The Ivoree Gates Autumnal Social.
Tawny never fared well with dances, Sadie Hawkins-style or otherwise. Back at her old school she'd usually go with her best friend Ally, and together they would play wallflower for the entire event.
Tawny scrutinized herself in the mirror as she brushed her teeth in the communal bathroom. The only boy she ever talked to at Ivoree Gates was Dylan, and he was already taken by Evil Elaine.
Not that she'd ever want to go with the arrogant rich boy! Still...
Maddie had mentioned that the teachers were usually present as chaperones. Professor McCurdy was one of the usual subjects.
I wonder if he would make an appearance, mused Tawny. I bet he'd look so good in semi-formal wear...
Tawny spit into the bathroom sink and resumed her evening bedtime routine.
When Tawny returned to her room, Maddie was in bed, reading a novel.
Tawny was about to get into her own bed when a stroke of genius consumed her. "I'll do it."
"Do what?" Maddie said, still engrossed in her book.
"I'll go with you to the Ivoree Gates Autumnal Social."
Maddie put the book down, staring straight ahead, but saying nothing.
"What?" said Tawny. "Say something. That's allowed, right?"
"I don't know," said Maddie, looking over and suppressing a grin. "I've never been asked by another girl before.
"I don't think it would be a big deal," mused Tawny. "You've never had a plus-one, and I'm practically enemy number one at this school. I just figured if we both had each other's back on this, we could at least have a good time."
Maddie nodded slowly for a few seconds, then slapped her fist into her palm.
"You know what? When you're right, you're right."
"Eh, what can I say," said Tawny. "I'm just full of good ideas."
"It's settled then - you'll be my date for the Autumnal Social. That means we have to spend tomorrow shopping for dresses. I hope you're up for it?"
"Sure," said Tawny. I'm ready for anything."
What Tawny wasn't prepared for, however, was a literal day of hopping from expensive boutique to expensive boutique.
While she and Maddie were friends, it totally slipped her mind that Maddie, while not as popular as some of the kids from Ivoree Gates, was still just as loaded as her peers.
Which was why Tawny was shocked when a high-class luxury SUV pulled up in front of their dormitory and dropped them off in front of the first luxury boutique.
Tawny had heard of "white glove service", but she had never experienced it first-hand. The second they walked into the store, they were greeted by an impeccably dressed woman in high heels who offered them tea and coffee.
They were then ushered into the fitting room section as the staff brought them an assortment of gorgeous gowns. To Tawny, it almost felt like she was picking out her wedding dress with a friend.
Hope I don't turn into a bridezilla...she mused to herself.
When they couldn't find what they were looking for at the first boutique, they hopped to the next, and then the next. One of the boutiques even offered them a glass of champagne, not realizing their age.
Tawny was surprised to see Maddie down her flute in one swift gulp. She tried to do the same with her own drink, but the first bubbly sip burned her throat and she would have no more.
They started their excursion by morning; by evening Tawny and Maddie were laughing as they ascended the steps back to their dormitory, expensive bags in tow.
Both girls practically collapsed on their beds when they arrived in their room.
"I guess that's what they mean by shop till you drop," said Tawny.
"I don't always indulge in the retail therapy thing, but I think we both kinda needed it," said Maddie. "Thanks for giving me an excuse."
"Thanks for footing the bill," said Tawny. Her first instinct was that of immediate horror when she first glanced at the price tags on one of the gowns - she swore she saw one dress that was the price of a down payment on the house.
But when Maddie said those magical 3 words, "It's on me", all her apprehension about the day flew out the window.
The good feelings carried over into the next school day. Tawny and Maddie had a bit more pep in their step as they descended the halls, knowing that they were going to disrupt the Autumn Social in style, together.
You know, I think I'm finally finding my way, thought Tawny, as she went to her locker to retrieve her books. There's nothing this school can throw my way that I can't handle.
Tawny turned around; standing behind her were the Evil 3 - Elaine, Elizabeth, and Violet.
Elaine was smiling her usual haughty grin.
"What is it?" asked Tawny.
"Oh nothing..." said Elaine. "I was just wondering if McCurdy would agree."
"Agree with what?" asked Tawny, who was confused, until Elaine materialized a crumpled piece of paper in her hand.
"That he's so damn fine?"
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