Nicks pov
After arguing with Derek about what he was doing to Cameran was hurtful to her. He finally agreed to go apoligise to her. He agreed to do the week swap with the pets for now. We headed in the house and everything was to quite.
"Man I'll be back she is probably upstairs" I say
"Can I follow you?" Derek asks
"Sure, come on" I tell him
We make our way up the stairs and into her bedroom. I heard the water running to she must be in the shower.
"I'm going to pop in and let her know you want to talk so she will hurry" I tell Derek
He nods and I open the bathroom door and peek my head in. What I see in front of me makes me freeze. I rush in and reach into the freezing water to pull her out of the tub.
"DEREK GET IN HERE!!" I scream
He comes running in and stops dead in his tracks. He rushes over to me and helps me pull her out of the tub.
"Call 911 now' I shout at him
He pulls out his phone and calls 911 and then says "They will be here in five"
I start CPR and after two minutes I get her breathing again. I look up at Derek with hatred in my eyes.
"This is all your fucking fault. You can have whatever pet you want and you want to take the pets away from her that she loves the most. If she isn't ok I swear to god I will never speak to you again." I tell him
His eyes widened and I see a tear slip down his cheek. He drops back to his knees and holds her hand. I pick Cameran up and rush her down stairs. I fling open the door and rush her to the ambulance before she can even get out. My guard comes running up to me to give me a hand my I push him out of the way.
"Stay with the pets. I'm going to the hospital with her, Make sure to feed them and lights out at eight tonight. I will call to check in when she is ok." I tell him
"Yes Sir" He says
I step into the ambulance and it takes off to the hospital. After the ten minute drive we arrive at the hospital and they whisk her off to the back. I tried following them but they made me wait in the waiting room. I paced back and forth til a doctor finally came out to talk to me.
"Hello I'm Dr. Reese." He says shaking my hand
"How is she" I ask
"She is going to be perfectly fine. You got to her just in time." The doc says
I sighed in relief and said "Thanks. Can I see her?" I asked
"Sure follow me" The doc said
I followed him a few doors down and I walked in without saying another word to him. I looked up to see Cameran laying in a bed pale as ever. I walked up beside her and grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead. She rolled her head to the side and looked up at me. I mind linked the pack to let them know she was fine.
"Hi buttercup" I said
"hi" She said
"How you feeling?" I asked
"Awful. I'm so sorry" She said with tears rolling down her face
"Oh no baby. You have nothing to be sorry for. Derek wants to speak to you" I told her
"I don't want to see him." She mumbled
"I know love. But I think you should listen to what he has to say" I told her
She nodded and I walked out to the waiting room to get him.
"She said she will see you. But I swear if you stress her out in any way I will rip your head off myself" I tell him
He nods and follows me into her room. He walks over to her and stands beside the bed while I sit beside her.
"Look Cameran I'm really sorry. I will do the week swap with the pets til we can work something out. I really do care about you. I never wanted it to happen this way. I did tell Nick not to tell you cause I wanted you to love me. I see now that he really cares about you and you him. I won't stand in your way anymore. I just want you happy. I really hope we can still be friends. I also found a pet shop and bought it. It is in your name and you can get it up and running when you feel up to it. I will have Ryder, Katue, and Hunter's things sent to your place." Derek said
"Derek I don't care about any of that. I only care about how you treated me. That broke the deal for me right away. I never planned on coming back. Do you want me to deal with Lily or do you? She has to know we aren't going to be living together anymore" She tells him
"I know and I'm sorry. Umm could you tell her? If it came from me she may run away and I don't want that." He said
"Fine I will tell her. But when she starts kicking and screaming not wanting to stay with you then you can explain to her why she can't live with me." She said looking down at her hands. I realized she still had on his ring.
IShe twisted it around my finger. Nick and Derek were both eyeing me. I slid the ring off my finger and held it up to Derek. He took it from me and picked up my other hand and slid it on my finger.
"I bought it for you so it's yours." he said kissing my forhead and walking out.
She looks up at me and just watched me.
