"We're here!" Legolas exclaimed with a smile. He couldn't wait to see Mistril and talk to her. He had so much to tell her of the Woodland and what he has done in the last few thousand years. And he was also curious what she has done and what were her plans for the future.
"Good evening, Lord Celeborn." The elder saluted and bowed his head at the lord of the land. Celeborn approached them with a soft smile and nodded at all three wood elves.
"I'm glad you accepted my offer. I'm sure you have much to ask and we have much to discuss but first I'm sure you are tired and famished. Please, follow me." He said elegantly making Miluinir's eyes sparkle with admiration.
"Oh my, you really tagged along didn't you Legolas?" Elladan said loudly as he ran towards the group. He saw them from afar but still couldn't believe his eyes. "Did your father fall ill? If not how come he let you come all the way here?"
"I am Lord Gweluven's guard." He said stuffing his chest out like a proud prince. Elldan chuckled and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Why are you here?"
"We came to discuss about a new trade my father wants to create with the dwarves of Moria. He wants to help them grow in number."
"But aren't they already quite large in number?"
"Yet goblins found a way to live in the darkest corners. Dwarves are rather stubborn and although we told them not to exaggerate, they are digging tunnels that should not be dug. Not so deep."
"Has Lord Elrond sent a word to my father as well?"
Elladan bit his lips and looked at anything but Legolas.
"He's known for being rather hostile with the dwarves."
"But he is a wise ruler. He wouldn't endanger his people for no reason."
"There are rumours, Legolas, about the Lonely Mountain and the treasures under it. It's been a long time but Oakenshield has been sighted with a wizard and we both know what that means." Elladan said, emphasizing the last part.
Legolas didn't seem bothered by his tone nor by his memories of his father and his broken relationship with the dwarves of Erebor. Instead, his eyes sparkled at the sight of Mistril approaching them from the gates.
"Legolas, you have to be aware of her past. She will most definitely not harm you but she has been...acting a bit off for the past few months." Elladan interfered quietly before he let the young wood elf go to his friend.
"Mistril!" He literally ran to her and once he reached her, he stopped and looked like a kid all over again. Mistril couldn't help but smile. All her thoughts about Sauron were pushed aside and she caressed his hair gently.
"You grew up. You're already an adult."
"And I have been allowed to patrol Mirkwood." He added glowing with pride, "What about you? I want to know everything you did ever since you left us."
That was how they started their little stroll through the city. It was not a long discussion since Mistril felt like she should keep most of the darker stuff to herself but it made Legolas happy.
"It must be boring living with Glorfindel. It sounds like the Woodland was funnier." He said once she finished. He tried to sound as if he was talking about himself but they both knew who he was trying to bring into discussion.
"You mean louder. I had to constantly be aware of how my actions would look to your father or even worse, Faervel."
Legolas chuckled to himself, remembering all her meetings with both.
"Actually, father has gotten worse. A lot has happened in the woods, as I am sure you too have heard. Something is stirring in Dol Guldur and it's affecting the entire land. We've been forced to diminish our borders as if we are retreating."
"Hasn't Faervel sent someone in?" She asked growing worried for the wood elves.
"He tried but father has denied him any action that involves the fortress. There is a lot of tension between them. I even volunteered to go in but no chance. Nobody went to Dol Guldur since your voyage with Tudor."
"How is Tudor?" She asked seeing how Legolas was getting just as tense as he implied his favourite captain was.
"You know, I can't really tell how any of them are. It feels like each is busy and I get left out of everything." The archer said with a pout.
Mistril smiled softly and reached out to move a strand of his hair behind his ear. It was a very motherly gesture of her, or at least it looked so from where Gweluven stood with Lady Galadriel herself.
"She cares for him as if for a young brother, if not even a son." Gweluven said out loud hoping the Fair Lady will agree.
"Does she? If we don't hurry, the darkness might take over her soul once more." Galadriel noted with worry. Although Mistril acted well, the marks were getting clearer. "I hear there is a potion that numbs the effects of her chains. Will it work now that she remembers everything?"
"I cannot tell for sure. Maybe it isn't a potion that we need, maybe she can calm down with the help of her friends." Gweluven reasoned hoping he was doing the right thing by trusting Mistril.
Galadriel seemed to be thinking about it before she nodded.
"There is still light in her soul. There is still hope and love but if those are damaged I am afraid there will be no cure."
Gweluven stared at the prince and sighed heavily. If only her love was directed to Glorfindel then everything would be solved. But she loved another whose personality was so difficult.