"il volo del fiore" is an Italian phrase that comes to mean: the flight of the flower.
Capítulo 4: Il volo del fiore
Hit Girl had her cell phone with her and showed the girls her internet and music applications. Reactions varied depending on the personality of the girls, for example, Claes was fascinated with the internet, while Henrietta could not understand American rock music.
“I prefer classical music," said Henrietta, who was supported by Angelica.
“And what do you plan to do now?” asked Mindy Macready aka. Hit Girl.
“The girls and I," Triela replied, "thought we'd take a private plane to Japan, where we'd meet Dr. Serizawa and ask him to help us.”
“Triela, girls, you're making a mistake," Angelo interrupted. “The Social Happiness Agency could send agents to intercept you in Japan, so it's best that we attack the SHA.”
“Attack the SHA?” She said richly and apprehensively.
“That's right.”
“Now?” Angelica said in a fearful tone.
“At this very moment!” shouted Claes, who grabbed her glasses.
“Yes, yes and yes! Look, girls, if we finish the SHA, you can breathe easy. All your personal files are in that place, according to the information José gave me, there are no digital backs or anything like that, this is so that no information regarding what the SHA does is leaked to the public. What I'm saying is, if you're not on the SHA records, you don't exist.”
The girls looked at each other, it was obvious that they did not wish to carry out the attack suggested by their friend.
“I don't think it's best to attack as soon as possible," said Triela, who was apparently conveying her other friends' opinions. Angelo sighed in frustration.
“I think it's a great idea," Mindy Macready suddenly said, "you see, after I rescued Kick Ass, he and I went to take down Frank D'Amico. Frank's men, even though they were in the building, were not prepared, nor did they even stand up for themselves. The surprise factor was decisive, I couldn't even take or bury my father's body.”
“Mindy...” Angelo whispered to her.
“Call me Hit Girl.”
“...Hit Girl is right, the longer we wait, the more SHA will become an insurmountable target. We must attack now.”
“It's not that simple," Triela said, "even though SHA turned us and trained us to be professional killers, the girls and I are not in the best shape right now. Henrietta and Rico, are very affected by the loss of their "older brothers"; Angélica and Claes, they have not been on a field mission for a long time and are weak because of so many "reconstructions"; I am not in the best condition myself, I lost my guardian and at this moment I have my period.... It is a pity, I am the only one of all the girls who carry this of the period, the other girls do not have a uterus because of the "reconstructions" to which they were subjected.”
“I told you, Triela," said Henrietta, "I'd rather have my period than not have a uterus.”
The girls exchanged sad looks and Hit Girl cursed low.
“Well," said Angelo, "there's nothing to be done. Tomorrow morning we'll get ready to go to Japan, I guess you hit Girl, you'll be on your way.”
Mindy nodded her head in nodding, daring not to see the boy's face as she traveled to Rome for the purpose of killing Angelo's father.
The safe house had a bathroom, exercise room and nothing else, so Angelo and Mindy went to get some blankets, sleepings and various snacks for the girls to spend the night.
As Hit Girl fled in a hurry from the hotel she was at, all she had was her cell phone (which she left at the safe house for the girls' amusement) and her guns.
“First things first," said Angelo, "I have to get you some clothes because you are very eye-catching with the superhero costume you're wearing.”
Mindy thanked Angelo by sticking out her tongue and showing it to him as if to challenge him, but the boy was right, she was getting a lot of attention and more considering that it was getting dark.
“Quickly, I know a place where there's a clothing store and not so many people around!” Angelo hurriedly said once they were on the street and held Mindy's hand, with which he carried her down a less crowded side street.
"What the hell, I can walk without help!", Mindy thought, as she decided to let go of the boy's hand, but that moment was postponed for a reason that Mindy Macready could not understand.
In the middle of a strange city, surrounded by strangers, and walking down an unfamiliar street in the dark and dirty alleys of New York, Mindy Macready, the most dangerous girl on the planet, Mindy Macready, whose true personality was that of hit Girl, "the beater", the murderer of huge and dangerous mobsters, let herself be carried away by Angelo's warm hand.
The alleys through which Angelo taked her were paved and also lit with baroque style lanterns or arabesques all over their surface. The multicolored lights that came out of the various stores gave a dreamy look to the whole place, and Angelo continued to hold her hand while saying something to her, words lost in the eternity of time that did not matter, only the sensual movement of the lips of the man to whom she entrusted her destiny at that moment.
