I opened my eyes to the rain tapping the window. The water dripping down the windshield and windows, I sat up and looked towards Jith.
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“We're almost home, the rain only slowed us down a little.”
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This dull melancholic pain coursed through me, I could feel a clear warmth from Jith besides me but just outside the car the world howled and the unwavering chill blew.
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The gray and brown city blended together with the rain, the road was rough, waves of water slashed as we drove. Jith turned down a street and pulled up in front of the garage, jumping out the car against the storm, opening it up and driving us inside. I watched quietly, as they closed the garage door.
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“Let’s go Fran, it's freezing.”
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There was a door at the end of the small garage, behind it was a tunnel that led to stairs and the door to our home. I followed as they scrambled for the keys, opening the door to the light gasp of two kids sitting in the living room.
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The kids stared with wild wonder surrounded by dated and used furniture. Their wide eyes, and harsh features looking at Jith and I.
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“Dace and Juy, its Frans Birthday!”
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“Happy birthday!” said the smaller one, happy to have someone else around.
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“Happy birthday” said the older one, seemingly bothered by me.
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I noticed a droplet slowly forming above Dace, it dripped down hitting him square in the forehead, “Ahh”, he jumped back.
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“Oh for the love of god there's a leak.” Jith rushed to find a bucket, finding a bucket nearby and placing it under.
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Jith sighs “Anyways you babies hungry? I’m going to make Zole since its Frans favorite.”
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Dace was watching on as Juy went back to her business.
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I turned my head to Jith, to see them twisting a gas tank, connecting it to a stove.
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“We don’t have long noodles right now, are shorter ones ok?” Jith said out of breath.
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“Sure” Juy not even looking up from their phone.
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“Yea!” Dace says playing with a game.
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“Um yea” I noticed a red mark under Jith’s rolled up sleeves.
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Jith had the flame lit and poured the ingredients in a pot. Finally turning to me they saw me looking at their arm.
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“Oh, that’s my “sign”, we all have them actually. Red means I'm a supportive person” ,Jith slightly raises their voice while looking at Dace, “and what does blue mean?”
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“Strong!” Dace says, shadowing his blue mark off.
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“Yep” Jith looks back at me “But you know, I guess you need a “sign” too. I think you're strong so go with a strong blue “sign”.
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I was speechless, my eyes and mind became lost somewhere, I looked to my hand, legs and body. I felt uncomfortable with that idea of me, I was still a bit dirty and covered in scuffs and scratches.
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“That's right….” I thought. I stood completely still, with something new within me.
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“Dace, Catch!” yelled Jith, throwing a lighter to the young boy. “Go get the boiler on so Fran can take a shower.”
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“Ok” Dace dashed out the front door.
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“Go shower, the soup should be ready by the time you're out. Its the door closest to the front door”
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I said nothing, I walked towards the bathroom, opening it and shutting it behind me.
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Do I need to be strong? It's what my creator has told me. I looked at my frame and where my arm was supposed to be. I felt sad that I didn't have an arm anymore, its gonna be really hard to do stuff, but I have to…
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I have to be strong for Jith.
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I turned the hot water on and felt great in the warmth.
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I forgot about my thoughts in pure bliss.
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I showered, brushing my rough frame, it hurt my hand.
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I dried myself off and walked out to see Jith serving bowls around the table.
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“Soups ready kids.”
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Dace jumped up from the old couch and Juy got up quietly to take a seat at the table.
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“Fran, we gotta sing happy birthday before food gets cold.”
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I took a seat with them, finally getting a look at Dace and Juy.
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Dace has these kind eyes and bouncy energy while also being a rough, strong signed kid. Juy’s eyes were more focused, while being a bit more quiet and seemed in their own world, I couldn't see their sign.
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“Ok guys, 1,2,3 happy-” They all sang the happy birthday song, Dace throwing in Cha-cha-cha. I was embarrassed but a little happy. “Remember to make a wish as you eat your soup.”
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I felt a connection with them, like I had always known them. I need to be strong not only for Jith, but for Dace and Juy too.
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Dace finished his soup first, washed their hands and came up to me.
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“When you finish eating want to play games with me?”
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“Yea, sure.”
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Juy finished and washed their hands and went into their room.
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Me and Jith finished at the same time and they offered to wash my bowl.
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“Go see what Dace is doing.”
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I nodded and walked towards Dace playing a handheld console while laying on the couch.
302Please respect copyright.PENANAFGjNCgkd5m
“Hi Fran, you still love Elfo’s adventures, right?”
302Please respect copyright.PENANAp9PKdXHYuf
“Yea, I do”, why did I say that? I thought.
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“Oh nice, I can make a new save file for you since I’ve always liked watching you play.”
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“Well It might be hard for me, since I just got one hand.”
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“Oh yea… umm-” Dace semed a bit let down, he was still a kid after all.
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“Its cool Dace, I can just use my left hand and you can control the right side of the controller.”
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“Really! thats sounds awsomee.”
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I smiled and he handed me the game. The house felt warm, the shower, the soup, my family. I could still feel the dull pain in my body but something else had taken the wheel, like how I was with Dr. Tylor.
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We played our game for the rest of the day, Juy did not exit the room and Jith quietly read a paper on the table. I just played the game with Dace, he was happy to do so, I felt proud again to make someone else smile. time passed until night fell and the door opened.
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A large person entered the house, soft but hard eyes they seemed tired holding a bag of bottles.
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“Hey kids, oh Fran is here already? Want a bottle Fran?” he chuckled.
302Please respect copyright.PENANA3zdQhq1pwe
“HI Cer!” Dace exclaimed.
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Jith put their magazine down, “ Picked them up earlier today.” Jith got up walking towards the person hugging and kissing them, “Fran, this is Cer your step father.”
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I looked up dull eyed, I noticed his strong “sign” on his arm. “Hello.” I said.
302Please respect copyright.PENANACaAGczcXPT
Jith walked him towards the table, “I made some soup Cer, want me to warm it up?”
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“Yea and make it quick i'm tired as hell”. He sat down.
302Please respect copyright.PENANAqi1wsJOrzC
That person, Cer, confuses me. I don’t feel as if they’re a person capable of producing warmth but they don’t seem that cold.
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I could see something that gave me a conflicting idea of him.
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We continued playing our game, Cer finished his food and went to sleep. Dace yawned, Jith heard and said we should head to bed. They opened the door where Juy had entered earlier seeing three beds.
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Juy was on her phone on the bed to the left corner, Dace sleepily laid on the middle bed.
302Please respect copyright.PENANAemEo2XQrxX
"Juy, you should sleep soon don't be on your phone so much. Fran try and sleep too, you know where the bathrooms and fridge is. Goodnight."
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Jith closed the door, and the room was dark. I could faintly see a light coming from Juy's phone. My eyes naturally closed but the pain lingered within me, never letting me find true comfort. I felt a sensation of bugs crawling on my back and all around me.
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I itched and moved a lot to be comfortable. Eventually I drifted to sleep, and began to dream of another's life.302Please respect copyright.PENANAdeT5gDmHHf