The Autumnal Social was already in full swing by the time Tawny arrived on the scene.
The event took place in a grand ballroom situated on campus (because OF COURSE Ivoree Gates would have its own ballroom space...).
The theme of the Social was "Royal Elegance" - everyone was decked out in resplendent suits and exquisite ballgowns that skimmed the ground like in Cinderella.
All the guests looked picture-perfect as they sashayed along the dance floor, in sync with each other's steps. For a brief moment, Tawny felt out of her element again...
But then she spotted Maddie waving frantically in the corner. She had saved a table for the two of them; instantly, Tawny felt at ease.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" asked Maddie as Tawny took the seat next to her.
"Yes, and then some..." said Tawny.
"Ooh, how very cryptic..." Maddie teased. "I didn't get the chance to tell you in the dorm, but you look really nice tonight."
"Thank you!" said Tawny. "And I really think that tux ensemble suits you, too."
"Why should the patriarchy get to have all the fun?" quipped Maddie wrily. "Looking good should be an equal opportunity endeavor."
Suddenly there was a wail that cut through the ambiance. Maddie and Tawny turned their heads toward the commotion.
Several feet from their table, Elaine was an inconsolable mess. Violet tried in vain to calm her down, tissues at the ready.
"Calm down, dear," pleaded Violet, dabbing her friend's damp eyes.
"How can I calm down?!" cried Elaine. "Dylan stood me up! ME -- the most beautiful, eligible girl in all of Ivoree Gates!"
"Perhaps he just got caught in traffic?" reasoned Violet.
Elaine slapped Violet's hand away. "I'll make Dylan pay, if it's the last thing I do! No one makes a fool out of Elaine Lannister Milford!"
"Can I get you some punch?" asked Violet.
"Dunk your head in it and drown yourself!" growled Elaine as she stormed off. Ironically, she bumped into someone holding a full cup of punch, and got red liquid all down the front of her silk gown.
"Oh my GOD - why does everything bad always happen to me?!" cried Elaine before running for the exit, her befuddled friend at her heel.
Tawny and Maddie exchanged looks and simply laughed.
"Oh hey," Maddie said, nodding her head in another direction. "There's Professor McCurdy."
"Where?" Tawny scanned the room until she saw him. He was on the other side of the ballroom, casually conversing with another teacher chaperone. Professor McCurdy wore a well-fitting tuxedo that emphasized his trim, chiseled physique and made him look every bit the leading man in an international spy movie.
"Why don't you...go over and say hi?" asked Maddie.
"What? I can't..." said Tawny, turning pink. "Besides, he looks busy..."
"I'd hardly call chatting with our Geography teacher 'busy'. Go on...you know you want to."
Tawny looked over again at McCurdy, who was alone once again. Tawny took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm going to talk to him."
As soon Tawny stood up, however, she felt an energy shift.
There was a sudden hush around the space from teachers and students alike; all eyes turned to the entrance of the ballroom.
I guess Dylan decided to show up after all, thought Tawny.
But it wasn't Dylan.
A tall, statuesque woman with long, brunette wavy hair in a form-fitting purple dress entered the room. Around her neck was a small, emerald green scarf, tied like a bow.
Confidently she strode toward Professor McCurdy, who had his back to her, unaware of her presence.
Gently, gracefully, she placed a hand on his shoulder. When he turned around, his eyes lit up and he broke into a wide grin.
The two embraced passionately for all to see.
Tawny felt like a red-hot poker had been stabbed into her chest. She sat back down slowly, utterly devastated.
"Are you alright? asked Maddie, concerned.
"The ghost is real...." Tawny whispered, stunned.
"Ghost?" Maddie glanced at McCurdy and the woman, then back at Tawny. "That's no ghost. That's Rebecca Mccurdy."
"McCurdy?" Tawny gasped. "So like...brother and sister...?"
"More like husband and wife. Yeah, they're married, and deeply so," said Maddie. "Those two are like the Morticia and Gomez Addams of married couples."
"He's married..." Tawny repeated, still in shock. Desperately, she struggled to recall if she'd ever seen McCurdy with a ring on his finger...
She felt foolish. Utterly foolish.
"Hey," said Maddie, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"I just thought...I don't know what I thought," said Tawny, shaking her head. "It doesn't matter anyway. McCurdy is married to the most gorgeous woman on the planet. I never stood a chance."
"Never say never?" said Maddie, but Tawny wasn't having it. She was looking down at the ground in defeat.
"Hey," said Maddie, this time more seriously. "Look at me. You have nothing to feel bad about. You're a beautiful person, Tawny. Anyone would be lucky to have you."
Tawny lifted her eyes to Maddie and slowly smiled. "Thanks, Maddie. I really needed to hear that."
Maddie extended a hand to Tawny. "May I have this dance?"
Tawny accepted, placing her hand into Maddie's . The two girls then stood up and walked to the dance floor just as an upbeat pop song began to fill the space.
After a bit of moving and shaking with her best friend, Tawny soon forgot about her feelings of inadequacy. She no longer cared if she was enemy #1 on most people's social lists.
She was Tawny Matthews. She earned her scholarship to Ivoree Gates fair and square. And though she had a hot rich boy who antagonized her and a breathtaking teacher who haunted her desires, she wasn't going to let either stand in her way of getting the most out of her experience.
At the end of the dance, Maddie dipped Tawny in a bit of a performative gesture. When Tawny came back up, she was surprised to actually see some of the students clapping and raising their glasses in approval.
"Good job, Tawdry!" said one of the students in the crowd.
Tawny rolled her eyes. She still couldn't claim her name amidst this group of elites.
But Tawny made a vow right then and there that by the end of the school year, EVERYONE would finally know her name.175Please respect copyright.PENANAj8TyYMbArC