Chapter 7
I tried to maintain a smile as I knocked on Dany’s door. It flew open and Dany was standing before me in a bright green floral dress and her hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She seemed to glow, and I couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked. I cursed myself as my thoughts wandered to Evan and how beautiful he looked earlier. Dany cocked her head to the side as I stood before her, speechless.
“Do I have something on my face?” She screeched, running back inside.
“No!” I yelled. “You look absolutely gorgeous. I was stunned!”
The floorboards squeaked as I stepped in her house. She was frantically checking her teeth.
“Dany… you’re gorgeous,” I repeated, wrapping my arms around her waist.
She giggled and leaned into me. Her body warmed mine. I loved how warm she always was, and how she fit perfectly in my arms. It was as if she was supposed to be my other half. We stood there for a while just staring at each other in the mirror. It was a moment that I wanted to last forever. Why did she have to be so amazing? It made it harder for me to let her go.
“I got you something,” I murmured reaching into my pocket.
“Oh Mel! I thought we weren’t going to do that.”
“It’s okay. I don’t need any object in return. Just your sweet face will suffice,” And right then I thought I truly meant it. Maybe I only needed Dany. Maybe she would suffice.
I pulled out a box and handed it to her. Her face immediately turned red. I could see her hands shaking as she lifted the lid. Inside was a real Tiffany necklace. It had a small butterfly hanging off the chain. The glow of the metal lit up Dany’s precious face. Her hand flew up to her mouth in disbelief. I chuckled and hugged her as she started to tear up.
“Mel, oh Mel, this is beautiful. How much did this cost you?”
“Money is irrelevant. I only need to see your lovely smile.”
“I love you!”
The words hung suspended in the air as I took in what she had just said. I love you. I love you. My mind was suddenly blank. What could I say back to her? Okay? Thank you? Something was stopping me from replying. I couldn’t reply, but I did love her. I loved how she was my match. She fit with me perfectly. She would make my family happy; she would make society happy. She had so much warmth. She was always there for me. I should be yelling that I love her. I should be flying a plane and screaming my love for her to the world. I should be in love with her.
Before too much time passed, I whispered without much excitement or joy, “I love you too.”
Dany did not notice the blank expression and hugged me so hard that I thought she would break my ribs.
“Let’s skip dinner. We can snack later.”
“What?” I said as she pulled me out the door.
Suddenly we were running. I could see my house and cursed the situation that I was getting myself into. She typed in the code to my garage and yanked me inside. Before we were even inside the house, her lips were on mine. Warm and small. Everything felt different now that I had kissed Evan. Dany was so submissive and melted into me right away. I forced open my bedroom door and pushed her onto my bed. She gave me the necklace box and I set it on my nightstand. Dany was already unbuttoning her dress and something about that small action was turning me off. I tried to shake off all my uneasy thoughts and pulled my shirt off. Dany’s chest was exposed, and she had the most beautiful breasts. We had gotten about this far one other time, but this time you could tell something was different. Dany reached out for my hands and pulled me down on top of her.
“Mel, come on, why aren’t you holding me?” She mumbled, wrapping her legs around my waist.
I licked her neck and tried to forget about the uneasy feeling in my stomach. She moaned softly and her hands traveled up and down my back. I couldn’t bring myself to kiss her lips, so I sucked on her neck more which distracted her. I could feel her hands rub along my belt and I sucked in an unsteady breath. I had to do this. It was for Dany. She wanted to be with me. I had to honor her. I gave her a peck on the cheek and stood up to take off my pants. Sitting up from her reclining position, Dany helped me fiddle with the buttons, and pull down my pants. I couldn’t bring myself to look at her as I laid back down. Her skin felt good against mine, and I reached my hand down to grab her panties. She lifted her hips to help me slide them off. Indeed, Dany was a beautiful girl. One of the most beautiful I have seen, in fact, but something about her absolutely repulsed me at that moment.
“I love you.” She kept repeating as I made love to her. It didn’t last very long. She finished before me and it didn’t take me long after to finish. It was pleasurable, like Evan had said, but something felt like it was missing. Dany rolled over onto my chest and grinned at me from beneath her eyelashes. I smiled back and pulled her against me. I trailed kisses along her jaw and felt her shake under my touch.
Before long, she was on top of me. I had barely got on another condom before her head arched back and her mouth let out moan after moan. I had never seen such pure bliss and it made me think about how Evan would look like in this situation. Would he look just as beautiful? Or more?
This time seemed to last much longer, and after, she clung to me and fell into a deep sleep.
I slipped in and out of sleep. I glanced at my clock and suddenly stirred in fright. It was already ten forty-five, and my dad would be back soon, and Dany’s dad would be furious at the late hour. I shook Dany gently and she peeked at me through her barely opened eyes.
“What’s wrong, Mel?” She whispered, her voice husky and hoarse.
“You have to get home.”
She glanced at the clock and jumped out of the bed in a frenzy.
“My dad is going to know! Oh god, I’m going to be dead. He’ll ground me for ages. Help me with my dress, will you?”
