Paisley's P.O.V.
"Hey sweetie!" My mom yelled enthusiastically from the kitchen.
"What do we have for dinner?" I asked while walking into the kitchen.
"We've got cauliflower with tomatoes, sesame eggplant, and mushroom ramen." my mom turned her head to face me and grinned mischievously.
I rolled my eyes. It's one of those days when she's mixing weird ingredients together to create disaster.
"Okay I'll just wait in the living room. Call me when you're done. Actually, do you need any help?" I looked at her dishes suspiciously.
"No no, you don't need to worry!" She waved me away with her spatula holding hand.
"Oh watch out!" Mom exclaimed as a piece of eggplant flung from her spatula and whizzed past my head.
I rubbed the side of my face and walked out of the kitchen, but not before cleaning up the eggplant on the floor.
I slowly walked up the stairs to my room. While climbing the stairs, I saw a flicker of movement. I paused. What was that? I took a deep breath and kept walking. Wow Paisley, right after you almost got hit with a piece of eggplant you're hallucinating! How exciting!
Just as I put down my backpack by my desk, I heard a banging sound next door in the guest room. I froze. I could feel my heart beat gradually beating faster, hands getting cold and sweaty. Oh gosh, I don't think it's me imagining things...It's a robber right on the other side of this wall. I gulped, not knowing whether I should investigate or just hide in the washroom and text my mom downstairs.
In the end I decided to sneak to the other room and see what's actually in that room. But investigating is how the horror movie characters are usually killed! I ignored the common sense in my head and still decided to take a risk.
I tried to peek into the room through the tiny thin line between the door and the frame. Unfortunately, it was too small for me to see anything. I slowly pushed open the door, careful not to make any sounds. CREAK. I jumped in fright (and surprise) and banged my head on the door, making an even louder noise than before.
"Ow..." I held my precious forehead in pain and crouched on the floor. Then I slowly became aware of the low chuckles coming from in front of me.
I immediately snapped my head up to see the door wide open with a robber holding a knife....Jason?!
"Ahem." I coughed to stop him from laughing at me, extremely aware of the fact that my cheeks were burning with embarrassment.
However, Jason didn't stop laughing but instead started laughing harder while clutching onto his stomach.
Calming slightly from my embarrassment, I started interrogating him,"Why are you here?! And stop laughing at me!"
"You really are hopeless. Ahahahaha..." Then he kept on laughing.
Gosh what was wrong with him?! I decided to ignore him and stormed out of the room slamming the door. I sat on the living room sofa, still angry at him.
"Dickhead." I muttered under my breath. He was literally laughing at me just because I banged my head on the door while spying on him! Well....maybe...I was a bit....unprofessional. No worries. I will improve my spying skills soon. I'll have plenty opportunity spying on my mom in the future. I'm so weird....Who spies on their mom?
Wait a minute...I just realized that Jason's in my guestroom.... What the heck? I frowned, not able to understand my current situation.
"Guys! Dinner's ready! Come to the dining room!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.
I groaned, not wanting to taste my mom's new experiment's results.
"Come'on!" Mom urged after only 10 seconds. I slowly stood up and walked towards the kitchen. Maybe I can ask mom about why Jason was in our house acting like a robber. With that motivation in mind, I walked faster.