Since Mistril did not want to meet Legolas, they waited until around second breakfast, as she had heard hobbits call the time that was not quite morning but not quite lunch either. Arwen seemed to be shining in the sunlight while both brothers were still very tired after playing all night.
"You shouldn't have drunk so much," Mistril started seeing how Elladan could barely walk straight. They had only one horse and Arwen was riding it. There was a brother on each of her side and Mistril was behind them.
"Whatever," Elladan mumbled rubbing his face. "We should get near the river and take a break soon." He added.
"Yes, you should." Mistril stated as she suddenly stopped.
"What do you mean 'you'?" Elrohir, who was more awake than his brother, asked realizing the reason she was always walking in the back. "What are you planning, Mistril?"
She looked at them, all so young and lively compared to how she felt. They deserved a peaceful life, one where they didn't have to wonder if this crazy elleth was going to murder them in their sleep or not.
"I'm going to Gondor."
"What?!" The brothers' loud voice resonated through the forest.
"Why Gondor?" Arwen asked getting off the horse and approaching the older elleth. "Isn't Rivendell a better option? Father will help you with whatever you need and lord Glorfindel-"
"Elves are my trigger. As I caressed Legolas' hair while being chained to my bed in the healing rooms, I realized I had chosen to become a slave of Mordor because of elves." Mistril said and sighed as she saw their frowns. "I waited for so long, hoping that I wouldn't be forgotten in a hollow in the mountain but no one came. I was left to die, with nobody to remember me and that is the base that created the Shadow. Legolas gave me a second chance by simply taking me in and I am also thankful for lord Elrond's hospitality and Lady Galadriel's patience. But my place is not with the elves. Even before I died, I did not return to the realms of elves but wandered around the whole Middle earth." She explained, feeling her heart break as she admitted how unjust her past was.
"But Gondor is so close to Mordor..." Elrohir said taking a step closer. "If your condition worsens with only being near Dol Guldur then- are you sure it is wise?"
"Yes. Please be safe and remember me as a friend not as the Shadow of Angmar." She said and smiled. Mistril patted them all on their heads as if they were children and with one last look over her shoulder, she bid them goodbye.
"This...I did not expect this." Elladan said now wide awake.
"Did she plan this? Is that why she came to you, Arwen? I wonder if Legolas knows."
There were many questions and theories but the siblings continued on their journey to Rivendell. They had to inform their father of what just happened.
Mistril strayed only a bit from the elven path thinking to herself if she should visit the Woodenrealm first or just go straight to the fortress. She had to check it in order to be able to know what she should fight against.
As soon as she stepped inside the forest she felt the darkness and froze. Her eyes felt like they were on fire while her mind swirled with screams and other voices she couldn't comprehend. He was watching, she was sure of that. She could feel the bindings grip her wrists with every step taken.
Her eyes closed as his power surged through her body and even darker memories surfaced. She could still feel him stand behind her, a presence she could not agree with now. But then the presence grew and she realized it was not a memory anymore but someone real. She drew out her daggers and launched but she was stopped by an arrow pointing at her nose. She followed it to the one holding it and sighed in relief.
"Mistril? What are you doing here?" He asked lowering his bow immediately. "This wood is no place for a wondering elf."
"I heard about it. Orcs and spiders have been filling these grounds. I didn't expect the forest to react so violently though."
"Foul and vile creatures have taken the land over the mountains of Mirkwood. That's how the forest is called now."
"It is not a good sign."
Faervel took a moment to look at her, his eyes going unconsciously to her wrists. The marks were so well contoured by now that he knew her presence in the woods might also be a calling from her former master.
"You're right. He is calling me to him. But do not think he is pleased with me, Faervel. I left my post and hid during his fall." She explained already sensing what he was thinking.
"I want to see it with my own eyes, what is hidden in the fortress. I need to know in order to protect the kingdom." He said not letting her push him aside.
"What does the king say about your decision?"
