Chapter 4
“We get to go to the Renaissance Festival!” My history teacher said and began to hand out field trip slips. “We are going this Friday, so have your parents sign these and bring them back tomorrow. And if you want to, you can dress up. I will be dressing up.”
I glanced over at Evan who sat across the room from me and he was already grinning. I had never been to the Renaissance Festival, but I had always wanted to go. I even had a costume for it. I would dress up as a ranger with an undershirt, a full leather vest, leather pants, and leather bond boots. I had been collecting it from the State Fair for years.
“I can’t believe we’re going! It’s going to be awesome,” I said. Evan and I were in my room, and I was frantically pulling out my costume to show him.
“You got all of this because you knew that one day you would go to the Renaissance festival?”
“Hell yeah. Look at these sick boots.”
I threw my boots at him and he rotated them in his hand. I could see a twinkle in his eyes.
“Wow these are actually really cool.”
“You can try them on if you want. We’re almost the same shoe size now, right?”
He slipped the boots on. “Can I try on the whole thing?”
“You know that you’re like a couple inches taller, right?”
“Let me try it on.”
I pulled out my full costume and handed it to him. He pulled his pants down. My eyes widened and I turned around as he put the rest of the outfit on.
“Why are you facing that way?” He asked after a minute.
“Oh, I was just looking for something.”
I turned back around, and my jaw almost fell to the floor. He looked like an actual ranger.
“What’s wrong? Did I rip something?” He asked looking at the pants.
“No, no, you look… good,” I said, walking over to him and helping him lace up the vest.
“Oh, thanks.”
“You wear it,” I said abruptly, shoving my sheathed sword at him.
“Yeah, you wear it to the festival. I’ll go as my Halloween costume.”
“No, I can’t do that. You spent so many years collecting this,” He muttered, frantically trying to undo the vest.
“Only three years,” I murmured, walking over and slowly undoing his vest. I could feel him tense under my touch.
“No, I still can’t.”
“You don’t have a costume, so wear it, or I’ll be forever mad at you.”
Once I undid the ties, I gently moved the sleeves down his arms.
“You’ll probably grow out of this next year, so why not wear it yourself?” Evan sounded weirdly out of breath.
“No, I’m already super tall. The doctor said I’ll only grow a few more inches.”
“You think you’ll pass me up?” He laughed. He was almost a head taller than me.
“God, there’s no possible way.”
“I like being taller than you.”
I chuckled and put the vest back on the hanger. I looked at him again and giggled when I noticed him trying to undo the laces of his pants.
“I just slipped these on, so I thought maybe I could slip them off, but they barely go down.”
“You’re helpless,” I said, grabbing his laces. I got them undone halfway, but my hand stopped as they got closer to his hips. “Nope, you have to do the rest.”
I put the clothes back on the hanger and handed him the costume. His smile was worth it all. I just hoped I wouldn’t grow so that I could wear it next year.
I walked down the stairs with him and watched him struggle to grab his shoes.
“Thank you so much, buddy,” He said. I just smiled at him and watched as he opened the front door. I was about to close it behind him when he poked his head back through and pecked my cheek. He chuckled and closed the door.
All I could do was place my hand on my cheek. It was burning. He just kissed me. I shook my head and braced myself against the wall. He just kissed me. Suddenly I heard someone cough behind me. It was my mother.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Ha, yeah, I’m good.”
She stared at me as I stumbled back up the stairs. Evan kissed me. Why could I not get over that? I mean, it was obviously just a thank you peck on the cheek. Right? I slammed my face down on my bed and screamed into my pillow. My phone buzzed in my pocket.
Thanks again for the costume!
If only he knew what he just did to me.
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“Good day, milord,” A woman said to me as we entered the festival. She slung her arm around me and her pushed up bosom pressed against my shoulder. “’Tis a glorious day to visit his majesty’s kingdom, is it not?”
“Yes, thank you,” I whispered, pushing myself out of her grasp. Her breasts jiggled as she walked to another person.
Evan patted my back. “”Tis a glorious day, is it not?”
“Piss off.”
“That is no way to greet a mighty ranger.”
“Actually, that is how people usually treated people like you.”
“Wow, ouch.”
“Whoa! Look at that!” In front of us stood a massive sword shop with every kind of sword that you could imagine. I longed to hold a saber.
“It’s eighteen plus, Mel.”
“You look eighteen, Evan, you should hold one.”
“Dude, no I do not look like an eighteen-year-old.”
We hesitantly stepped into the swordsmith. No one yelled at us, but as soon as I started to pull a beautiful saber from the rack, a man with a bushy red beard screamed, “Drop it young sire. You may not hold that. Your guardian may hold it though.” The man was pointing to Evan. I was right; he did look older than he was.
