in 3.5 seconds. Pure Ferris Bueller moment, complete with fail...you HAVE seen Ferris Bueller at least, haven't you?"
"It's one of my favourite movies," said Tawny.
"Oh, GOOD," said Audrey sounding relieved. "Then you're not TOTALLY hopeless."
"Thanks for answering my questions, Audrey," Tawny said. "I didn't mean to pry..."
"No trouble at all," said Audrey. "Just consider this a little bit of quid pro quo. I tell you everything you want to know. And you get the honour of mopping the largest corridor in Westinghouse Manor."
Tawny regarded the space they occupied with fresh eyes, suddenly realizing the significance of the mop and bucket.
"If you need me, I'll be on my hour-long smoke break," Audrey said, exiting through the door next to them. "Have fun."163Please respect copyright.PENANAUNdaR5q2lS