It would be an hour later before she returned and lead Star Mists to the front of the temple where a large circle had been carved out of a stone that resembled emerald colored marble. "What are we doing?" he questioned as she pulled him by his cloak with her mouth.654Please respect copyright.PENANAqIzR1i54mf
654Please respect copyright.PENANAHO1lpX9ZKO
"We're going to watch Father Void bring a pony back to life, silly." She stated through her clinched teeth with the fabric in her mouth.654Please respect copyright.PENANAYxcvTA9EwY
654Please respect copyright.PENANAxBE3GGKsrd
He groaned following and jerked to get the fabric back from her, brushing it off with his right hoof. "You got it all wrinkled."654Please respect copyright.PENANANjjelo7qPO
654Please respect copyright.PENANAIU7mWKyQqn
"Shh! It's starting!" she hissed with excited giggles coming from behind her grin.654Please respect copyright.PENANAsScthObrYT
654Please respect copyright.PENANAxFsk0uApmH
He looked up to see a pony dressed in a black and white outfit one would expect to see someone of a God to wear, modest yet easy to say that pony was one of faith. The stone gray stallion stepped out to the center where a Unicorn laid a motionless middle aged Pegasus. Father Void looked at the pony sadly, closing his amber colored eyes with his head lowering as his horn began to crackle and spark with a teal colored magic. "Gods that watch from high above and far below, hear your servant's plea!" he shouted loudly while throwing his head up, more magic crackling around his horn. "Grant this poor lost soul a second life amongst the living!" more magic surrounded his horn and, as he touched it to the corpse, a bright light and wind shot out through the crowd.654Please respect copyright.PENANAPfN5FQJjxG
654Please respect copyright.PENANA8OaQs2gjso
There were gasps then a hushed silence with every pony on edge. Star looked around silently then towards the center once more before eyeing Father Void. Soon a loud and sharp horse gasp came from the corpse that moved a back leg. Every pony began to cheer and stomp their hooves with joy for this miracle. Star wasn't so impressed but was amazed to see what appeared to be a resurrection. Not even the Princess's can do that and they are literally the ascended form Unicorns only dream of reaching. But... he turned his gaze from the barely breathing body to the pony in priest clothing. I feel this isn't something done on his own. His thoughts were broken by a rough shaking and the feeling of some pony flopping their upper body onto his back.654Please respect copyright.PENANAIL8cXSgt6d
654Please respect copyright.PENANA2jz85SJZnA
"See?! I told you he's amazing!" Rose Petal exclaimed with just as much excitement as the other ponies.654Please respect copyright.PENANAmI3Q7WhEKB
654Please respect copyright.PENANAet6H3AUThe
Star nodded his head as he turned it to look at her. "He sure is something, I will admit that. I've never seen any pony ever bring a soul back from the dead like that nor read anything about this being possible."654Please respect copyright.PENANAtasowMJAK7
654Please respect copyright.PENANAjWNVyULB9s
She giggled as she moved off his back to stand beside him. "That's because the Gods of Old listen to him and grant him this ability. He discovered how a phoenix uses resurrection and thus, once he shared this gift to bring joy, the Gods of Old grant him their blessings for each ceremony."654Please respect copyright.PENANA9Sq1ZeT53h
654Please respect copyright.PENANAhuIJddIkeV
"Uh huh," he responded flatly as he watched a mare in black bowing her head to Father Void, saying her thanks over and over. "Did you ever learn if he has time to meet with me?"654Please respect copyright.PENANASVDefvbtoT
654Please respect copyright.PENANAZ4IANWKPRl
"Hm? Oh, yes, he said he can meet with you this evening after visitation is over with the recovering."654Please respect copyright.PENANAWVcmyjBvIY
654Please respect copyright.PENANAZPKmDKbzHX
"The recovering?" he inquired as he glanced to Rose Petal who simply bobbed her head once.654Please respect copyright.PENANAvmjv1wUSsj
654Please respect copyright.PENANAaYVwEpaarI
"They are the revived that must stay inside the temple as their bodies recover."654Please respect copyright.PENANALmcQGWmtnm
654Please respect copyright.PENANAybjiqnVGB7
"So they don't recover instantly?" she nodded to his quiet question. "Seems off if he supposedly learned the ways of revival from the phoenix's magic."654Please respect copyright.PENANAwnZBXH8K7Y
654Please respect copyright.PENANAdwA4G3fFYl
She watched him and moved forwards, catching sight of his serious expression. "Well...he told us the reason once." She answered softly as the crowd was dispersing around them. "He said it is a slow recovery because the Gods of Old didn't want us to think everything was easy to get by a simple request."654Please respect copyright.PENANAFpTSptImWJ
654Please respect copyright.PENANA8jRQL1J2Qx
Star nodded as he made eye contact briefly with her before looking towards the temple. "Would he mind us going in and waiting for him to have some free time?" he asked while starting to step around her, making his way towards the temple and watching as two Unicorns dressed in similar clothing lifted and carried the revived pony inside behind Father Void.654Please respect copyright.PENANA20j77kgrMs
654Please respect copyright.PENANAGGOL779GYu
