Capítulo 3: Ángelo
After the words of Angelo D'Amico, hit Girl could feel her eyelids rise in surprise and looked at the young man with exorbitant eyes in front of her.
The super heroine without super powers felt her muscles tighten and her arm automatically move towards her back, she felt her fingertips feel the hard and cold metal of a cylindrical object, she felt how she then held it tightly, to get it out of her safety.
Hit Girl with unusual speed pulled out her wand with blades to the ends and then carried one of the blades just in front of the apple of Adam of Angelo.
The SHA girls had quick reflexes, but their brains froze when they saw the scene in front of them. That girl named Hit Girl was threatening her friend Angelo D'Amico.
“You... You're a D'Amico...” Hit Girl said to him with a dry throat and noticing her heart rate racing.
This time the other girls reacted, including Henrietta, who pointed her guns at Mindy Macready's head.
Each and every one of the girls present, including the man, could hear the loud heartbeat of those present as every sound had left the room.
One second, two seconds, three seconds... six seconds. Hit Girl rolled her eyes and watched as the other girls pointed their weapons at her, but she still dared not move an inch and continued to threaten the young newcomer's neck.
“You'd better put that thing down now, McMullen," Triela threatened her in a resolute voice.
Angelo reassured them as he raised his hands to show that he was not a threat and took two steps back.
Hit Girl had no choice, so she lowered her bo but took a defensive stance.
“What happened here?” asked Claes, who also put her gun down, but refused to holster it.
“Let me explain to you girls. Mindy Macready, correct me if I'm wrong," said Angelo with a smile on his face as he cautiously lowered his hands.
“Her present friend's name is Mindy Macready, and she is a fighter against the New York mafia, more specifically against the D'Amico family, who controls all illegal activity in that American city. She rescued another vigilante named Kick Ass while he and Miss Macready's father were being executed, a situation that was being broadcast live via the internet” Angelo paused to continue, “unfortunately Macready's father, the vigilante Big Daddy, passed away, so hit Girl and Kick Ass went to the D'Amico building and killed all the members of the Mafia there, including my uncle Frank D'Amico, who was the head of the city's Mafia. Am I wrong, Mindy Macready?”
“You've summed it up very well and call me Hit Girl," said the blonde with the short ponytails, describing Angelo with a word that made the boy frown.
“So, Angelo, you're a mob prince?” Angélica asked him, making Angelo laugh with disguise.
“Forgive me Angelica, but the correct expression is "mafia princess" and it is used with girls, I am only the first-born son of the D'Amico mafia boss.”
“You never mentioned this to us," said Rico in amazement.
“Well, it's not something I'm proud of," excused Angelo, with which Hit Girl snorted with derision.
“What was that for?” Angelo asked with a frown.
“That that asshole Chris D'Amico was very comfortable with being in the mob.”
There was a tense pause and then Angelo sighed a great sigh.
“I know. I love my cousin Chris very much, but I didn't share his view on continuing the "family business".”
Hit Girl relaxed her posture and looked more closely at the young man in front of her, the D'Amico features were clearly visible but there was an aura in the boy that told her he was not lying.
“You mean you're not interested in being part of the mob?” asked hit Girl, who watched each of Angelo's gestures and body language very closely to find out if he was lying.
“No, I'm not interested.”
“Because I hate it... I love Italy, I love my country, but, but... because of the mafia, every time an American or anyone else imagines Italy or the Italians, all they thinks about is fat guys trying to dress up elegant and all they do is stuff themselves with spaghetti and meatballs and beat up innocent people to get money out of them.”
Angelo looked down at the floor as he frowned and clenched his fists tightly.
“You know, it was Italy that gave the world the best scientists in the early industrial world like Marconi and many others! We gave the world the best operas and singers! For heaven's sake, many countries have their national anthems thanks to Italian composers!” shouted Angelo in frustration. “And before all that, we took the world out of the Middle Ages with the Renaissance! And before the Middle Ages, we gave the Western world the best culture ever! Everyone except Britain and the other Commonwealth countries base their legal system on Roman law! Tell me, you want me to go on!”
“Okay, they also created the Roman circus, the orgies, the Christian massacres, the assassinations, the coups d'état and fascism.”
Angelo approached Hit Girl and they both looked at each other furiously.
