Estella's POV
"Do you have everything you need?" Seth asked while glancing outside to make sure no one was coming.
"No yet, sorry, I'm having a hard time deciding what to take with me." She answered in a shaky tone.
He came back inside, and joined Estella in her room. Various items were spread across the room. He felt bad.
"I'm sorry we have to rush; I was planning on getting us a carriage but I needed more time to prepare it. Take only what's important to you, I still have to go to get something's from my place."
She could feel his guilt, 'I don't want him to feel sad over something like this.'
She forced a small smile, "It's ok, most of these things are trivial items I grew attached to." She lied. She was a flawless liar.
He frowned, "They're not, they mean something to you and that's reason enough for me. I promise I'll buy you as many things as you want once we get out of here."
"I'll hold you to it."
He smiled, "I hope so."
Finally, Estella came to the decision of what she should pack, it was some clothes suited was various different seasons, some stored food she had and a small bedroll with a blanket. The only bag she had was stuffed.
"Let's go," she said in an excited tone.
Seth tok ahold of the bag she was holding, hinting that he wanted to hold it instead. Despite her reluctance to leave him to do the heavy lifting she didn't argue. Just when they were about to leave, she remembered something.
"I forgot something," She gasped and went back digging for it.
She removed the floor board she hid the box under. When she opened the box, she rummaged through but didn't find it.She scowled deeply.
'Where is it? There's no way I could have misplaced it. Could someone have taken it? But who would even know it was there?" ' She felt like crying.
"What's wrong?" Seth asked reentering th room
"I can't find it," she said franticly moving up and down searching.
"Can't find what?"
"My bracelet."
"I'll buy you a new one let's go," He insisted worried about their closing time span.
"No, it was my mom. She always wore it, I can't leave it behind," He could feel her anxiety. He sighed and started to help her look.
She remembered how much her mum loved that bracelet. She never took it off.
"Mummy, why are you always wearing that bracelet?" Young Estella asked looking at her sickly mother who was sitting across the table.
Her mother softly smiled, "It's a gift from your father, before I got pregnant with you and we came to live here. When I first got it, it was empty. Every new place we visited he bought a beautiful piece to add on to it. He told me that way whenever I look at it, I would remember all the adventure and good times we had together."
"Wow." Young Estella found it to be a great story but didn't grasp the sentiment behind it.
"One day, Mi Estrella, I would pass it on to you. That way no matter where you go, you will always remember your father and I, and how mch we love you, mi estrella."
Estella shook her head returning her focus on looking for the bracelet.
"Look for this," The Chief spoke holding up an all too familiar bracelet.
Estella gasped, "Why do you have it?" She asked,
"I wanted to."
'Why would he do that? How dare he touch something tha belongs to her!' The anger Estella as feeling was new to her. Anger wasn't something she could ever recall feeling.
"Give it," Seth growled at him.
He just shrugged and threw it, Estella caught it and let out a sigh of relief.She put the beautiful coloured bracklet one.
"So, you're leaving despite everything I told you? Whatever, just know once you leave there's no coming back, do you understand, Mi Estrella?" Her eyes widen, it's been years since he last called her that. His tone was so soft and sad. She didn't recognize the man in front of her.
She gulped, then nodded, "I understand."
He paused for a moment then let out a bitter smile, he moved to the side to let them pass. He stopped Seth.
"Take good care of her. I've failed her far too many times already." The Chief spoke in a regretful tone.
"I will."
"You two have quite the journey ahead of you. Be careful."
With that Seth and Estella left the bitter, conflicted older man all alone. Taking a route through the forest, Estell followed closely behind him.
'What did th Chief say to him?' She wondered.
"Um, Seth," She called out.
"What did he say to you?"
"To take care of you."
'Why would he say something like that?' She wondered. Estella wasn't good at dealing with conplex individuals who didn't act the way they felt. For the moment, she thought she would never understand why her father did the things he done. Finally, they got the family estate of the Rotherman's clan.
Unlike her, Seth had no hesitation in walking through the front gate where everyone could see them. Those outside only looked at them with surprised eyes. He got to his room and grabbed the bag he prepared during the day for tomorrow night. They walked out of the building.
"Seth!" An angry male voice shouted from behind them.
Seth stopped and sighed; Estella got a glance of a slighly scary look in his eyes. She's never seen anything like it. He tured in the direction of te voice, an old man and rushed over to Seth and raised hishand to slap him but he caught t mid-way. The man tsk.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he angrily askd.
"Leaving." Seth simply answered.
"Are you seriously going to just leave your clan behind for what? A Founder's whore?" Estella flinched at the name.
Seth clenched his jaw and fist.
'Who does he think he is?' Seth angrily thought. This anger towards an elder in his clan was rare but not unheard of.
"I dare you say that again." He hissed.
"Founder's who-" Seth punched him.
Unable to balance himself, the old man fell to the ground in pain. He grabbed the surprised Estella's hand and pulled her away.
'Did I really just do that? When have I ever acted out that way? There truly is no going back and I'm ok with it. Then why do I feel so frustrated?'
"You bastard! You run, when they find you, there's no coming back for you! You think she would accept you if she knew who you really were! The Gods will cast divine punishment on to you for this act of insolence!"
Seth led them throuhgh the deep forest. She normally would love to hold his hand but right now he was very rough and was hurting her. He was so lost in thoughts and trying to calm himself and didn't notice th way he was hurting the poor girl.
"Seth, you're hurting me. Can you slow down?" She softly begged.
He froze and looked down at his hand that was holding her delicate ones. He released it shock at his actions.
'What have I done?' She rubbed her hand.
"I'm sorry, -"
"It's ok, you were upset and lost in thought I understand. Give me a bag, you shouldn't carry it all by yourself."
He passed her the lightest bag they had, honestly it was quite heavy for her but she didn't dare to complain. He was already doing so much for her sake. She could tell he was deeply bothered by what the old man said, she wanted to ease his troubled mind. She took a hold of his free hand and brought it up to her lips and gave it a kiss. She remembered watching her mom doing it to the Chief whenever he was bothered by something or stressed.
Seth was more than surprised by her actions but he didn't complain. He enjoyed it.
"Don't worry, we'll be ok. We got each other and that's all we need." she confidently said.