Jason's POV
"Hey Sophia!" I pulled out the chair to sit by my usual desk-mate. She seemed really excited today, "What up?"
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh did you hear about the portrait art contest at our school starting next week? It is going to be so exciting! I'm not gonna compete though, but Paisley will! I will fully support her. I bet you she's gonna win this contest. She is a freak of nature and is incredibly artistically talented. I heard that she's asking for models to help her with her work. I'll contact her today and ask if she's interested in me being her model. " Sophia finished all these sentences in one breath. I tried not to show any strong emotion about what she said, but how can I not!? Paisley had been my crush since grade 6. I had tried to get her attention before, but it never worked. She always ignored me, or she just ignored boys in general. But ironically, she was the nicest in her friend circle. I had always seen her helping out and being the most friendly to her friends. And she's good at everything, but apparently, all my male friends don't have good taste and don't like her at all. They complained about how she's so cold and heartless to them. In my eyes, she's like an angel. This seemed like a great opportunity to get her attention. Maybe she'll at least talk to me this time.
"Um, Sophia, I might also be interested in being a model for Paisley's artwork. Do you think you can tell me her phone number?" I scratched my head. Sophia eyed me suspiciously,"Are you gonna prank call her? Are you gonna stalk her? Are you really asking for her phone number for a honourable purpose?"
"Of course! I'm not planning to do anything bad." My face flushed with embarrassment and anger.
"Okay then..." Sophia peered at me sideways once more before handing her phone to me. I took out my phone and copied the number into my contact. Yes! I thought to myself. One step closer to my goal. As class went on, I was unable to concentrate properly. I thought about what I should say that could improve my first impression and daydreamed about our future. Class ended very soon and I didn't absorb a single bit of information from the class.
A/N:...What intense daydreaming...
As soon as school ended, I rushed home and jumped onto my comfy sofa. I immediately took out my phone and opened Messenger. During school, I've decided to just text Paisley and see what happens. However, before I even typed a word, my palms became sweaty and cold. What if I say something that would embarrass myself? Ahhhh! I'm freaking out right now!!! After a tub of ice-cream, yes, a tub, I finally calmed myself down and resat on the sofa. Okay, I'm gonna do this with some maturity. I thought to myself. I took out my phone again and without a second thought, I sent, "Hey." I didn't add a smiley face in, just in case she would think that I'm a creepy person. I waited for like 10 minutes before she replied, "Hi~." After I saw this comment, all I want to type is "I LOVE YOU WILL YOU MARRY ME??" Um...maybe I was overreacting a bit. Still being cautious, I sent," I heard that you want some models for your art project. I am willing to help :)."
"Okay. So...who are you?"
"Oh sorry for being rude and not introducing myself. I'm Jason and I'm in the same grade as you." I mentally hit myself for not introducing myself first.
"Oh. Okay. So when are you available after school from Monday to Friday?" Really? Already?! I thought there would be some challenges letting her accept me as a model. But then the bad news came before I could even blink my eyes.
" But you have to pass my audition first. Not every boy can be qualified for being a model. If you are annoying as hell, I will kick you out without a second thought."
"Okay. I can come tomorrow after school, Wednesday. It's in the art room right?"
"Yeah. See you"
YES YES YES YES YES!!! I can now go meet her personally tomorrow. I was so excited!!! I jumped up and down like a seven years old getting a dog. That night, I wished myself good luck before drifting off into a deep, happy sleep.
Hey peeps.
Hope you loved my incredible story so far. The Pajamas (Paisley+Jason=PJ=Pajamas) are gonna meet each other soon!! Let's hope for the best for Jason. And I'm out!
Biscuits and apple pies,