'I said who are you" The woman glared at Naomi who seemed tongue-tied "Are you deaf and dumb? I'm asking you a question!"
"Anganaa what in heavens name are you doing here" Anthony grabbed the woman's arm, his nails digging into her skin. Anganaa turned her attention to Anthony sending her daggers to him
"Who is she?!" She cried, pointing a long perfectly-manicured finger in Naomi's direction.
"Anganaa! It is none of your business! What are you doing here"
"Who is she!?" Anganaa continued to scream, tears falling from her eyes.
"Anganaa, I'm going to ask you respectfully to leave this house right now! Don't let me lay my hands on you" Anthony threatened, his eyes leaving Anganaa and landing on Naomi. Panic evident in his eyes. Naomi stood with dropped jaws, her brain unable to process what was happening.
"No! Tell me who she is!" Anganaa glared at Naomi "Who are you?!" She screeched
"I-I'm-I..." Naomi struggled to get the words out of her mouth, she took a hurried step back as Anganaa tried to pounce on her.
"I'm going to kill you !!" Anganaa screeched
Anthony grabbed Anganaa, snaking her towards him "Anganaa you're acting like a psycho. Stop it right now!" He reprimanded but she ignored him as she struggled with him trying to get to Naomi "Brad!" Anthony screamed "Bradley!"
Naomi saw a man walk out from the back of the house he was tall, a giant per say. His face was stuck in a deep frown, he wore a sleeveless shirt, showcasing his gigantic muscles. Veins patterned his arms like mini snakes, dancing around his flesh. He marched up to them. His eyes landed on Naomi and she took a subconscious step back. "Sir" his voice was deep, rusty, rough and Naomi suppressed the urge to wet herself
Anthony seemed relieved as he handed Anganaa over to the Hulk of a man. "Take her away" he said simply. With a robotic nod Mr Hulk dragged the screaming woman down the walkway. "Let's go inside" Anthony said to Naomi, she nodded silently and followed him into the house. Anganaa's screaming still remained
"Anthony!" She cried from the outside. The bang of the front gate was the end of her screams leaving an eerie silence in its place.
Naomi and Anthony remained silent. Hundreds of questions raked her mind but she had no answers to give. Finally Anthony broke the silence "I'm really sorry about that I didn't know..."
"Anthony?" A woman's voice stopped Anthony mid-way. Naomi looked at the woman, she was a short elderly woman. Her hair tied up in a ponytail a chef's hat dangling on her head. There was a silver spoon in her hands and Naomi watched as soupy liquid fell from the spoon to the ground.
Anthony's head snapped towards the woman, his nose flared. "Agatha! Why in heavens name did you let that woman in my house."
Agatha shrugged "She had told me that you had called her to come over."
"And you couldn't call me to confirm!"
"Don't you use that tone on me boy! I'm disappointed in you. That is your brother's wife..."
"Agatha." Anthony reprimanded, his face seemed flushed
"...and you're treating her like a toy. Were you not the same person that was having sleepless nights on planning on how to woo her..."
"Agatha!" A bead of sweat broke out on his forehead
"...So after sleeping with her, destroying her life. You want to dump her. I swear Gabriel will haunt you from his grave."
Anthony gulped and nodded towards Naomi. Agatha glanced at Naomi and her brows rose, disbelief evident on her face. She eyed Naomi, her gaze sweeping from the sole of her feet to the hair on Naomi's head. Agatha laughed, a short and humorless chuckle before turning her gaze to Anthony.
"Alors, est-ce votre nouvelle victime?"
((So is this your new victim?))
" je vais te suggérerdefermer ta gueule" he scowled "Nous savons tous les deux ce que je peux faire. Ne teste pas ma patienc". He glared at Agatha. Naomi wondered what they were talking about that made him so mad. Agatha didnt seem bothered by him. She remained nonchalant as she gazed at him. Amusement shining in her eyes. "D'abord tu amènes cette prostituée chez moi et maintenant tu veux me manquer de respect devant mon invité. Tu commences à m'énerver. Nefranchis pas la ligne."
((I'm going to suggest you shut your mouth))
((Don't test my patience ))
((First you bring that prostitute to my house and now you want to disrespect me in front of my guest. You are starting to piss me off. Do not cross the line."))
" Oui. Alors j'aiamené la soi-disant prostituée dans votre maison. Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire?Alors tu veux me faire ce que tu as fait à Gabriel?"
((Yes. So I brought the so-called prostitute to your house. What are you going to do? You want to do to me what you did to Gabriel?))
Anthony chuckled, but there was no humour on his face, his face seemed to resemble danger. "Je pense que vous devriez savoir que je peux faire bien pire que ça"
((I think you of all people should know that i can do much worse than that))
Agathas smile vanished as color drained from her face "Antoine, tu me menaces?"
((Anthony , are you threatening me?))