“Oh, um, I’m…”
“He would love to hold one,” I interrupted moving his hands towards the saber I was going to pick up.
He bit his lip in concentration as he held the saber up in the air.
“How does it feel?” I whispered.
“Glorious,” He grinned.
“It feels like it was made for me.”
I shivered. Something about his tone felt so seductive. I shook my head and started to walk away. I think I needed to go to the nearest bathroom. I took deep breaths and started to walk faster as the feeling in the pit of my stomach began to grow.
“Where are you going?” He yelled after me.
“Don’t follow me, I’m just going to the bathroom.”
“You mean the Privy?”
“For Christ sake’s, yes, the Privy.”
“No! Stay here!” I yelled at him.
“Just stay!”
There was a damn line, all the way around. I waited and tried to take deep breaths. Would everyone notice? I turned away from people and faced a hill. Why wasn’t it going away? I hated that this started to happen. It was one of the worst feelings in the world. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around only to find Evan standing before me.
“Jesus,” I said, abruptly flipping back around. “Could you go away?”
“What’s wrong?”
“N-Nothing, I just need to pee.”
“You’re acting weird.”
“Evan, get the fuck away.”
That was the first time I had ever used that word and Evan just scoffed.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you have to act like this at the Renaissance? Ass.” He sighed and I could hear him walk away.
I got into the bathroom and sat on the toilet for a while as my erection slowly went away. Evan was nowhere to be found as I walked out. I knew he had to be pissed off. I just couldn’t let him see it. I couldn’t let the secret that I had kept for years just slip out in the matter of seconds. I tried to find Evan, but he must have been purposely trying to avoid me. I wandered through so many amazing shops. I bought a crown but hid it in my bag so that none of my classmates saw. It was a beautiful blue tiara with ribbons tied on the ends. I also bought Evan a skull ring that costed me an arm and a leg, but I wanted to get him something after what I had done to him today. I hope to god he wasn’t trashing my ranger costume.
Suddenly I was passing a bar when I saw someone holding a microphone.
“T-This song is dedicated to my asshole friend. God, he’s brilliant though,” Evan slurred. “A-Anyways, Mel’s faaavorite song, Paradise City by Guns N’ Roses.”
How did he manage to get drunk so fast? How did he get by without showing an ID?
“Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green, and the girls are pretty,” Evan suddenly paused and giggled into the microphone. “Sorry guys, didn’t mean to stop, just wanted to add a side-note; I’m pretty damn sure that Mel is gay, so like, let’s change up the lyrics for him… Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green, and the guys are pretty.”
Horrified, I backed out of the bar, and ducked into a nearby pottery shop. How did he know? Did he know anything else? I listened to his loud singing and finally he stopped, but he added another side-note.
“I think I’m in love with him, so I don’t fucking know why he would just throw a-away our f-friendship like that.”
Time screeched to a stop. He couldn’t. He couldn’t love me. He was straight. He was also drunk. It couldn’t be true. He had to be straight.
I walked back over to the bar and watched him stumble off stage. He knocked over multiple chairs before his gaze focused upon me.
“Speak of the devil!” He turned around to all the other drunk people. “This is Mel everyone. The person that I was talking about earlier.”
The people didn’t even glance in my direction. Evan tripped into me and I caught him in my arms. He was so wasted. What did I do to him? How will I hide this from the teachers?
“Evan. We got to get you to a Privy. The teachers can’t see you like this.”
“L-Like what?” He burped. His hand wrapped itself around my waist.
“Drunk,” I muttered and began to drag him out of the bar.
“You’re always so persistent,” He giggled, and I felt his hand slide onto my butt.
“Watch it,” I growled and smacked his hand off of me.
“I shouldn’t let you drag me anywhere. I’m m-mad at you.”
Suddenly one of our teachers rounded the corner. I didn’t know what to do so I shoved Evan and I in a little alley where he couldn’t see us. Evan’s arms wrapped around me and he pulled me into his body. I tried to pull away, but his grip was like iron.
“Evan, let go of me.”
“No,” He said and suddenly his lips were on my neck.
“E-Evan, what are you doing?” I would’ve enjoyed this in any other situation, but Evan wouldn’t even remember this in a couple of hours. I flailed my head around, trying to get him to stop. He wasn’t letting up.
“I think I’m gay, Mel,” Evan murmured into my neck.
“You’re not, Evan, you’re just drunk.”
He loosened his grip and I shoved him off of me. My neck was tingling, and I couldn’t think straight. Evan was looking at me with the most pathetic pouty face. I covered my eyes and groaned. If only this were actually real.
“Mel, come on.” Evan grabbed my arm and pulled me back against him. “No one can see us.”