“Enough," Claes recommended, "we are not here to discuss history lessons.”
“Everybody thinks we Italians are obsessed with revenge," said Angelo, who wasn't intimidated by the hard look on his face from hit Girl's face, "thanks to that stupid Simpsons show, everyone thinks we run around with knives and shouting "vendetta, vendetta" with a stupid accent.”
“And isn't that right?” Hit Girl challenged him, “your idiot cousin, ordered the death of my friend's father, because Kick Ass killed your bastard uncle with a bazooka, but you know, Frank D'Amico deserved it.”
Claes and the other girls raised their guns to try to keep the worst from happening, but Angelo gave up his tough look and relaxed his muscles.
“And you think I don't know.... I suffered a lot with my uncle's death, Chris suffered a lot too. I told him to forget the whole revenge thing, but he wouldn't listen to me... and when I saw Chris in the hospital, no legs... no manhood..... We Italians are not obsessed with revenge, but then, then, I could feel my blood boiling, all I wanted to do was make you and Kick Ass pay for all the damage my cousin suffered, in fact much more than that... I wanted to torture you.”
The SHA girls watched Angelo with surprise and sorrow.
“But here I am, discarding any idea of revenge, even with you in front of me and surrounded by girls who point guns at you. No, I'm not looking for revenge, I'm not a cliché image of stupid Hollywood, I'm just an Italian who wants to help these girls.”
Hit Girl sighed, apparently Angelo wasn't lying.
“And you do it for good people, or do you want to have a harem of lolis, you fucking lolicon pervert?”
Angelo looked at Hit Girl with surprise and then shook his head as he tried not to laugh.
The girls looked up at Mindy, but lowered their weapons as they noticed the tense atmosphere had ceased.
“Look," said Hit Girl, "the whole thing in New York with the D'Amico family got out of control. In the end I wanted to get away from it all too, well no, it's complicated but my adoptive father almost made me leave the "dark side of the force".”
“I beg your pardon?” Henrietta said this time, and finally her lips were opening again, but her eyes were still full of sadness.
“The dark side... Star wars.... The Jedi...” said hit Girl surprised at the confused looks that the other girls gave her, who looked at her as if she was a two-headed creature.
“I bet you guys just like Justin Biewer or One Direction.”
The girls kept looking at her like she was some kind of circus freak.
“Really?.... duffy dog... Ricky martin, Shakira... britney spears... Laura paussini... Julio iglesias!” said the North American, accompanying each singer's name with thick adjectives.
“Julio Iglesias," said Claes, "I think I heard his songs.”
“Really? But if the guy is from my father's generation," Hit Girl said in surprise as she used her "refined" vocabulary again.
“Do you always talk like that?” Angelo asked.
“Another donkey who asks the same question” complained hit Girl as she rolled her eyes.
“My guardian listened to Julio Iglesias' songs," interrupted Claes, who didn't want the two present to start a fight now that they had made peace, "my guardian listened to Julio Iglesias' songs, listened to them when he went fishing with me.”
Claes looked like he was about to cry and Angelo approached her and embraced her tenderly.
“Claes and the other girls don't know much about the outside world," explained Ángelo, "the Social Happiness Agency didn't allow the girls to watch news, read the newspaper or connect to the Internet. Only Claes is educated because of the pile of books her guardian left her.... Apart from being polyglots, the girls don't know much.”
Hit Girl frowned, and regardless of the disapproving looks Angelo or the other girls gave her, she cursed again from on high.
“By the way," said Angelo, who stopped hugging Claes, "thank you.”
“Why are you thanking me?”
“For saving the girls, I bet you helped them escape from the SHA men. Thank you very much.”
Hit Girl who wasn't used to being thanked took a shy stance and didn't know what to say.
“In this kind of situation you say: you're welcome or don't mention it," said Triela with a wise face.
To prevent Angelo and the other girls from making fun of her (they were already starting to laugh) she grabbed Triela by the throat.
“Now you see, I will teach you to respect your elders....”
The two girls were struggling and Rico and Angelica were worried.
“Look Henrietta," said Claes with a smile, "a fight between two cats with pigtails.”
Hit Girl and Triela were still struggling, although this time each girl had a smile on her face.
Despite the pain in her heart Henrietta could not help but smile.
“Triela, Mindy.... you' re fools...”
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