"Buttercup you know that if you love him that you don't have to stay with me." He says quietly
She nods and smiles at me. "When can I leave?" she asked
"Right now. The doc said your good to go" He said
She nodded and got up and dressed herself. We walked out to the car and she climbed and buckled up. She rested her head on the window while I drove back to the house. We finally arrived at the house and she got out and walked in the house where the pets jumped on her hugging her. She didn't make the arrempt to hug them back. Once they were done she walked pass them and straight to her room closing the door behind her.
"What is wrong with miss?" Drew asked
"She just doesn't feel well. Why don't you guys find one thing a peice to do for her that is something you can think of. Katie may need help so someone help her. Then we can all cook her lunch." I told them
They all nodded and ran away excited to do something for her. I walked to her room and poked my head in. She wasn't in her room and then I heard the water running. I froze where I was and then ran to the bathroom throwing the door open.
"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed
"What the hell does it lood like? I'm taking a bath dumbass" She yelled at me
I sighed and walked over to her sitting on the side of her huge tub. I stroked the side of her cheek and she sighed. She finally looked up at me with teary eyes.
"I'm sorry" She whispered
"Shh baby it's ok. Just promise me you won't do anything like that again" I said
"Promise" She says
"Lean back and relax. I'm going to lay something on the bed and I want you to put that on and then meet my downstairs in a hour. I'm taking you somewhere." I told her and then kissed her forehead.
I walked into the bedroom and layed a goregous purple dress on the bed with some heels to match. I walked into Drew's room to see him strumming his guitar I taught him to play.
"Hey. What did you decide to do?" I asked him
"I'm going to sing her a song." He said
"That's great sweetie." I said patting his head
"Master ummm.. can we,, I mean If you want to.. umm" he stuttered out
"Spit it out" I said
"Can we play?" he asked bowing his head
I chuckled "Sure we can after we get back from the pack house. Speaking of you need to start getting ready. Meet downstairs in twenty minutes" I said walking out
I walk down the hall into Kris' room to find her sitting on the bed.
"Hey. DId you think of something to do for Cameran?" I asked
"Yes but I needed to talk to you. Can you take a picture of Cameran and get it to me by this afternoon. It's kind of a surprise for both of you. I have something that I can do but I don't want to tell you just yet." Kris said
"Sure" I tell her
"One more thing SIr. If it is possible can someone take me to get the things I need to do this. It shouldn't cost no more then forty dollars. I know we weren't suppose to spend money but I'm going to make it by hand." She asked nervously
"Sweetie don't be nervous. I knew you guys would need thing to make something. And I can have the guard take you like right now but you have to be back in thirty minutes so we can get ready to leave" I tell her
She squeals and hugs me and then steps back and drops her head.
"I'm so sorry sit. I didn't mean to" She said
I put my finger under her chin and then opened my arms to her. She jumped into them and hugged me tightly. She sniffled and I looked at her.
"What's wrong?" i asked
"the last time I was hugged I was taken away from my parents." She mumbled
'Sweetie it's ok." I said still hugging her
"Ok I'll ring the guard go wait at the front door." I tell her
She nods and runs down. I make my way to Hunters room and walk in.
"What have you decided to do?" I asked
"I'm not sure. I don't know what she likes" He said sadly
"hmm U don'r know." I said
"I got it. Do you have a camera I can barrow?" Hunter asked
"Sure. I can get it to you in ten minutes. Oh get ready we are leaving in a hour. Meet me downstairs in thirty." I tell him
He nods and I make my way to Katie's room. I walked in and found her in the corner crying. I walked up to her and sat down beside her.
"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked
"I stupid. I no come up with nuffing" She said
"Baby your aren't stupid. I will help you" I said
"Rweally" She said
I nodded and said "What do you want to do?" I asked her
" I not know." She said hanging her head
"I know what we can do. Do you want to help me? It can be with both of us" I said
She nodded and jumped on me to hug me.
'Ok squirt let's get you dressed." I said
I walked over to her closet and pulled out a purple dress and some leggings and black flats. I walked back over to her and pulled her shirt of her head and then pulled her pants down.
"NOOOOO!" She screamed
"Woah sweetie it's ok. I'm to put these on you. I wouldn't hurt you I promise" I told her
She nodded. "I sowwy" She told me
I nodded and pulled on her dress and leggings. I picked up her collar and strapped it around her neck. I picked her up and carried her downstairs where Drew and Hunter were waiting on me. Ryder was still on punishment by Cameran so he was in a cage. He wouldn't be going with us tonight. About twenty minutes later Cameran came walking down the stairs. She looked stunning.
