I'm sipping coffee in our ridiculously small kitchen the next morning when Triniti flounces out of her room. "So you did come home last night! You and that bar hottie looked very preoccupied with each other last I saw." She's smiling so wide that I'm sure her cheeks will get sore. "We might have done a few things that weren't exactly speakeasy-appropriate." I blush and smile, looking down at my mug, feelings come flooding back. "Spill. Tell me everything. I didn't even get a good look at him!' Triniti says, trying to egg me on, seeing how hard I'm blushing right now. "Well, his name's Ian, he's really smart, and he totally gets the jeans and purse struggle." I reply, still not being able to look at her in the face. Angrily, Triniti says, "Those damn pockets are criminal!" I'm able to look at her now, smiling, "Right! The best part was he could tell I was new around here, but he wasn't a total jerk about it..." I look back at my coffee, grinning. "and he's so sensual..." Triniti screams. Then claps a hand to her mouth. Then screams again. "He's totally into you. Has he texted yet? He so texted you." She says, practically jumping up and down. "I texted him a little while ago, but he hasn't texted back." I say. Glumly circling my coffee mug handle with my finger tip. "Babe, don't worry about it. He's probably sleeping in after all the fun you two had last night. You check out his socials yet?" She starts making her tea, but I can see her smiling. I freeze, realizing something. "I don't even know his last name." I murmur.
"Triniti..." I pause and look up at her. "What if he doesn't text me back? I'm never going to see Hottie McHotterson again." I say, sadly dropping my eyes to the floor. "Girl, chill. Just give it a little time, and he'll be blowing up your phone, you'll see." She drops her smile. "Now, on to more pressing matters. First day of class, what do you have?" She leans up against the counter as her tea brews in the Keurig. I take a sip of my coffee, trying to recite my schedule that I practiced memorizing this morning. Ah. "'Behavioral Science in Practice' in the Jesse Dunn building in thirty minutes, room 313. Then Linear Algebra in the-" Triniti smiles, and stops me from repeating the rest, she's remembering something. "Anthro? First class? Professor Kingsley is so fun. Come on, I'll show you where Jesse Dunn is."
Triniti practically drags me to the JD building by the ear as I try to drink my coffee in a to-go cup. We stop at the entrance of the room. She puts her hands on both of my shoulders and makes eye contact, lecturing me like a mom. "Have fun, be a good student, and catch me for lunch at Elefante? It's next to the bookstore." She pats my shoulders and gives me a thumbs up and smile as I turn around, walking into the room.
I've just set down your laptop when someone catches my eye. The girl I was so pissed about yesterday is sitting beside me, I pray to God she doesn't remember me. And, to my joy, it appears she doesn't. Figures. The door swings open and shut as the Professor enters the classroom, not noticing anyone at first. I barely even notice him at first until he approaches the front of the class and we make eye contact. My jaw almost drops to the floor. He looks like he just saw a ghost.
It's Professor Kingsley. Ian, from the bar.