Well then…what are you made for?
Well, I’m sure there are more opinions on this than stars in the sky but I’ll give you mine.
You were made to love and be loved.
You are far more complex than evolution. You have compassion, you feel guilty. The human need for justice is ruled by empathy. If not, we would not fight for the underdog. We did not adapt and conquer, we accepted cultures, technologies; we fought for those who couldn’t fight themselves. Evolution would see us drop the wounded without second thought. It would see the culling of cultures and disabled people throughout history as heroic and intelligent… not cruel or repulsive.
Evolution ignores the basic human understanding of morality.
You are made to be great. To care for your environment, to care for others.
To love.
But to do that… it’s hard. It’s waking up in the morning and knowing the world is going to kick you every time you get up. You lose a friend, you trust someone else and they betray you. They make you feel like an ant about to be crushed. Your purpose in tatters. You will shake your fist at me and say “I loved them! And they betrayed me, hurt me, and crushed my heart. Love – all it does is wound me.”
But I never said it would be easy.
People suck. I’m not going to pretend like we don’t. Across culture and time we have as creatures mucked up. We have forgotten that love is not a choice, but vital.
There was a study done where they had two groups of children. Both were fed correctly, looked after. They had the best care one could provide to a child. However, one group was not held. They were cared for but not loved. The other was cuddled, was cherished. Easy to say, the group that was not loved were under developed in most areas, and found it hard to make connections with others.
Why do we consider love as a choice, as though it’s some hobby we have on the sidelines? Our jobs are more important that our relationships. Our skill set somehow makes us elite. Our bank account will give us a hug every fortnight. We lie to ourselves in the hope everything will turn out alright.
There is a reason the first commandment of the bible is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind, and strength.” Because it is the greatest gift we have. It is what makes us “in God’s likeness.” It is what creates success. It is what we strive for, fight for. Our bodies are so intune to love that we have physical, spiritual and philological responses to it. We treat it like a drug, we misuse it. We try and take it all a part and control it. But it doesn’t work like that.
We live in a broken world, it’s not hard to see that. You only need to turn on the TV or browse social media to find it. Our history is soaked through with injustice.
But I can promise you there is one who will never misuse you. That will love you, who will never let you down. Someone who will stand beside you as you feel your whole world crumbling.
My God.
Now, I’m not being all preachy. And I have heard “believing in fairy tales are we?” so often I want to scream. But it works. He works. “I AM,” “Yahweh” “God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.” Christianity. All that that makes you screw up your nose.
He created the universe. He programed us to love. You have that hole inside you for a reason. Because you are commanded to Love God, he is that missing part of you.
Now don’t feel threatened by this. I’m not demanding anything from you, it’s not my place to do so.
But hear me out.
A computer has programs right. It has functions building upon functions. So do we. We have the basic functions – our human rights. To be safe, to be respected, to be able to survive.
The very first program, the very first instinct is to love God.
Crazy thought right?
But think about it. Religion is a strange thing. Every culture on earth up to now has had some form of God. Everyone is looking for self-worth, for purpose. We all feel that lost puzzle piece, and attempt to squeeze in a replacement. Money, sex, career, a hobby. And we all know it doesn’t work. Atheists agree with me on that.
The Hebrews, the Jews were the first people. They were the grounding point. They have a history that points forward to Jesus. The prophecies and failings are the human proof of a loving God who will save the people who cannot save themselves.
But you have to choose God. We’re not robots. God sees you. He knows who you are, he knows how many hairs are on that pretty head of yours. He knows your nature.
Now, I’m not saying I have all the answers. But I can say this.
You are loved by God. Despite it all He is calling out to you. But love cannot be forced. Go have a look yourself, the bible isn’t out of date or crusty. It is a document of God, the true God – THE God. He’s done all the hard stuff – he’s offering you an invitation to a relationship that holds you closer than any other. No, your life isn’t going to be easy. God isn’t a genie that grants you every wish. But He is there. He sees your pain and cries with you. He stands on the deck as the waves’ crash upon you. He doesn’t leave you alone in the dark.
Plus… the bible’s kinda cool. It holds all genres, it has love songs and epic war tales. It holds history of God, a God of personality. Of Love. But he also gets angry, he loves, he hopes. He knows what sadness is, what it’s like to be hated, to be repulsive, to be rejected.
He loves you. But as with all relationships – it needs to be reciprocal.
Your purpose?
To love and be loved.