"Ok Drew and Hunter put your collars on." I said just as Kris ran in the house. She ran up stairs with her bags and came back five minutes later wearing a purple dress to match Katie and Cameran.
"Where are we going?" Cameran asked
"You will see. Ok everyone clip on your leashs and let's go. We are running late." I told them
I grabbed Drew and Kris and Cameran grabbed Hunter and Katie. Cameran Lifted Katie into her carseat and buckled her in. We drove thirty minutes to the pack house. I mind linked everyone and told them to get to the back yard. We finally arrived and we got the pets out and walked to the back yard. I walked straight on the stage.
"Hey everyone. I asked all of you here to meet your new Luna!" I said
Everyone started cheering and clapping.
"Cameran come here." I said
She walked over to me and I wrapped a arm around her waist.
"This is Cameran your new Luna. Show her respect or you will deal with me" i said
We heard "yes alpha" all around
"Alright everyone enjoy the party but there is one thing I need to do before I dismiss you" I told them
I nodded at Katie and she ran to Cameran and tugged on her dress. Cameran bent down to Katie's level and looked at her. Katie help up the ring I gave her and said "you marry Master"
Cameran eyes got huge and she looked at me. I nodded and everything went silent.
"YES" Cameran screamed
I slid the ring on her finger and kissed her. Everyone was clapping and then all of a sudden Sally pulled me off Cameran.
"Bitch get the fuck off my man" Sally screamed at Cameran
"Who are you calling a bitch? Last time I checked I had the ring on my finger" Cameran said waving her hand in Sallys face
"Babe tell her to take it off. It is suppose to be mine" Sally said whinning
"Bitch back the fuck off my mate before I rip your fucking head off"Cameran screamed with authority in her voice
Sall shrank back and let go of my arm.
"Now get your pathetic nast slutty ass away from us before I kick your sorry ass" Cameran said sternly
Sally whimpered and ran away. Everyone started clapping and I looked at them and they all scattered. We walked off to mingle when I spotted my beta eyeing Kris. I walked over to Kris and took her over to my beta.
"Scott is something wrong her?" I asked in my alpha tone
"Yes alpha. She is my mate" He said in a disgusted voice
Kris' eyes widened and she shrank back away from him.
"Scott think about what your doing before you do it. Yes she is a neko but she can't help that" I said
"Yes alpha. Can I take her to talk to her. I promise to bring her back in a hour." Scott said
"Take her but bring her to the adress in two hours. We aren't staying her long. She is your responsinbility. She better come back just the way she is." I told him
He nodded and went to grab Kris' hand and she pulled away from him. Just before Scott could reach out again Cameran grabbed scott's wrist.
"Scott is it?" Cameran asked
Scott nodded" Yes luna" He said
"Kris has a problem with people just grabbing her that is why she pulled away. Offer your hand to her don't just grab hers. She is not very trusting. Earn her trust and don't let me down" Cameran says winking at him
I growled at her and she slapped me.
"Don't you growl at me mister. I winked cause I know what she is thinking. Now get a grip on yourself and be a man. Not a jealous asshole." Cameran yelled
I looked around and seen everyone staring but I knew not to push her so I just nodded and wrapped my arms around her waist.
I heard a few whipped comments and then all of a sudden "Who the fuck said that" Cameran screamed
I scanned around and a few people stepped forward. I motioned for them to come closer, they came and stood in front of Cameran and lowered their heads.
:Now tell me boys why is my mate whipped?" She asked
"He is suppose to be the big bad alpha but yet he is listening to a human" They said
"So my lovely mate is whipped cause he doesn't want to cause a fight with his mate" She asked
They nods and the next thing I know Cameran wes furious and glowing.
"What if I said you were a bunch of pussys cause you got your asses beat by a girl" She screamed
"Woah babe. Calm down. Your glowing." I yelled
She still wouldn't calm down so I kissed her and I felt her relax.
"Nicky what is wrong with me?" SHe asked then fainted
"Someone get the pack doctor." I yelled
The doctor came running up and we rushed her to the infirmery. THe doctor ran some tests and finally figured out what was goin on.
