"Get up," he commanded, his voice a gravelly and robust growl that reverberated through the still night air.
His eyes, an intimidating shade of emerald, stared intensely at Naomi. While his arms was adorned with tattoos that painted a chaotic masterpiece across his body up to his neck, resembling the reckless strokes of an unprofessional artist.
Naomi, caught in a swirl of confusion and frustration, rose reluctantly, her gaze sweeping over the formidable crowd of men that loomed before her. In their towering presence, she felt like a fragile wisp in the shadow of giants.
"What are we gonna do to her, boss?" The man with an alcoholic stench inquired, his eyes wild as they darted back and forth. Naomi fought the urge to recoil as he allowed his yellow-tainted tongue to wet his pallid lips.
Naomi inhaled deeply as a drop of water landed on her cheek, she shivered as many more drops of water splattered on her face. The sound of lightning streaking through the sky caught her off guard as she took a step backward.
The boss man with the piercing green eyes took a menacing step towards her. Naomi instinctively retreated, pointing a cautious finger. "Stay away from me. I'm warning you."
The man snickered, a chilling sound that echoed in the tense silence. "I'm sorry. I know this is not a laughing matter." He chuckled more, as if mocking her. "Do you have any valuables with you?" He inquired nonchalantly, his gaze sweeping over her frail person.
Naomi's eyes darted across the men, her voice quivering but determined. "Even if I did, why would I tell you?" The echoes of her defiance were met with another sinister chuckle from the gang. "I don't understand what is funny."
As Naomi allowed the words to escape her mouth, his laughter abruptly ceased, spreading a chilling stillness. The once grinning faces of the gang turned into a grim expression. A tickling silence settled, with only the distant rustle of the wind against the leaves and the rough sound of water meeting soil, in the distance lightning flashed and thunder struck breaking the quietude. The man's eyes, like daggers, pierced through her, probing for any source of boldness she might still possess. She refused to reveal her fear, understanding that showing weakness could lead to her downfall. "I'll ask once again. Do you...?" His gaze scrutinized her from head to toe before settling on her eyes. "...Have any valuables with you? Give them in now, and nobody will get hurt."
Naomi's face dropped as her eyes fixated on the weapon in his pocket. He smiled, a conniving curve that slowly revealed a deadly intent as he extracted his gun from his holster.
"I don't think you want me to use this on you."
Her heart raced, the throb in her head amplifying by the second. The bitter wind causing her to cling tighter onto her herself as she shook. "I-I don't have anything. Please."
"Now you're begging?" The man inquired mischievously, slowly slipping his him back into his holster "Where did your big mouth go?" His arms folded in evident dominance.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to blabber. But I promise I don't have anything with me, please."
His gaze drifted down to her neck. "That's a nice necklace," he said with a predatory smile. Naomi froze, her hands instinctively rising to wrap around the precious jewelry that adorned her neck. Slowly, she reached for the opening, ready to relinquish it to him.
"Stop," he ordered, and with a sigh of relief, she dropped her hands to her sides. He cocked his head to the side. "Are you healthy?"
She raised her head in confusion his question catching her off guard. "What do you mean?"
"Just answer the question, little girl." Another man from the crowd interjected, his short, skinny frame contrasting sharply with eyes that resembled those of a gorilla.
Anxiety constricted her throat as tears threatened to spill. Stranded in the middle of nowhere with men who brandished weapons, she longed for the safety of her room. "Yes, I'm healthy," she nodded, her voice barely audible.
The boss-man's head dropped and rose once more in a firm nod. "Good." He claimed, taking one menacing step towards her, and she involuntarily took one back. "Blade," the man said.
Naomi's jaw dropped. Was he requesting a blade? Was he planning to end her life? All sort of possibilities swirled in her head like a tornado on the run.
"Please. I'm begging you, with everything you hold dear. I just want to go home, please."
"Blade!" The man exclaimed, and Naomi flinched, taking another step back. The man with green eyes laid his warning gaze upon her. "Move once more, and consider yourself dead," he warned, leaving Naomi standing with shaking knees and a bead of sweat forming on her temples. "Blade!" The green-eyed man's command echoed once more.
Naomi watched silently as a man from the gang stepped forward. The green-eyed man extended his hand, and a napkin was placed in it. The man then retreated.
"You said that you were healthy, right?" The green-eyed man inquired. From his pocket, he produced a small bottle, cautiously spilling its liquid contents onto the napkin. The rain drenched the napkin but he didn't seem to mind. Naomi nodded vigorously.
"Yes," she sniffed, "Yes, I am."
"Good," he claimed once more. Their eyes locked, and Naomi's spirit seemed to leave her body in terror. "And your organs. Are they in good condition?"
Naomi's mouth opened and closed in complete shock as realisation set in on her. "I...I... Please don't do this. I beg of you."
In three long strides, he closed the distance, the napkin held carefully in his grasp, "I asked you a question. I expect an answer."
The sudden roar of a car engine interrupted the tense moment, causing the men to shift their attention. Naomi seized the distraction and took a step back, her eyes never leaving the green-eyed man. The man stared at her with an intensity she couldn't fathom.
"Boss. What do we do? There's a car approaching"
"What do you mean by 'what do we do?' get that person out of the car and bring them to me" the green-eyed man said, his gaze still rested on Naomi who shivered under his intense gaze
"But sir..."
"What is the problem!"
"It's his car"
Naomi watched silently as fear passed through the orbs of the green eyed man and turned him pale "You mean it's him"
"Yes sir"
"And you're hundred percent sure?"
"Yes sir. I'm sure"
"Tell the men to disperse. Right away!"
"Yes sir"
As the distant hum of the approaching car grew louder, the gang, like shadows evading the dawn, melted into the obscurity of the night. Their figures, once looming and threatening, became indistinguishable from the surrounding darkness.
The green-eyed leader turned to Naomi with an odd curve of his lips "Jusqu'àce que nous nous retrouvions" he whispered to her and with a final piercing gaze he vanished into the darkness with the rest of his gang.
The wind whispered through the trees, carrying the echo of their hurried footsteps as they dispersed, leaving behind an eerie silence. Naomi, still caught in the residue of fear, watched as the menacing aura dissipated like mist under the morning sun.
The car's arrival became a beacon of salvation, its headlights revealing the contours of the deserted landscape. The gang's departure, a vanishing act in the theatrical performance of the night, left Naomi with a lingering sense of vulnerability as she stood watching anxiously for who was in the vehicle
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