Anthony smiled but it wasn't a soothing smile, it brought shivers down Naomi's spine. She really wished she could understand what they were saying. Were they speaking about her? "Je n'oserais jamais te menacer, ma chère Agathe, considère cela comme un avertissement"
((I would never dare to threaten you, my dear Agatha, take this as a warning))
Agatha seemed uncomfortable as she gulped. Agatha and Anthony held each other's heated gaze for a while. A silent message being sent to each other that Naomi could not comprehend. Anthony's gaze was strong and intimidating and Naomi wondered how Agatha could hold it. Finally Agatha broke the eye-contact and turned to Naomi. A tight smile graced Agathas face "Anthony, you won't introduce me to your little friend?" The words seethed through her clenched teeth
Anthony too smiled a much more sincere smile as he looked at Naomi. Naomi fidgeted as everyones attention was now solely on her. He walked up to her and placed his palm on the small of her back. Agatha's smile tightened even more. "Don't mind my manners, this little angel right here is Naomi. She'll be staying with us for a while" Naomi smiled at Agatha.
"Hello" Naomi said waving timidly at the elderly woman
"Boudin" Agatha sneered
"Agatha" Anthony called, a warning embedded deep in his tone.
He ignored her, sighing softly he turned to Naomi "...and Naomi this is Agatha, she's the housekeeper. She's like a mother to me, been with me since I was young and she'll take care of you. Right Agatha?"
"Of course. Can I go now?" Agatha asked
Anthony nodded "Yes, you can go"
Agatha threw one more nasty glance at Naomi "Bête comme ses pieds" she murmured under her breath as she retreated up the stairs
"I don't think she likes me" Naomi muttered to Anthony as Agathas silhouette disappeared up the stairs
Anthony smiled down at her, and placed a strand of her hair behind her ears "Don't worry, she just doesn't like strangers. I bet she'll warm up to you soon."
"You two seemed like you were having an argument, is everything ok?" Naomi asked him. Her eyes still fixated on the top of the stairs where Agatha had retreated to.
"Argument?" Anthony smiled "No my love, it wasn't an argument. Everything's ok."
Ignoring the name he had called her she turned to him, looking him straight in the eye "Are you sure? She seemed mad"
He placed a hand on her cheek, his thumb running circles on her skin. "She is just angry at me because of a new oven that I had bought."
Her brows furrowed "An oven?"
He nodded "Yes, an oven... Do you want me to tell you a story?"
She smiled "ok"
"One day I came home with an oven, at that time it seemed like the most precious thing ever I would use it whenever I deemed fit. Agatha wasn't happy with me because she claimed it was another man's oven and that I should return it but I refused because I had worked hard to get it and the man that owned it before me, maltreated it filled it with bruises and damaged it but I saw the beauty of it. Agatha cautioned me that if I really wanted an oven I should buy a brand new one because the one I bought had so much damage in it that it would break soon but I refused to listen to her. I continued to use the oven and over time Agatha too fell in love with the oven and started to see what I saw in it, or at least I think she did" he shrugged " but then one day it broke" Anthony laughed as he took Naomis hand in his " Naomi what would you do"
"I dont know." She said, she and her family had never owned an oven they'd always cook over an open fire so she didn't know what she would do if she were in his situation. She bit on her lips, in deep concentration "If I loved it so much as you say you did then I think I would try to fix it."
He chuckled and shook his head "You're so naive" he stated and Naomi flushed "I actually thought about fixing it but i just didn't have the time" he shrugged "So I bought a new one, and I guess since Agatha had fallen in love with the old one that gave her the reason to hate the one I bought"
"Why would she hate the fact that you bought a new one. Shouldn't she be happy"
"I guess so. But maybe she's mad because I didn't learn my lesson"
"How do you mean?"
"Because this supposed new oven, it's also scarred, damaged at the brink of breaking and I guess Agatha is just tired of the cycle" Naomi remained silent as she gazed into Anthonys eyes. She felt as if there was a hidden message in this story. As if there was something deeper than just a simple oven. Agatha seemed mature, why would she get mad over an oven?
"This oven" she whispered to him "Was it also maltreated by its previous owner?"
"That's the issue actually. I don't know it's owner. I don't know anything about it either. But I have my ways. I know how to find out every single detail"
She took a step towards him, leaving no space in between them "Isn't it dangerous? Not knowing it's origin. Where it came from? It could have a horrible history. You know."
Anthony gazed into her eyes "Like I said, I have my ways. I'll found out every single detail about it. It wouldn't be that dangerous I bet. Do you know where I found it?"
He smiled, a vicious, conniving smile "On the side of the road under the rain. It was a painful sight. All its scars and wounds on display for the whole world to see, I just couldn't resist"
Naomi's mouth hung open as she scrutinized him "A-are we still talking about the oven?"
"I don't know" he whispered "You tell me.
When he saw her eyes watching him intently. He smiled, placing each hand on the sides of her face bringing her face closer to him as he placed a kiss on her forehead.
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"I gave you a beautiful bed time story. Now it's time for bed. Come on I'll show you to your room" he granted her his hand and after some hesitation she placed her hand in his and allowed herself get led up the stairs.