"Alpha, Luna here is a witch. She got so mad it triggered it." THe doctor said
"She is a what?" I screamed
THe doctor flinched and lowered his head
"Sorry sir. But that is what she is" He said
"I'm sorry. I'm just shocked" I said
"Its quiet alright I understand" He said
I heard a groan and looked over to find Cameran waking up.
"What happened to me?" She asked
"Baby your fainted. But we found out what happened." I told her
"What is it" She asked
":Baby your a witch. Which means your real parents are witches as well" I told her
She nodded understanding.
"We need to get someone to help you control your magic." I told her
"OK can we go home?" She asked
I nodded and picked her up and carried her to the car and ran back to get the pets. Once everyone was in the car we drove back home. Once I parked the car we all got out and headed inside.
"Ok guys you have one hour." I said to all of them. Their eyes widened and they all ran off except for Katie.
Katie walked up Cameran and tugged on her dress. Cameran bent down to get level.
"Can we get pet?" She asked
Cameran looked up at me and I nodded.
"ure sweetie. We can go tomorrow. But right now I need a nap I don't feel so good" Cameran tells her
Katie smiles and hugged Cameran and then ran to me with her arms up wanting me to pick her up. I leaned down and picked her up tossing her in the hair and she squealed and giggled.
"Can we go to lacey?" She asked
I nodded and kiss Cameran on the way out with Katie. We headed to the outfoor kennel to find Lacey. Katie jumoed out of my arms and opened the gate to run in. I walked in after her and petted Lacey on the head. Katie was petting Lacey while Lacey licked Katies face.
"Katie are you feel safe with me?" I asked her
"yes. You no hurt me like my old daddy. Are you my new daddy?" Katie asked
"Well I'm glad you feel safe with me. Umm I'm not sure about that" I tell her honestly
She hung her head and then looked up.
"Can i go to my room?" She asked
I nodded and we walked back out of the kennel closing the gate and she ran into the house and up the stairs to her room. I sighed and headed up to check on Cameran. I walked into the bed room to find her laying on the bed completely naked. My eyes about popped out of my head. I walked all the way in closing the door and locking it. I quietly stripped out of my clothes and crawled in the bed with her wrapping a arm around her. She jumped and turned around.
"What are you doing?" I asked her
"I was burning up and couldn't get comfy." She whined
I leaned down and kissed her and slid my arm down her arm to her stomach and started rubbing small circles. SHe hummed and turned slightly to give me more access. SHe slowly relaxed and sighed.
"Not now babe. I'm tired and I have to go down and check on Ryder. He has been on punishment for a while now and I'm sure he is in some pain.' She said getting out of bed and throwing on some sweats and a t shirt of mine.
She walked down the hall and into Ryder's room and flipped on the light. I stood in the door way and watched her. She opened his cage and pulled him out.
"Get up" She told him
He stood up and she lowered her hand to remove the cock cage and threw it to the floor.
"Get a shower and come down stairs in twenty minutes" she said
He nodded and stumbled into the bathroom. She walked out with me following her and walked down to the living room. She sat down on the couch and pulled her legs to her chest wrapping her arms around her legs.
"Ok guys it's time" I yelled for them
First Kris decided to go. She hand Cameran a large piece of paper. Cameran turned it over and her jaw dropped.
"Oh my gosh! Kris this is amazing. How did you even get this picture?" Cameran asked
"Master got it to me. I hae been hiding that little secret so I thought I would share it with you" Kris said
Cameran got up and hugged Kris with all her might.
"Thank you so much. How would you like to go to art school? Your talented enough" Cameran asked
"Really? I would love to" Kris said
"We will look into it tomorrow" I said
"Ok Drew your turn" I said
"Well since miss has been so nice to me I thought I would let her in on a little secret of mine as well." Drew said
He pulled out a guitar and started playing and singing a song. By time he was done Cameran was crying and dropped to her knees in front of him hugging him while still crying.
"Oh my sweetie that was great. I didn't know you could play." Cameran said
"Well master taught me" Drew said
Cameran turned around real quick and looked at me.
"You can play?" SHe asked
I nodded and she grinned.
"Ok Hunter your up." I said
Hunter handed Cameran a huge canvas. She turned it over and started smiling. It had pictured from tonight from me proposing and Katie giving her the ring. Pictures from earlier today before we left that she didn't even realize were being taken.