I pulled on my pants, buttoned up her dress, and smoothed down her hair. She looked almost back to normal except for the new gleam in her eyes. Her father would definitely notice that. I looked down at my disarrayed bed and almost screamed. It was covered in blood.
“Don’t worry,” Dany whispered into my ear. “This is how the first time goes for the girl sometimes.”
“So, I didn’t hurt you?”
“Of course not.”
Dany kissed me and ran down the stairs. I grabbed her necklace box and sprinted down to catch her before she left.
“Don’t forget this,” I said, handing her the box.
“Thank you, Mel. Thank you for everything. I had an amazing time.”
“Goodnight, Dany.”
I opened the door and watched her scurry over to her house. Just as I closed the door, car lights greeted my eyes, and I saw my dad pull into the driveway. That was a close call. I smiled, but suddenly a thought came into my head. The sheets!
I sprinted up the stairs and stripped the sheets off. I put stain remover all over them and then shoved them into the washer. Just as I pressed the start button, my dad walked in.
“Hi sport! Are you doing laundry?”
“Yeah dad, I’ll be down in a second.”
I took a deep breath and realized that I had my dress pants on. I hung up my dress clothes and pulled on some sweats and a t-shirt. I glanced at myself and was horrified to see my swollen lips, tired eyes, and messy hair. It definitely screamed sex. I rubbed my lips to no avail, rubbed my eyes, and smoothed down my hair. I would just have to deal with my dad’s comments. He would know. There was no way that he wouldn’t ask. He would be okay with it right? I mean, we were safe.
When I walked into the kitchen, my dad was about to say something, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me.
“Your sheets are in the wash, aren’t they?” He laughed and turned back around to finish cutting up the cucumber he was having.
“Yes,” I muttered, sitting down on a stool.
My dad laid a few pieces of cucumber on the island next to me and proceeded to eat the rest.
“You must be starving.”
“Dad, can we just--?”
“Did you like it?” He interrupted, popping a cucumber slice in his mouth.
I sighed and nodded.
“You don’t sound very excited by it.”
My eyes widened and I shook my head. I had to make him think that I enjoyed myself. I couldn’t let him think otherwise.
“No! I was. I’m just so exhausted.”
“Oh, I see, so it must have occurred more than once?”
I gagged. “Dad, please don’t say anything else. I don’t really want to discuss the details with you.”
“Hopefully her father won’t find out, or I’ll have to bury my only son.”
“Don’t even remind me.”
I glanced at the clock again and perked up.
“Could I be excused until midnight?”
“Sure, where you off to?”
“My friend’s house.”
I ran into the garage, saw my small little car, and hopped in it. I drove as if I was in The Fast and the Furious until I found Evan’s house. Why did he have to live so far away now? I ran up his driveway and knocked frantically on his front door. Evan answered and looked at me in surprise.
“What are you…?”
Before he could finish, I was on him. He groaned and wrapped his arms gingerly around me. I bit down on his lip and sucked on it with more hunger than I had ever felt with anybody. Evan pulled away slightly and stared at me.
“You did it, didn’t you?”
“How could you tell?”
“First, I can taste her on your lips. Second, you want more,” He said, running his thumb along my lip. I nibbled at his finger and nodded.
“I want you.”
“Well you can’t have me yet. I don’t want to be your sloppy second.”
“Well, actually…”
“Wait, you went in for a second time?”
“Did you like it?”
I didn’t say anything as I knew it wouldn’t make him feel any better. I shoved him against a wall and rubbed my nose all along his neck. He shivered and grinned down at me. I could tell he was holding back, but I didn’t want him to. I wanted him to give himself to me. I wanted him to be mine only and vice versa. I wanted us to be officially more than friends. He was holding so much back.
“Mel, we got to stop. My dad is downstairs.”
“Let him see,” I giggled and grabbed his crotch.
He stiffened and looked at me, his eyes wide.
“Mel, not now.”
I tightened my grip and watched his head tip back against the wall. I grinned and rubbed it harder. He covered his mouth and let out a moan that he must have been holding back. It sounded beautiful, so beautiful.
I was about to stick my hands down his pants when I heard a voice ring throughout the house.
“Evan, is there someone there with you?”
I jumped off of him just in time for his father to around the corner.
“Oh hi, Mel!”
“Hi Mr. Nas.”
“How are you, bud?”
“I’m good, thank you,” I squeaked out, trying not to turn into a tomato.
Evan walked over to his father and asked. “How are you, dad?”
“Oh, I’m great. I just finished an episode Game of Thrones. I came up here to grab a beer,” He said, going over into the kitchen. “Mel, would you like anything?”
“No, I’m good.”
Evan glanced at me and I could still see the fire in his eyes. I grabbed his hand and yanked him towards the door.
“Uhh… dad I’m going outside with Mel for a bit.”
“Be home by midnight, Evan!”
“Got it.”
I pulled Evan out the door and ran to my car.
“What are you doing?” I grinned as I shoved him into the passenger seat.
“We’re going on an adventure!”