Vlad's POV
Mirena falls asleep in my arms quietly like she always does. I admire her long blonde hair in a braid hanging past her left shoulder. My eyes go down to her neckline of her cross pendant necklace. The cross I gave her long ago. She always wears it. Mirena is my blessing from God, and I could not ever ask for a better blessing.
I have everything I want in my life. My home, Castle Dracula, always welcomed, loved by my family, friends and loyal subjects. They love and respect me. Even knowing my history with the Turks and my name on the battlefield, Vlad the Impaler. I am still their prince to all of my people.
It has been nearly ten years of peace since I have come back home. I hope for twenty or more years of peace, to grow old with Mirena; to see our son, Ingeras grow up to be nothing like me as the fighter I am but a greater ruler that I know he will be.
I know he will be more than I ever could be each day, so full of life, happiness he is. I pray that he continues to live this life unlike the one I had his age. When I was his age, my father gave me to the Turks to prove his loyalty to the Sultan. I wanted to make my father proud, I am not sure if I ever did before he passed away while I was with the Turks.
I could feel Mirena's embrace get stronger to me. I turn to face her, sleeping peacefully in my arms. I kiss her on the forehead. I watch a heavenly smile come across her lovely face. I grasp her face in my hands, kissing her gently on the lips a few times. Mirena sighs in the touch of our lips together. I close my eyes for a brief moment in our lingering kiss.
Then I open my eyes again, I am no longer in bed with Mirena. Mirena is in a rocky field of some green grass with bats surrounding her. The sun is starting to raise over the mountain, with it the last of my powers. I go over to her, pulling her in my arms. Most of her body is broken because of the impact of her fall. She’s blessed enough to still be alive now. I gently shake her; doing what I can to keep her awake; begging her to stay with me.
Her eyes are filled with tears of such sadness of everything that has happened. She knows that the Turks have Ingeras now. Mirena tells me that there is still time to stop the Turks. She tells me to drink her blood in order to save our son before it is too late.
I sob when telling her, "No. I cannot take your life." I feel her trying to wrap her arms around me with whatever physical strength she had left. I could feel the bones in her arms barely holding together but she manages to keep her hands on my arms.
"My life is lost already but our son’s is not." She whispers to me crying. I cry, begging her not to ask me to do this to her. For me to become a monster for eternity, I did not want to become this monster that I fear within me. The monster is just waiting to be released by blood.
Her hand tightens around my hand. I feel tears from my face dropping from my chin into her dress. "I love you." She tells me with all her might by the rate of her heart beat.
"Do it now." She tells me in a way of command. I look to the sky when the sun is starts rising into the wonderful colors that I have missed the past few days. How I long for to see those colors again with Mirena. It is so close to me. I begin to cry even harder when I look back down to Mirena.
"Do it now!" She extends her neck out a bit, waiting for me to do the unthinkable. I could feel my senses surround her heart beat; her pulse racing with warm blood. I could feel her hand trying to pull me closer to her.
I start to hear the voices taunting me to drink the blood again. I do my best to block them out so I can hear only her heart beat. She tells me again, "Please, do it now."
My mouth opens in the feeling of my fangs come out in an agonizing way, ready to dig into her. I gaze down upon Mirena whilst the tears continue falling down my face.
I take every bit I have in me to listen to her and I bite into her neck! Mirena groans in pain when this occurs. My fangs dig into her skin. I growl when my lips close any air between my lips to her neck. I begin drinking her blood into my mouth. She cries out in pain of the bite but her grasp is pulling me closer to her body. My lungs let out a growl of the monster within me. Mirena gasps of how fast I am drinking the blood from her.
When I knew there is nothing left to drain of her, I pull myself away from her... I lift my head up, sobbing from the sound of the voices going away along with her heart beat. Her hand lets my arm go, taking her last breath in my arms. I exclaim the moment she dies in my arms.
I sob in anger, grief and scream in sorrow to the world as the sun is covered by dark clouds. Her body is lifeless, her soul gone forever. I had just killed her; I killed my wife, my love. I killed her!!!
I scream out to the world with all my torment in what I had just done. The one person that loves me for who I am, no matter what I have done. She was the only person that saw the good in me.
Suddenly, I wake up in my bed from this endless nightmare that haunts me every night and day. I keep listening to my chest for a heart beat but there is nothing left. I am shaking in terror of the monster I am. I look upon my hands, the hands that held onto the one thing that I loved even destroyed myself. I am in shock when I see Mirena's blood on my hands. I bury my face into my hands sobbing in sadness of that rising dawn. I continue to cry knowing that I will always live with that moment, no other than Mirena's death.
I sit up in my bed before grabbing my robe. I slowly put it on. I try to get myself together but it was harder than I thought it would be. I could hear the sound of my once silver wedding ring in my bed stand. I open the draw and the ring is sitting there like it has been for so many years. The silver ring that I have kept in case I get out of control like I once did in the eighteen hundreds. And to remind me that there may still be a chance for me at a new life.
I want nothing more than to be with Mirena now. But I know that I will never enter into heaven now. I am the prince of darkness. I am Dracula, the son of the Devil. I will always remain like this, preserved, never moving ahead; forever in eternity on earth until the end of time. I see the bible next to my silver wedding ring. I read it every single night, in hopes that I may still have a chance for something greater than this.
I grab the bible and see my bookmark in the New Testament. The time when Jesus Christ, the Lord was raised from the grave. I even pray to GOD in hopes that he still hears me. I am nothing more than the angel in Hell. The angel hoping, praying that he hears and gives me another chance. However somewhere inside me, I knows that he will not. But I still cling onto GOD in the hopes that something will change that is my eternal Hell on earth.
I even pray to Mirena as well. I told her about Mina, the one who may be the reincarnation of herself. Maybe even a possible chance to redeem myself. I grab my silver wedding ring and it starts to sting my skin. I gasp sharply, wrapping my hands around it no matter how painful it is. I pray to God with this ring in my hands every time and will keep doing so until Judgment Day and the Return of Jesus comes.
I start to hear the morning birds outside, which means the sun is about to set soon. It is time for me to go get something to eat. I do my best to stick with blood bags from blood drives, hospitals. I avoid drinking humans as much as I can. I even drink a few animals from time to time, to learn how to control myself without drinking human blood. I can live on animal blood but it is a struggle to do this without any drop of human blood.
Maybe if I keep doing this, I will be given the second chance I pray and long for. Mina could be my second chance for a new life. I wonder and hope she is. If so, then I am more than willing to find out.