"Hunter thank you. You captured a great moment for me" She said and hugged him
"You welcome miss" Hunter said
"Well me already did mine" Said Katie
"What did you do sweetie" Asked Cameran
"I help with ring" She said
"Well thank you. You did the best job ever" Said Cameran
just as Cameran sat back down Ryder came walking in.
Cameran's pov
Ryder walked over and stood in front of me.
"Ryder some things are going to change. I am no longer with Derek. You and Sasha will be coming to stay with me every other week along with the other pets there. Your punishment is over. But I can not help you if you get put on punishment when you go to Derek's sp be on your best behaviour. Derek is coming to get you later today.'" I told him
"Yes miss" He said
Just as I stood up the doorbell rang. I walked to open the door and as soon as I had it opened Sasha jumped on me hugging me. She was crying so hard she was gagging. I looked down at her and was shocked at what I saw. I looked up at Derek and glared.
"Sasha baby go sit with Nick while I talk to Derek" I told her
She still wouldnt' let me go so I swept her up in my arms and carried her to Nick. I sat her down in Nick's lap and she jumped up and ran to hide in the corner.
"Kris take Sasha to your room and give her a bath and some of your clothes til I come to get you" I told her
"Yes miss" Kris said
"Derek my office now" I said sternly
He followed me to the office and i shut the door.
"What the hell is wrong with her?" I asked
"Well I had a friend at the house and lets just say it didn't end well for Sasha" H said
"You let your friend have their way with her?" I screamed
Just as he was about to speak I heard a shriek. I bolted of the stairs and straight into Kris' room and into her bathroom. I seen Sasha shaking badly. Her hold body was covered in bruises and cuts. THat just fueled my anger. I turned arounf and screamed at Derek. I started shaking violently. Nick rushed in and grabbed me.
"Baby I need you to calm down before you detroy our house. Concentrate on my voice." He said
He put my back to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. He started kissing my neck to calm me down. I was stillshaking when I spoke.
"Sasha will be staying with me from now own. Have the papers drawn up as soon as possible. If you tell me know I will destroy you." I glared at Derek
"Baby your anger is spiking again. I need you to calm down. We haven't figured out how to calm your anger. Your going to hurt us or yourself." Nick said
"I know. But look at her" I whined
Nick looked at Sasha and his eyes blazed with anger. He started shaking and growled.
"Cameran get everyone out and run. My wolf is fighting me. If he gets out your not going to be safe. Lock all of you in the bedroom til I calm down" Nick screamed
I yanked everyone to my room and locked the door. I could hear shit being torn apart. After a hour everything calmed down and there was a knock on the door. I opened and found Nick naked. I threw him some shorts and a t shirt which he put on.
"Now babe call the doctor and Derek take Ryder with you for now. But if he comes back like Sasha I ill personaly kill you. Oh and tell Nina that I will be by to get her tomorrow for wedding stuff. I'm also having a house built here for her so she can stay here or there which ever she chooses." I said to Derek
"Ok." He said
"Ok everyone to their rooms til I call for you" I said
I walked over and picked up Sasha and carried her down stairs struggling as I walked. getting angry took alot of my energy. I sat Sasha down on the couch and sat down beside her. She curled into me and Nick sat on the other side of me. Sasha tensed and Nick grabbed her hand before she could pull away. He held her hanf and rubbed circles on the back of her hand. She slowly relaxed and I kiss her head. She was still shaking and Nick bent down to look her in the eyes.
"Babygirl I'm not going to hurt you I promise. Come here" He said opening his arms
She looked at me and I nodded at her. She slowly crawled into his lap and curled into him wrapping her tail around them bother. I sighed and slowly pet her tail. There was a knock at the door and I stood up to answer it and Sasha grabbed my hand.
"Sweetie I'm just going to answer the door. You still will be able to see me. Just wait with Nick I will only be two minutes away from you." I told her
She whimpered but layed her head back on Nick's shoulder. I answered the door and it was the doctor.
"Please follow me." I said
We walked back to the living room and the doctor gasped.
"I need her check everywhere if you know what I mean." I told her
"Yes ma'am. Can you lay her flat so I can check?" She asked Nick
Nick nodded and stood with Sasha and then laid her down on the couch.