“No, we can’t, you’re drunk. You’ll regret this if you even remember this.”
“Mel… Please?”
I couldn’t catch my breath. His eyes were boring into mine and I couldn’t take it anymore. He was gorgeous, so gorgeous.
“Screw it!” I said.
He moaned as our lips connected and I couldn’t stop myself from making the same noises. His hands roamed all over my body. I felt the thing that I had been trying to hide grow again, and Evan groaned as he felt it too. I couldn’t control myself. I had never felt this before. It felt so right.
“Mel?” He whispered in-between kisses.
“Yeah?” I moaned.
“I think I’m gay.”
“Yeah, I think you’re gay too,” I laughed as his lips roamed down towards my neck.
After about another minute, I felt his grip loosen and I looked at him. His mouth sagged against my skin, and suddenly he was out cold. I propped him against the side of the alley and sat beside him, watching the time as it ticked away. I hadn’t even explored the main areas of the festival, but that didn’t even cross my mind as I stared at Evan’s beautiful face. He was not going to remember any of this. And he would probably never admit to me that he was gay.
The class had to meet back up at two and it was almost one thirty. Evan was still out. I glanced at my water that I had been sipping on and decided to do what everyone does in the movies. I tossed my water into Evan’s face.
“G-God!” He gasped and jumped to his feet. “Where am I? Where am I?”
“We’re still at the festival,” I said.
“I-I don’t even remember doing anything here except holding a sword in that one shop. Ow, my head.”
“You got really drunk.”
“Drunk? How?”
“That’s a very good question. I don’t know how you managed to get a drink without having to show your ID.”
Suddenly he was laughing and reached into his pocket. “Actually, I understand now.” He pulled out a fake ID.
“Why did you let me get a drink?”
“Um, I wasn’t really with you. I made you mad. It was about something super silly… I had to pee, and you wouldn’t let me.”
“That does sound silly.”
“Yeah and that’s pretty much all that happened…. Yeah…” I whispered as I remembered what had actually happened just a few hours ago.
“What time is it?”
“Oh god, I’m so sorry. I just wasted the whole day for us.”
“It’s okay, really.”
Unexpectedly, Evan touched his lips and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. I shifted uncomfortably and tried not to make any weird expressions.
“I must have knocked my face into something because my lips feel really swollen.”
I coughed and decided to start moving. If I stayed still any longer, I think he would’ve realized that something was wrong.
“Mel, do you think I got into a fight? If I did though, I think my whole face would be swelling.”
“You were really drunk, so you probably just hit your face against a wall.”
“God, I have such a headache.”
“I wonder why,” I said, rolling my eyes, trying to do anything to distract myself.
“Mel… why is your costume unbuttoned?”
I glanced down and surely enough, my costume was almost fully unbuttoned, and my chest was fully exposed.
“These buttons have a mind of their own sometimes,” I lied, frantically buttoning it back up.
“Next time don’t wear a kid’s costume,” Evan teased as he stared at my tight Elven costume. How could I have known that I would grow out of this in only a matter of months?
“Shut up.”
Evan laughed and rolled his neck back and forth until you could hear popping noises. A worker saw this and ran over to us. He was holding a lacey Victorian styled umbrella and he stuck out both his elbows towards us.
“I have a solution for your pain, milord. If you two will just follow me.”
I hesitated but wrapped my hand around the man’s arm anyway because it was the Renaissance Festival, you shouldn’t deny anything. Evan seemed a little more skeptical, but finally put his arm through the man’s. The man leisurely waltzed over towards a store, kicking and singing a weird rendition of Smells like Teen Spirit.
“This is what you seek, milords. Healing ointments of every flavor.”
Suddenly the man was leaning over to me. “Also, there are various creams for thy pleasure.” He winked and walked back outside.
My eyes widened and I looked over at the shelf he had been looking at. It was labeled, “Lubes”. I spun around towards the man, but he was nowhere to be seen. How? Did he see us in the alley?
“What did he say to you? You look super pale,” He asked with a very sweet concerned look on his face.
“He just said enjoy.”
Evan looked confused and then turned around to where I had just been looking. “Nasty, there’s lube.”
I hide my face as I walked over to a shelf of essential oils. “This will probably help your hangover a little.”
“Oh, thank god,” He said walking over.
Evan purchased it and then we walked out. The man was still nowhere and I shook my head as we walked back to where our class was meeting. Everyone was chattering excitedly and showing each other their purchases. The teachers even had bags hanging down from their arms. I had nothing except the lingering feeling of Evan’s lips on mine which was better than any object I could ever get. We boarded the bus and suddenly I saw the man out the window. He grinned as he saw me looking at him, winked, and then descended a hill.