“I understand! You are right.” With a smile on his lips Pramod nodded his head.
“You just don’t know how much I want that to know. Sometimes I so much desire to become a man by transgender operation.”
“Even there is a chance like that, it never can be made you fully understand how a man feels then.” Pramod said with a smile. “And narrating about the sexual intercourse of me as a man also may not completely satisfy your craving.”
“You are right............you are right.............I agree.” Sameera nodded her head “But I am feeling happy to express my wish daringly like this with you. What you are thinking after hearing my odd wish?”
“I just cannot say but there can never be more co-incidence than this!” frowns gathered on Pramod’s forehead and his face was with full of surprise. “I have been also wishing in the same way as you do. I also just want to know, how the opposite sex feels, I mean how a woman feels, while she is being fucked. I exactly want to know how it is being fucked rather than fucking. But I did not wait like you for an opposite sex to know about it as you did.”
“Really, really you feel like that! You want to know how a woman feels while a man is engaging with her in sex, enjoying her beauty inch by inch and fucking her putting his thing into her?” her face was suddenly with full of surprise.
“Every point of it I want to know. I feel very much thrilling thinking about a woman having sex with a man.”
“Then have you also felt thrilled to share your desire like this with me?”
“Of course, I have felt thrill to share my feeling with you. But long before itself I shared this with my wife and told her how much I wished to be a woman to know about it.”
“Then what she said?” Sameera knitted her brows together.
“She told me about her experience while I was doing that to her. She said there would be pleasure all over to her. I am sorry I cannot explain everything she said to me. But just hearing never completely satisfies our craving. To know exactly how a woman feels then, I have to become an absolute woman and it is never possible.” Pramod said sighing heavily.
“You are right. I also have to become a man to know about it in full and that is just impossible.” Sameera also sighed heavily. “But I have some satisfaction by daringly sharing my desire like this with you. And if you tell me how exactly it is while a man is fucking a woman, my craving can be some more satisfied.”
“While doing that; a man feels pleasure with every fibre of his being. The main pleasure points to a man at the nipples on his chest. If the woman teases them with her fingers or tongue the pleasure he enjoys will be more than real fucking.” Pramod started feeling a sort of pleasure in explaining that to her.
“I really don’t know about it.” Once again frowns gathered on the forehead of Sameera.
“The most attracting things to a man in a woman are her breasts and I don’t think that it needs to be told to you. If the woman provides chance, he can enjoy every part of her including her main organ. Unfortunately most of the women don’t agree to it.”
“Yes, you are right. I too don’t agree to it.” Remembering her own experience with her husband Anurag, Sameera said.
“But once he released himself into the woman, man lasts all his strength. Once the release is over there will be no desire in him for sometime. He just wants to go away from the woman until he feels for it again.”
“Quite contrarily, a woman wants the man with her after his release also. She just wants him to stay on the top of her for some more time and whenever I want that to be so, my husband always obliges.”
“Your husband is a very understanding type! My wife also wants me to be so but I never agree.” Pramod said. “Now tell me about your exact way of behaving and feeling while your husband is doing that to you.”
“I cannot say, just because I am not very much enjoying my sexual life with him. All the time I just want it to come to a finish.”
“Very wrong and sad on your part I must say.” Pramod angrily said. “Anyhow it seems to me that you don’t like to be a woman at all. Is it has become impossible to you to have sex with a man?”
“It is not at all so.” Sameera nodded her head in negation. “I want to be a man and know how a man feels while doing that to a woman but I can enjoy sex as a woman also. But as I have to marry him against my will and wish, I just cannot cooperate with him in all respects.”
“That is indeed very much wrong on your part. You have to change yourself.”
“I am trying. But I just cannot change.” Her face was filled with a helpless expression.
“You should try even more seriously to change yourself as your husband is such a good character and helped your family a lot.”
“Alright, alright. I do try even more seriously from now on to change myself.” She laughed.
“Just like in your case..........” Pramod paused for a second before continuing as if to reiterate whatever he was going to say. “...............I also just want to know how a woman feels then. I enjoy sex as a man also. I never regret that I born as a man.”
After that, they talked even more about their college days, families and other things until they have been left with nothing to talk anymore and there was silence between them both for some seconds and then the conductor of the bus came to them and said. “Repairing of the bus is over. We can resume our journey again.”
After making themselves comfortably in the seats as they were before alighting from the bus, Pramod and Sameera looked into each other’s faces with curious expressions and smiles. It has become complete night by that time and only small lights were going on in the bus making them able to see only the outlines of their figures.
“Thank god! I am happy that I shared my strongest desire like that with you. I am still feeling a lot to be a man to know about it. How nice if I become you, a very handsome personality ........ ”she was once again feeling her strong desire but her eyes were closed before she completed that sentence.
Pramod just remained staring into the beautiful face of her. Considering her glamorous figure, no one could guess that she has such desire in her. Even more audaciously she expressed her wish like that at him!
But what a surprising and shocking co-incidence! How he was also feeling to become his opposite sex! Or every human being wished to be both just like the both of them? He did not understand and he could not dwell on that more either as he was also feeling too much sleepy and he did not know when he fell asleep. But before fell into sleep, he also thought how nice it would be if he would become her, a very beautiful woman, to know about it.
x x x
By the time Pramod woke up it was complete morning and he could see greenery outside through the window as the bus once again entered into the fields. But he suddenly remembered something! He has given his window seat to Sameera and after the repairing of the bus also he let her sit in that window seat. After that he saw her falling into sleep, he also slipped into deep sleep and only now he woke up. In the meanwhile when they have changed their seats again he could not remember at all. Feeling surprise, he looked at the seat beside him and he received shock!
He was sleeping in the seat in which Sameera supposed to be. If he was sleeping in that where she has gone? How it was possible to him to be in both seats? How he could think and feel like this while sleeping like that? Then he automatically looked at his lap.
He found the handbag of Sameera in his lap and he was holding it with both of his hands. Not just that, the hands which were holding that handbag then were Sameera’s not his. He just could not understand anything at all. With that surprise and shocking state, he rummaged in the handbag expecting a small mirror. His expectation did not go wrong as just like some women, Sameera also kept a small mirror in her handbag. With shivering hands he took that mirror upto his face and looked into that. Then he got his lifetime shock!
He was looking at the face of Sameera in that small mirror! He did not know how it has happened and how it could be possible but instantly he understood one thing! His soul was transferred into the body of Sameera. Even everything is possible in supernatural way, he did not think her soul also in the same body then. If his assumption was right, her soul was transferred into his body.
He did not want to think about that transferring of souls then as there would be lot of time to do that later. First thing he need to do was making her also understand the point. Once she was also made understand the issue both of them have to think about it together. Thinking like that, he tapped on her right cheek slowly and while she was struggling to wake up he said hurriedly “Don’t open your eyes. First try to understand what I am going to say and then only open them.”
“What the bloody hell you are talking? First let me know what it is. I cannot remain closing my eyes like this for long.” Irritation filled her face.
“A very surprising thing took place! I just don’t know how it has become possible but our souls were changed bodies while we were sleeping in the night.” With a slow but clear voice, coming so near to her right ear Pramod said.
“Certainly you lost your mind and imagining things!” with the same irritation she opened her eyes and could not refrain herself from yelling when she has seen her own self in the other seat attracting the few passengers attention towards them. “How it has become possible to me to be in both places?” her voice shivered while saying that.
(……….to be continued)
(I hope you enjoyed it so far. Please don’t forget to rate and review it. I update the next chapter as early as possible.)