"Miss please stay" Sasha whimpered
"Baby I'm not going anywhere I promise" I told her
The doc got to work and said her tail was dislocated that she had to pop back into place. She had bruises from head to toe and cuts. The bruises would go away eventually but the cuts would heal in a day or two. She prescribed some pain killers to keep her out of pain and to relax her. She was to stay on bed rest and not get up unless it was to shower or go to the bathroom. The doc eventually left and I sat down by Sasha and started petting her ears. Nick sat down at my feet and ran his fingers along the side of Sasha's face. She flinched but soon relaxed.
"Sweetie Nick isn't going to hurt you" I told her
"Babe can you carry her to Kris' room. I think it's best if she slept in the bed with her so she isn't as scared." I asked
"Sure" He said scooping up Sasha
As we walked up stairs Sasha stiffened.
"Babygirl it's ok. Your going to sleep with Kris. But if you get to scared have Kris come get one of us ok." Nick said
"Thank you" She whispered
Nick kissed the top of her head and I smiled at them. He would make a great father. Woah what am I thinking I don't think I'm ready for a baby. I mean we just got engaged and we haven't even been together that long. I think we should slow down. I was lost in my thoughts when all of a sudden I walked into Nick's back.
"Can you open the door.?" He asked
I nodded and opened the door. We both walked in to find Kris on her laptop. Her head jerked up and she looked at us.
"Kris, Sasha is going to sleep with you. If she gets to scared and you can't calm her down press the speaker button over then by the door. The red button goes straight to our room. Just hit that and we will know to come down ok." I said
"Yes miss. Would you like me to finally bathe her and get her some jammies?" Kris asked
"Yes please. I need to lay down I don't feel that great" I said
I kissed Kris on the head and then Sasha and walked out of the room. Soon Nick caught up with me and swpet me off my feet and carried me to my room and put me on the bed.
"How about a hot bubble bath?" Nick asked
"I would love that." I said smiling at him
He nodded and walked off to the bathroom. Five minutes later he walked back in and picked me up and carried me into the bathroom sitting me on the counter. When I looked around there were tiny candles lit everywhere. Nick stripped me out of my clothes and lowered me into the hot bubbly water. He then walked over to the lights and turned them off and turned on some soft music. He then stripped and climbed in behind and wrapped his arms around me. I relaxed into him and closed my eyes. He was humming in my ear and started to massage my shoulders.
"Babe you really need to work on your anger. When you get to angry you tense your muscles and they knot up." He said softly
"I know but seeing her like that I wanted to kill Derek." I said truthfully
"I know. But tomorrow we are going to check out the shop and go to the auction house to check on everything. We need to bring Lily back to Derek and pick up Nina" He said
"Ok but let me sleep in a little tomorrow. I'm going to need the energy. I feel exhausted." I said
He nodded and my eyes slowly closed as I drifted off to sleep. I felt myself being lowered onto our bed and covered with the duvet. Nick crawled in beside me and I snuggled into him. I heard a loud buzzing sound the next morning. When I rolled over I see that it was only three in the morning. Nick jumped out of bed and said I got it. I soon drifted back to sleep. I had a dreamless sleep that night. The next morning I rolled over and noticed the bed was empty beside me. I sat up rubbing my eyes and heard whispers out in the hall. Soon the door opened and I was greeted by Nick and the pets.
"Good morning Miss" They all said
"Well good morning to you guys" I said smiling at them
"We have a little surprise. Can you get dressed and we will be back in five minutes to get you. You need jeans, t shirt, light jacket, and shoes. You only get five minutes so please hurry." Drew said
"Ok guys. I'll meet you at the door in five" I told them
They nodded and headed out the door and closed it. I ran into the closet and threw on what the told me to. I slipped on skinny jeans, a t shirt, and random mix matched socks, and my vans. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head and headed for the door.
"Ok guys i'm ready" I told them
They grabbed my hands and drug me down stairs and out the back door and into the barn. I hadn't noticed I had a barn before. Anyways They pulled me into the office and there was a picnic set up for breakfast.
"Did you guys do this?" I asked them
"Well we know you have had a bad few days and Master helped us cook for you and we set this up." They all said grinning at me.
