“You are right I agree.” He nodded his head with a plain expression in his face. “When my wife also is not disappointing, even though she is not as much beautiful as you are but beautiful and youthful, I say you are absolutely right. I am trying to make change in my mindset.”
“Don’t let that poor girl sad because of your nonsense interest. She has every right to be happy in her life along with you.” With little angry expression in her face she said.
“Even I am not happy altogether with my life, I am not thinking I am making her unhappy for anything.” He said and once again sighed heavily. “Anyhow I check and see and if I am really making her unhappy for anything, I make amends.”
“That’s indeed a good idea!” her laughter was always mellifluous but it was just for few seconds then. “You told about yourself. Don’t you want to know about me?” suddenly her face became serious.
“Who said I don’t want?” he knitted his brows “I am just waiting for the opportunity to ask. Pour yourself.”
She sighed heavily and leaned back in the seat “In fact I don’t know what to say. My life also is not as per my wish and will.”
“Could not you marry the one you loved?” he paused for a moment before saying again “But you did not appear to me ever someone like fell in love type.”
“Assumption right!” she made a pathetic laugh. “But I did not want to marry someone who is not only aged more than ten years to me but a widower with a daughter.”
“I am sorry, I am indeed sorry.” He indeed felt unhappy on hearing that but did not feel surprise on hearing that. That widower must be a rich person influenced her family with lot of money which made even Sameera also agree to that. “May I hope atleast that your family problems have been solved with your marriage?”
“It seems that you did enough research on my family.” She nodded her head. “Yes, with my marriage my family problems have been solved absolutely. My husband is not only a very rich man but he has very generous nature also. As he has no family of his own my family has become his only family and he felt as much happy as he is helping his own family in helping my family.”
There was silence once again and Pramod remained silent as he did not know what more to ask.
“It is a regret that I could not marry someone matching with my age but I cannot say I am not at all happy with my husband. He has a handsome personality and he loves me and likes me a lot. He always feels that he is so much fortunate to get me as his wife.”
“Then I must say..........” with a sort of firmness in his voice Pramod said. “........you should happily compromise with your life. We cannot have our lives we want in every way.”
“You are right..........you are right...........” Sameera nodded her head and about to say something but then the bus was suddenly stopped and they heard the announcement of the conductor.
“The bus got into some damage and it takes sometime to get it repaired. You people take rest in the nearby dhaba in the meanwhile.”
It was indeed their luck that the bus got into repair near a dhaba and the few passengers in that bus walked towards that dhaba at that time and Pramod and Sameera also were among them.
“Both of us also have to be compromised to some extent in our lives.” After slumping themselves in two chairs at a table Pramod said after ordering for coffee for both of them.
“But not very much need to be compromised” Sameera said. “Even it is somehow odd to marry a widower with a child aging ten years old to me, I must say that I am happy with my husband. Moreover I cannot say how my family condition would have been now without my husband’s help.”
“You are right!” by then they have been served with coffee in two cups and Pramod started sipping his while Sameera preferred to leave hers still on the table. “Except I have become a family man at the age of twenty three itself against my wish and will, my life also is so much happy with my wife, only son and parents.” He said in between the sips. “At present I am living only with my wife and son as my parents are living in our native village where we have lands.”
“I don’t know why but I want to share some of my things with you. For a long time I am waiting for someone, some opposite sex, to share my exact feelings, wishes and desires. And you are appearing to be exact the same.” Sameera also took her coffee cup into her right hand and started sipping it.
“It is really very much surprising to me!” Pramod said and his surprise was amply reflected in his face also. “We know each other very little and both of us agreed what we have got on each other in those days was just interest! Still you want to share your things with me.”
“Yes, of course.” She took a sip of the coffee and put it on the table before balancing herself on it on her arms. “That someone need not be a very close friend to me but has some patience to hear my feelings and understand me and tell me what he is thinking.”
“I have that patience and certainly can be that exact one to share your feelings, understand you and tell you about my thinking. But...........” he paused for a second before saying again. “............why cannot you share the same with your husband? You yourself said that he loves you and likes you a lot.”
“No, no. My husband does not fit in that exact one but you fit.” With a fixed expression in her face Sameera said.
“I don’t know how much of time we have got to be together like this.” There came a fixed expression in the face of Pramod also. “But I am very much interested to hear whatever you are going to say. Just pour your heart.”
“But you must not laugh and you must not hate me after hearing me.” Suddenly the expression in her face was turned into troubling and uneasy.
“Very much surprising! I just cannot understand what you really want to share with me.” Feeling puzzlingly Pramod said. “I cannot say about my reaction after hearing you. I want to be frank that it depends on what I am going to hear. But my promise rests! I am ready to hear whatever you are going to say and tell you what I am thinking. If you have no objection...........”
“Certainly I have no objection. I already told you I am just waiting for someone like you.” a fixed expression came into her face also. “For a long time I want so desperately to be a man. How it is to be a man rather than a woman? The thought itself is very much thrilling and interesting to me.”
“Considering the privileges the men folk do have and the convenience of their body structure comparing with women, it is not surprising that some women want to be men. There is nothing to laugh at you or hate you because of your simple wish.” Pramod sighed heavily and leaned back in the chair. “I hoped that you were going to tell me something very much thrilling and interesting.”
“You did not go into the core of what I have said.” She dragged the chair even more near to the table and stooped even more and balanced her arms once again on the table. “I want to be a man, to know how the pleasure in fucking rather than being fucked! How a man feels putting his thing in a woman and moving it. How his feeling and pleasure while he is enjoying each and every part of a woman. Especially I want to be a man to know and enjoy that.”
Pramod’s face was filled with shock and surprise! “Did I really hear you or just imagined all this?” his shock and surprise were amply reflected in his face also.
“You heard me right. There is no mistaking in it.” With an uneasy expression in her face she said and leaned back in the chair. “There is no chance that I can be a man and know about that. You are a man and you already fucked a woman. Tell me how it is?”
“Still I ask the same question to you.” Pramod said and the shock and surprise in his face were just so. “Why don’t you ask about it to your own husband? He fucks you quite often and tells you about it.”
“I just don’t know how he feels if I ask him like this. I have to live along with him all my life and if a different sort of opinion sets in him on me because of my asking so, my life becomes difficult to me. There is no problem in whatever type of opinion you get on me just because we are not going to live together.” Sameera said.
(……….to be continued)
(I hope you enjoyed it so far. Please don’t forget to rate and review it. I update the next chapter as early as possible.)