She looking at the full moon shining ever so brightly. The light focused mostly at the forest tempting her. It always has but tonight it was especially alluring . The burning desire to leave clawed at her. The thoughts of running away flooded her mind out done by the scared, fearful side of her.
'Perhaps just a short walk will be fine,' She thought.
She removed herself from the window and walked towards the door. She slightly slid the door open and peaked outside to see if anyone was near but as expected the coast was clear. Taking cautious steps towards the forest she made sure to not make any unnecessary noise to wake anyone. Once she finally stepped into the forest, she released a breath she didn't know she was holding. Despite the bright full moon the forest was still dark only scantily lighting a path. She followed, enjoy the fresh, free feeling she got from being amongst the trees.
After sometime walking the dimly lit path. She reached the old bridge, she knew it quite well. No one back at the estate would have even guessed she knew it. She walked up to it and stopped behind the middle line. She knew what would happen if she did cross it, the thought caused her to also hesitate and walked back home. She felt frustrated at her cowardice, it always stopped her from doing anything she desire on her own.
"Why aren't you crossing?" A male voice suddenly spoke causing her to slightly shriek in surprise.
She turned around and scanned the forest with her eyes to see if she saw anyone but alas the forest was far too dark for that. Normally this would have scared her but something about this particular voice made her curious and calm.
"Who's there?" I asked.
"How about you answer my question first?"
"Then would you answer mines?"
She glanced behind her then back at the forest, "I will be in a lot of trouble if I do. I'm not even suppose to be out here."
"Then why are you here?"
"Aren't you suppose to answer my question now?" She asked confused.
"Your right, I'm Seth."
She smiled, "Hello Seth, I'm Estella but you can call me Stella if you like."
It got quiet, "Why are you out here?" He asked.
She didn't know how to answer, her mouth open but then closed again unsure of what to say.
"I felt drawn here, but it was a mistake. I shouldn't have come."
"What drew you here?"
"The moon," She paused, "Can you step out into the light?"
"I want to see the face of the person I am talking too?" She answered almost confused that he even asked.
"What if I'm a monster?"
"If your appearance is worth being scared over then I shall take deep breaths and remind myself that the calming, smooth voice is coming from you. It's enough to make me forget about your face. So please don't let that worry you, I'm sure you aren't a monster."
"Perhaps not on the surface but deep down, I'm a monster. I have done awful things."
"True monsters would never admit that what they did was awful but even if it so. Shouldn't I be the who decide whether I view you as a monster or not? I promise I wouldn't run away after seeing you."
The wind picked up blowing her long hair into her face blocking her view. When she looked back up she saw a figure slowly coming out of hiding from behind the trees. She smiled brighter hoping it would make him feel more comfortable.
Even at the distance they stood. She could see how breathtaking he was, short black hair, a slim yet firm built, tall, definitely handsome.
"Why are you standing all the way over there?" She asked, "Join me here."
He took slow strides towards her. Each stride gave her a better looking at him, he became impossibly more handsome in her eyes. When their eyes met, she froze. She knew those eyes and it wasn't a good thing. Her mind told her to flee but she stayed still. She intended on keeping her word. He left a three feet gap between them, he must have sensed her fright
"You are from the Rothman clan." She started
"And you are from the Founders clan."
She smiled, and slowly closed the gap, "That means we're sworn enemies."
"Yeah." They both stubbornly refused to break eye contact.
"Even though people say that, when I see you I don't see an enemy."
"I feel the same way."
To her, his red eyes were suddenly mesmerizing and beautiful no longer scary. Behind it she could see coldness as if he had no emotion. I scared her at first but the more she looked the more she started to see other emotions. Longing. Sadness. Lonely.
When he looked into her eyes, he saw boundless curiosity and energy begging to be released. Her gentle, calm, welcoming demeanor made him want to lower his guard and he did. He saw the way her eyes searched his that look of focus and determination. He enjoyed it. He found it, cute.
"Why did you come here?" Estella asked.
"Same reason as you."
She raised a brow at him, "And what would that be?"
"You want to run away."
Right on the mark. She stayed silent.
"Are you their 'blessed' one?"
"More like their cursed one," The reminder of her identity dawned on her,"I'm sorry."
"For what?" He asked.
"Being around a cursed one, me. I think I should go."
She started to walk away, fighting the tears that threaten to fall. He softly grabbed her upper arm to stop her. She looked at him surprised and confused.
"You aren't the only cursed one," He said almost in a whisper.
She frowned confused. He rolled up his revealing a long tattoo with writing of an ancient language they didn't need to know to understand it's meaning.
"You Founders' aren't the truly cursed ones." He tone was slightly bitter.
She stayed silent.
"I've never met a cursed one," She said.
"Neither have I."
She let out a small smile, "I like being around you. You make me feel calm and safe." She confessed.
He was slightly taken back, but slightly smiled.
"Then let's meet again. In this same spot, same time tomorrow."
"Sounds good."
With that they went their separate ways, but instead of feeling the usual loneliness and sadness she normally felt. She felt happy and at peace, she has felt that way in a while.