"What? Uh well..." she looked up tapping her chin with a hoof before quick stepping to walk at Star's side. "I don't think he would mind. Just don't get into anything."654Please respect copyright.PENANA5uYEQGK5PQ
654Please respect copyright.PENANAVB2JA5gkcm
"Why not?" he didn't even bother to look at her as he began to walk across the emerald marble, eyeing it carefully. No markings of old to be seen. Maybe it has its own magic or is decoration.654Please respect copyright.PENANAfXRS7sPuPZ
654Please respect copyright.PENANAVL9x1QvP18
"Because they don't like any pony to mess with the books without permission. They are very picky on keeping things in a tidy order."654Please respect copyright.PENANAL75XiEgyqa
654Please respect copyright.PENANA5MjTt16bBr
"Noted," he assured her absentmindedly while making his way up the steps. He pushed one door open and advanced with her closely in tow. Once inside he looked about the spacious room with steps leading up to different areas of the second floor which had a couple areas with curtained off beds. Mares, stallions, colts and fillies sat around the second floor, speaking to their loved ones through the bed curtains. He looked at the floor below his hooves and was impressed to see such well crafted, and designed, sandstone that could hold traffic and sturdy stone columns. He made his way over and sat in front of a carved statue of an ancient pony God, admiring the detail and captured regality.654Please respect copyright.PENANABRK2zXwp7m
654Please respect copyright.PENANAe79JTUsi6r
Rose looked around, almost falling over from the dizziness the high ceiling caused her. She made her way over to him and sat beside him. "Where do you come from? Why don't you take off your cloak?"654Please respect copyright.PENANArnnxO57leO
654Please respect copyright.PENANA7Lrq5MIE8Z
"I come from a small town called Trottal that is a few miles from the edge of Princess Celestia's reign. I don't take off my cloak because I don't want to."654Please respect copyright.PENANAnJhZI2QJRj
654Please respect copyright.PENANAQiRMRDuPTM
"You really are a grumpy pony." She muttered under her breath as she watched him unimpressed before looking up at the statue. "What's it like living under the Princesses? I've heard some say its great, others say it's alright and a few say they left because they didn't like it."654Please respect copyright.PENANAs8w3pIkZtV
654Please respect copyright.PENANAXspUCcILDO
Star shrugged his shoulders while turning his head to take in the surroundings that were lit by firelight. "Not bad, it's very peaceful so long as a God of Chaos or a Unicorn in magic training doesn't come around."654Please respect copyright.PENANArmKy5I0Doz
654Please respect copyright.PENANAuTbcj3Lzsi
Rose giggled as she lifted a leg to her mouth. "That sounds silly. How dangerous could a Unicorn learning magic really be?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAFimrDiyjxn
654Please respect copyright.PENANAUy1n8p4DPf
"You must be joking if you don't know. You literally have Unicorns here as a good dominance of the population."654Please respect copyright.PENANAkVr5yi1L3o
654Please respect copyright.PENANAgKnzydfQ9v
"Well we've never had any problems that would be considered annoying." She giggled lightly.654Please respect copyright.PENANAV8bNcDO7OU
654Please respect copyright.PENANAWfofGsCBPr
He rolled his eyes sighing. "Let's just say there's at least one orange bird flying around, one orange frog hopping around and one piece of barking kitchen ware that I last heard of running around a place called Ponyville."654Please respect copyright.PENANAhGssN4FDCR
654Please respect copyright.PENANA49c75m1HoV
"What about in Trottal?"654Please respect copyright.PENANAGxoyVHuO32
654Please respect copyright.PENANA3hPhfRBMNF
He groaned lowering his head almost as if he were embarrassed. "Well...there's a string of grapes that once used to be your average snake slithering around town." He barely was speaking loud enough for her to hear while he remembered trying a spell, hiccuping, the spell missing the cup, bouncing off a window, and striking a passing by snake.654Please respect copyright.PENANAhOA0mhBmkV
654Please respect copyright.PENANATOH2TINwQb
"Oh wow, the poor snake. Did you reverse it?" he didn't answer her as he turned his head more away from her, pulling his hood down more as well with one hoof. "Oh don't tell me you left the poor thing like that." He groaned as he sunk his head down more guiltily. "Oh you are the worst!" she exclaimed with a swift hoof striking his metal leg. When the odd noise sang out she paused, staring and blinked in confusion. "Huh? What was that?" She reached for his cloak but he quickly stood and began to walk over to another statue in silence. She stood and followed after him. "Hey, what's with your leg? Why did it sound hallow?"654Please respect copyright.PENANA0p4jp5pLMF
654Please respect copyright.PENANAx4Cnn3DEFd
"Don't you have a garden or something to tend to?" he inquired quietly. She shook her head. "Of course you wouldn't." He muttered almost breathlessly before speaking up. "Go look around or something then."654Please respect copyright.PENANAH46KqJeLc0
654Please respect copyright.PENANAaC0LDI9QGL
"I am looking around and I'd like to know why your leg is hallow."654Please respect copyright.PENANA85vf447h8x
654Please respect copyright.PENANAx5LuWUOLP7
"Just leave it be." He grumbled sternly as he began to walk away from her again with her following closely behind.654Please respect copyright.PENANA9MMD9aLjSH