Soon I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I relaxed into them.
"Good morning beautiful." Nick said kissing my cheek
"Good morning handsome" I said
He handed me a single rose and I pulled it to my nose smelling it and then kissing him. I turned around and opened my arms.
"Come on you know you guys want to" I said laughing
They all rushed to me and wrapped me in a huge group hug.
"Thank you guys. They was the best breakfast ever. But why are we in the barn?" I asked
"Eat breakfast and then I have one more surprise for you" Nick said
I nodded and sat down and picked up my plate and ate some pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I drank some orange juice and wen I finished i sat my cup down.
"Ok so what is this surprise?" I asked
"Well Sasha this is on you" Nick said
Sasha walked up to me and held her hand out for me to take. I took it and stood up and followed her and everyone else followed me. We walked to the end of the stall and inside was a beautiful pure white horse. I froze where I was and a huge smile crossed my face. I ran to Nick and jumped on him kissing him like crazy.
"Thank you thank you thank you." I said
"Not me baby" Nick said
"Who" I asked
"Me" a unknown voice said
I looked up and seen Derek standing there.
"Why" I asked
"After everything you have been through I figured you needed one thing that reminded you of a happy time. I remembered you saying you wanted a horse, that you loved to ride but could never find the time and well here we are." Derek said
I hadn't i was crying til a tear hit my hand. I walked up to Derek and wrapped my arms around him and let all my sad and happy tears fall at once. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you" I whispered
"Your welcome sweetie" Derek mumbled
He slowly released me but I still clung to him.
"Don't please" I basically begged
He hummed and wrapped his arms back around me lifting me off the floor. I was sniffling but still clung to him.
"Can we talk?" I asked
"Sure. How about me and you go for a ride?" He asked
"Yes please" I said excitedly
He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.
"Well your girls name is whisper and the guy next to her that is all black is spartan. he is mine" Derek said
'Well let's get this beauty's saddled and off on that ride. I quickly saddled Whisper and looked over to see Derek struggling. I giggled and walked over to help him. I hip bumped him out the way and finished saddling Spartan.
"There good to go" I said
""H-how?" He asked
"Lots of practice" I winked at him
I straddled Whisper petting her neck.
"Good girl. Your a good girl aren't you?" I said talking to her
She shook her head and started walking ahead. Derek followed me and I took off into a gallop. I was grinning from ear to ear feeling the wind in my hair. I let go of the reins and opened my arms out like I was flying. Whisper never faltered she just kept going, once she started slowing down I grabbed the reins again and pulled her to a stop. Derek was a few feet behind me watching me smiling.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked
"Your loving this aren't you?" He asked
"Yes I am" I said
"DO you know why she didn't falter when you let go of her reins?" Derek asked
"Yes I figured it out as soon as I sattled her. She is a trick riding horse" I said
"Yes she is. I thought you could pick it up again." He said
"I would love to. I hope I have the time. With planning two weddings, the pets, Nick and now the shop and working at the auction house I don't know if I will have time.: I said sadly
"How about this. I will come over three times a week and we will go riding together. I meant what I said about us being friends. I miss you." Derek says
'I don't think I can be your friend." I said
"What! why?" He asked
"Because I'm in love with you both" I said with tears streaming down my face
Derek hopped off Spartan and tied him to a tree and came over to help me down and tied Whisper next to Spartan. He took my hand and walked through the woods to a hot spring.
"Strip" He said
I stripped down to my panties and bra and he stripped down to his boxers and we both stepping into the hot water. I sat down and decided I needed Nick to be here.
"I'm going to call for Nick you may want to cover your ears." I told him
He nodded and covered his ears. I screamed at the top of my lungs and then I stopped. I tapped Dereks hands to signal i was done. He removed his hands from his ears.
"Wow. How can you scream that loud?" He asked
"I just found out I'm part witch or full blooded we don't know much yet" I told him
"oh" was all he said
A few minutes later Nick came trotting up in wolf form. I got up and stepped towards him. I raised my hand rubbed behind his ears.
"Can you shift back? We need to talk." I said
He nodded his hug wolf head and shifted back right in front of us both fully naked. He walked over to me and kissed me and then led me back to the hot spring and lowered us into it.
'Ok what's going on?" He asked
"Well you see" I said....