Chapter 4: It Doesn't Match You
"The name of this moron is D", those were the words Seras heard from an unknown source. The neonate vampire looked to the side of D to discover the mysterious interlocutor, yet she could not see anyone but the handsome dhampir.
“Who said that?”
“Come on D, introduce me to the vampire, after all she saved your life.”
D frowned slightly and then removed the black gauntlet from his left hand. Seras did not understand what was going on, but soon she had to drown out a cry of surprise.
The dhampir showed her the palm of his left hand, but instead of seeing normal skin on his hand, she could see a grotesque face: it was the face of what appeared to be an old man without any facial hair, a face that was extremely aged but at the same time had a mocking and sarcastic touch.
“Oh, what a pretty young lady. Tell me, what's your name?”
“Hey, what a thing you are!”
“Don't worry, he won't hurt you," said D, with a neutral tone and without changing the hieratic expression on his face. “What's your name again?”
“Emmm... police girl... I mean, Seras, my name is Seras Victoria.”
“Victoria, Seras..." repeated D, as he glanced more intently into the vampire's face, making her nervous.
“Yes... yes, that's my name... and you, you're called D, right?”
“Oh, well, thanks for saving my life... D?”
Apparently the handsome guy had no objection to the vampire calling him by his first name, which encouraged her a lot.
“Thanks for the cliff, but what was that thing that attacked me?”
“Miss Victoria, what is this place? I don't recognize the surroundings," asked D, who was not affected by being in an unknown place.
“We are in Scotland, a country in Great Britain, in the United Kingdom.”
“The United Kingdom?”
“Yes, that's right.... emm, there's no need to call me "Miss Victoria", just call me Seras... D.”
D nodded, not averting his gaze from the girl, apparently waiting for more information from her.
“I work for an organization called Hellsing, which is dedicated to protecting Her Majesty the Queen and the Protestant faith from the curse of the undead, such as vampires.”
“Hey, a vampire girl who works for an order of vampire hunters. Now I've heard it all!” said the ghoulish face in the palm of D's hand with a sneer. Come on dhampir, raise your hand and let me see the surroundings better," complained the face, but D wouldn't give him any attention.
“And you D, where are you coming from?”
“I think it would be best to say from what time. I don't recognize anything you've said.”
“Let me take you to the Hellsing mansion, Lady Integra will surely know how to help you," said Seras, and as she watched the man's gaze intensify, she decided to expand her request a little. “She is the leader of the Hellsing organization, and answers only to the Queen of England.”
D nodded his head in hopes that the young vampire would guide him but she seemed a little hesitant.
“Well, it's this way, allow me," she said, and then grabbed the vampire's hand a little tightly due to nervousness and grabbed him from it took him to where one of the helicopters should have been.
“What's that noise! Hey dhampir, raise your hand or at least turn your wrist, I can't see anything. Can you hear me? Let me see!”
D did not ask any questions, in fact he said nothing, but his gaze was very clear.
“This thing is a helicopter," said Seras, "London is a long way away, so we'll fly this thing. Excuse me, I need to speak to the officer in charge.”
Seras rushed to her superior to explain D's presence to him in a hurry, and his transfer to the headquarters.
Seras was the biggest weapon owned by the Hellsing organization along with Alucard, but since the vampire had problems with authority figures and his newborn vampire was still too green for leadership issues, it was Lieutenant Figueroa, who was in charge of this operation, in fact, was the second in command at Hellsing, a very important position he would not otherwise surely benefit from occupying, but the Hellsing Organization was not to be fussy at this time of serious personnel crisis.
“Well, that's it D, let's get in the helicopter... You're welcome too, eh, sir.”
“Finally someone who speaks to me with respect. You should learn from her dhampir,” the face in the hand advised D, but as usual the man in black cloak and clothing did not pay the slightest attention to him.
The helicopter flaps began to rotate and if this made D nervous, Seras could not guess as the dhampir had his face tilted so his huge black wide-brimmed hat covered any facial expression he might have.
The other mercenaries looked at D curiously, but as with Seras, they preferred to remain silent, because D clearly indicated that he was not a normal guy.
As Seras told him, the helicopter flight took several hours and it was already daylight when they were approaching London.
“Hell," she said, "I hate it when it's daylight. It's not that I burn in the sunshine, that only happens in the movies, but the daylight weakens me a lot, I don't think I can take my gun to the barracks.”
“Is this your weapon?” asked D, looking at the huge cannon right in front of his feet.
“Yes," she said, full of shame, "Its name is Harkonnen, and I don't like wearing it.”
D only turned his face a little in the direction of Seras, but Seras lowered her face so as not to see D in the face.
“It doesn't match you.”
Seras was very surprised to hear that. She fixed her gaze on D and both their eyes met.
The dhampir had some nostalgia when he remembered in those blue eyes his friend of the past, while the young agent seemed to be hypnotized by the manly look that the man gave her.
“Thank you, D.”
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