Hit Girl felt like a flower dependent on the care of a gentle Italian gardener, and she accepted it. She accepted to be Mindy Macready instead of Hit Girl, she accepted to be cared for instead of covering the backs of others, she accepted that the smile that furrowed her face in that moment had nothing cheesy, she accepted that the look in her eyes at that moment was not childish or laughable.
“...Hit Girl... Hit Girl...” She heard Angelo say her name.
“Hit Girl we're here, hey, you okay? Hit Girl," said the man and placed one of his hands on the girl's shoulder out of concern, "Something's wrong, are you okay?”
"What... what's wrong with me? I don't understand, this isn't me, this isn't me," thought hit Girl, as she noticed her heartbeat racing as she felt her whole face melting away.
Hit Girl let go of Angelo's hand with a sudden movement of her arm, causing the boy to look at her in surprise.
“I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... I'm sorry!” she shouted and ran fast in the opposite direction.
"I'm a fool, I'm a fool, I'm a fool!" Hit Girl kept thinking, as she ran at full speed and was the object of the curious eyes of all the passers-by.
After a hurried, aimless march, hit Girl stopped at a small square that was deserted at the time.
"Why did I have to run away? I reacted just like a little girl.”
A fresh wind began to blow at that moment, it was not very strong, but it served to calm the girl's mind for a moment.
Mindy hadn't noticed it at first, but she had been crying and trying to find a klinex, she realized she wasn't wearing one.
“Come on, take this," said Angelo, who was standing next to Hit Girl and offering her his handkerchief.
“How did you find me?”
“It was easy, I just had to follow the trail of people whispering curiously because of your superhero costume, come on use my handkerchief.”
Mindy wiped her face with the handkerchief and then snorted with mockery.
“You must think I'm crazy or something.”
“I don't know the facts why you decided to become a vigilante and I am not one to judge others.”
“Thanks for the handkerchief, here.”
“Don't worry, give it back to me later," replied the boy and Hit Girl looked at him frowning.
“Don't get it wrong," explained Ángel, "I just don't want to see you with tears on your face.... You're too pretty for your face to be furrowed with tears.”
Hit Girl blushed at Angelo's words.
“I don't want to see you with a face full of snot either.”
Mindy closed her eyes and punched the boy in the arm. Since Mindy didn't have much of a relationship with boys (or girls) her age, the blow was harder than the one she wanted to give.
“I'm sorry! I think I went a little overboard.”
“Don't worry.... We'd better go get the clothes and buy something to eat because its already late, I bet you the girls are starting to worry.”
Mindy nodded as she recognized that it was her fault that she had delayed shopping, and in the end, along with Angelo, she bought new clothes for the girls and herself. Nothing special, just something simple to change clothes, Angelo also bought some clothes and appreciated the fact that Mindy was with him and she was the one who bought the underwear for the SHA girls.
“Now all we need is something to eat," said Angelo, who turned his face in every direction to find something to eat.
“What would be good for the girls?” asked Mindy, who was already wearing the new outfit and therefore no longer caught the attention of passers-by.
“From what I heard from José, the girls were given a very balanced diet, consisting of what you would eat in a fancy restaurant.... I think it's time they tried some real food, how about hot dogs and some oily fries?”
“I thought you'd offer them pizza or calzone or something.”
“And you're still on the clichés," said Angelo, taking a big sigh of frustration.
“I'm sorry.”
“Slow down, hit girl, it's not your fault. It's Hollywood's fault, who brainwashed everyone.”
The boys went to get some Wendy burgers and fries and rushed to the safe house.
“We're almost there, Hit Girl," said Angelo, "but first, let's make sure no one follows us.”
“You're right, and by the way... call me Mindy.”
Claes, who was the girl in the worst mood, was in charge of reprimanding Angelo and Mindy for the delay, but then she was the most delighted when she tasted the burgers her friends brought her.
“I guess I can forgive yoou this time," Claes said as sadjusted her glasses.
“Thanks a lot for the clothes," thanked Angelica, as she wore her long black hair to her side. "Look Claes, we can wear this pair and if you take off your glasses, everyone could take us for twin sisters.”
“How about Henrietta? We both have short hair and a similar physiognomy," asked Rico "so we can both wear the same pair of suits and also go through as if we were sisters.”
“Then I guess Triela and Mindy can also wear similar clothes and pass for sisters because of their pigtails," said Henrietta and the other girls firmly affirmed.
“No way, no fucking way, no fucker girls!” shouted Triela and Mindy at the same time.
There was a pause in which everyone looked at them with eyes like plates and then Angelo laughed hard, which was followed by the other girls, including the two blondes with ponytails.
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