"He knows very little of what I've been doing. He is a good and honorable king and that is why I do not want him to sacrifice for us. Woodelves need him more than they need me."
"You are quite chatty, aren't you?" She asked with a smile, "What happened to you while I was gone? I believed you to be a silent warrior."
"I am nothing like the Shadow of Angmar." He said it so bluntly that it did not even offend Mistril.
The way to Dol Guldur took a bit longer than expected mostly because the forest was filled with anxiety. Spiders attacked, to which Faervel quickly reciprocated not letting Mistril draw out her sword. When they arrived at the hill, Faervel needed a moment. It was such strong magic at work that he could barely stand on his feet.
"Wait here. Do not enter. I am very serious, Faervel. Do not follow me into the fortress." Mistril said calmly yet the tone changed slightly when warning him.
Step after step, she felt the marks burn her flesh. She could also feel power coming from the darkness kept locked deep inside. She did not imagine it could fight its way out so violently and yet it was. She walked for a bit until she arrived in the middle, surrounded by old statues of the kings.
"I have been waiting." His voice sent a chill down her spine, reminding her of all the deaths she had caused. Even after hundreds of years, he could still kneel her if he wanted to.
"Lord Sauron." She couldn't help say. It came so naturally.
"I know what you did, Daewen. I know you left." He added sounding angry. "I expected it. That is why I gave you those marks."
"They brought me only suffering." She said trying to be strong under his direct influence.
"They gave you strength."
"You bound me to you. You didn't trust me."
"You broke your loyalty pledge, Daewen. I should punish you but I will not. I need your power."
"What if I refuse? You already have plenty as I see." She said glancing down at the noisy orcs lurking in the lower levels of the fortress.
Darkness surrounded her, suffocating her.
"I created you. I gave you a purpose. You are mine." He said suddenly disappearing.
"It's different now." Mistril whispered closing her eyes tightly.
"I am your master. You pledged your life to me and I shall use it once more." He added so close as if he was right behind her.
Mistril jolted and looked all around her but he was gone. Unfortunately, Faervel was caught attempting to enter the fortress, right on the bridge, by a white ghost of the past.
She ran in front of him seeing how the ghost had its hand on his sword.
"There is no need for a fight." She growled facing the former king of easterlings. He looked down at her as he rose in the air with the same demeanor as when he was alive.
"You shouldn't forget who you belong to."
"You have no authority over me, Khamul." She continued her eyes narrowing at him.
"Such big words for a mere slave of Mordor. One who betrayed and fled the war." He hissed angrily. "You will answer to your master, Daewen. When time comes, you will obey."
"I would rather kill you than listen to your orders."
From Faervel's point of view, who did not know the dark language enough to understand them, it looked like Mistril was egging on one of the Nazgul.
"Elves have betrayed you, don't forget that." The ghost of the former king said before he flew deeper into the fortress.
"Are you alright?" They walked for a while in the forest until Faervel finally asked.
"Since when have you been so open with me, Faervel?" She asked back jokingly. She looked fine, rather unfazed by her little dispute with the Nazgul. "You should tell Thranduil of what has been going in the fortress. If Khamul is there it means the wood elves have more to worry than a petty fight against the dwarves. He can attack Lothlorien and Mirkwood...Thranduil doesn't have a magic ring to protect him."
"I will tell him what he needs to know. What do you plan to do now?" He asked noticing that her hands were trembling.
"I'm...going to Gondor. I have to keep myself hidden for a while." She answered although she looked at the way to the Halls with longing.
"If he is back, then-" he stopped when she raised her hand for him to shut up.
"He was never dead to begin with. You only took the ring, his source of power and transformed him into what he is today, a mass of pure darkness. He is not relevant now, he is calling everyone to him but that's it."
Faervel looked down at his ragged attire before he glanced up at her. He was so tired.
"The ring is lost." He finally said.
Mistril knew better about his whereabouts but decided to keep that information for herself.
"Good. Keep it that way."