I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for the hundreds of years of bloodshed, of convincing you that the way to heaven was a bag of gold.
I’m sorry for the abuse you suffered under our hands as our lust for power crippled and then decapitated our love of God.
I’m sorry that I cannot speak to every person who has been used and abused – every one that has been scarred by “the Church,” and not the old, neglected building in the middle of your city. But us, the people within it. For every “foreigner” that we butchered or sold. Your colour is God made, vibrate, beautiful. You are gifted and talented ways I cannot begin to imagine.
And I’m sorry.
I’m sorry we ignored you, pushed you away, judged you till you were nothing but bones and tired eyes. I’m sorry that we appear to be a group of uninspired, ridged know-it-all’s with no heart. Or, fluffy little ducklings with as much backbone as a jellyfish. Because we’re called to be neither. We are so much more than “outdated” or “boring.”
We took out our power struggles on the cultures of the world. We squashed your creativity, we snuffed out your spirit and then scuttled back inside our churches with those heavy wooden doors and giggled behind them. We became the hell we promised to protect you from.
And I’m sorry.
I cannot right the wrongs. I cannot pretend like the history of my religion didn’t happen.
But I will look you in the eyes and tell you that I am aware of the devastation created through my God’s name. I know what we have done. And I know that an apology will never be enough.
But that is all I have.
I’m sorry.
We will be better. The world is changing rapidly, up is down and down is up! For good or for bad I cannot say. The world is no better than ancient times. But hopefully, God will finally shine through His people's actions. God was not in those acts of terrorism, for that’s what we did. “God is with us” was a lie.
But He is there.
Be you atheist, Muslim or Buddhist. Slave or free. Homosexual, Bisexual, heterosexual… your labels hold no meaning in the end. For God loves us, but often not our actions. He sent His Son down to us to fix the mess through the language of hell. Blood and pain. Ignore at your own expense, for I do not threaten, but warn you.
Things are changing.
I will often not agree with you, I will stand up to the opinions I do not agree with. I will be the serving warrior I was called to be. But I will not hate you. I will not peer down at you from gun point. I will love you, I will reach out to you when you call for aid. I will serve this era till I’m called home.
I simply ask for the respect I show you.
Will I receive it?
Blood and water, wine and glass. Ages burn futures as they pass.