Chapter Three -Haze-
Haze saw the letter on the table before her mother did. She snatched it up and her eyes quickly scanned the page, bubbling with excitement. She squealed in excitement, her mother came charging into the room and snatched the letter from her talons. Her black eyes scanned the page. Haze looked at the ground, her parents were always ashamed of her, she was small for her age and her barbed tail, if you looked closely was gold, the tip of it black instead of all black like a “normal sandwing” to quote her mother. Her mother snorted in disgust, “you’re not going to this school,” her mother spat out the last word like it was an abomination. Haze winced.
At dinner time, Haze’s father, Sun read the letter. His scrunched up his snout and hissed. Turning to her mother, he said, “if we let her go, she won’t be around to embarrass us anymore.” Haze looked away from them. “Yes! Perfect,” her mother’s lips curled into a smile of some sort. “You, pack your stuff and leave right now,” Sun growled to her. “Yes father,” she sighed. Haze hurried to her room. Looking around and realized, she had nothing to take, apart from a key her grandfather, Smolder had given her before he died. She slipped it over her neck and ran back past her parents and out into the night.
Haze flapped her wings once more, gliding through the night, she had already wiped away her tears and not given a second glance to her house that was fading in the distance. She landed once, catching a small possum and gulping it down, gross hair and all, before lifting into the air again and winging her way to Jade Mountain. Haze could now just see it in the distance, the rising peaks of Jade Mountain. A large crack, like a scar, ran through it. The gap where “the” Darkstalker had arisen. She saw lots of students gathering around already. She was nearly there.
(Hey guys just me here! Sorry, this one is super short! Also, the first two chapters were written by my friend! So thanks to her if she ever reads this! Love you!)