Vlad's POV278Please respect copyright.PENANAcHxZQBzbw6
One Month Later
Mina is still amazed with the New Year's Eve trip. We have stayed in since December 29th. In the time staying here has been paradise and the safe haven we both needed. I wanted us to get away, be ourselves in all that has happened. I've been through my fair share of chaos in revolutions, massacres and anarchy.
However the Feast with Mina's ever so charming mother, the private investigator knowing about me and learning about Mina's guardian combined together feels like almost a roaring mob. Mina and I stepping away from it physically, mentally and a month away from it all have been really good. It also gave Luke the time he needed to track down the private investigator. There is no luck of any kind through his and Lucy's connections.
It makes me wonder if Mina's mother was firing nothing but smoke instead of a bullet in her words. All in all, it's getting looked into, scrubbed down to the bone before we can make the next move. We have to be cautious until we know more and have to act. I truly hope it is nothing more than a puff of smoke coming out of that terrible woman's mouth.
I am deep in my thoughts that Mina had to get my attention by kissing me rather ferociously. My thoughts melted away into her amazingly scented vanilla lips. I sigh in joy when our lips slowly part then my eyes catch sight of how beautiful she looks for the New Year party. The amazing, one shoulder red rose colored dress fits like a glove on her body.
I spin her around to get a full view of her. Mina giggles when I spin her around like a queen. I cannot believe how beautiful she is especially with her blonde hair in an updo. She has been able to do a bit more with her hair due to it growing longer; past her ears length, nearly touching her shoulders. And some natural dark makeup that makes her eyes shine like stars in the night sky.
"Mina, I do not have enough words to say how astonishing you look." I bring Mina's hand to my lips and kiss the top. She gives the same exact smile like it was the first time at the flower stand every time and that smile will never get old to me.
"That makes two of us." She whispers to me while rubbing her hands up then down my black suit and tie.
I am not big on wearing black suit and tie since I have worn enough suits in my long life. Although, I'll wear the suit for tonight as she continues to admire how I look in a suit. I also know the look on her face from anywhere, especially with how she has kissed me on this entire trip. She wants to be with me fully tonight.
And I want to be with her fully too; take comfort in her like I have not had in centuries in being human, a man. But my fear of the vampire and human phases constantly changing makes it unpredictable to try. The image of us being together then my vampire hunger takes over, holding her down, unable for Mina to fight me off and drinking from her like a blood bag as she screams before I can even stop myself from draining her dry is too bearable to try.
"Vlad, are you ok?" Mina questions me.
She knows something has been bothering me. I have yet to talk to her about it and I need to. "I am alright, just nervous."
"You don't have to be nervous, Vlad." Mina smiles as her hands rest on my chest.
"I know I don't however it has been what feels like centuries since I have been with someone in that way." I tell her.
"You are not the only one. I have only ever been with two men in my life. The first is... Well you know who." She says as I know she is talking about her Guardian which I am glad. I could tell just by the small hints she gave, he treated her first time as a good man should. She did mention that Michael was good until his obsession took over.
"Your record is mighty good and something more people should learn to do more often."
"Its honesty not with the century we are in, not worth looking up to in me on the front." Mina says almost like she is ashamed for not waiting until marriage or giving herself enough to others in her life.
"You are wrong about that, Mina. It is something worth looking up and I mean that. Over the centuries, men and women like having as much sex as they can with almost anyone, just depends on their tastes in people. I cannot argue that sex can be amazing in breathing someone in, wrapping yourself deeper into someone. The feeling of memorizing the skin to skin and tasting each other. It is almost like a glimpse of Heaven on earth with the right person. But to those waiting to give their maiden head to the husband or the right person with no regrets is worth admiring."
"The fact that you hold yourself in such high standards of who you are with intimately is noble and in my eyes, righteous. I deeply respect that in you, Mina. That is hard to find these days. You are a virtuous woman. Proverbs 31:10 – 'Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.' Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, Mina."
She gives me the same smile I'll never get tired of when she brings me in for another kiss. I move my hands to the sides of her neck, feeling how warm she is while the smell of her sweet, inviting vanilla bean perfume. Everything about her sinks in the urge to pick her up in my arms, carry her over to the bed and show her my desires. However I will control myself since we have a party to get to.
"We better head down to the party. After all, it is not every New Year's Eve that a Great Gatsby inspired party is thrown which reminds me. I have something for you." I extend my hand to grab one velvet jewelry container.
"Vlad, you have to stop spoiling me with..." Mina says but stops' talking when I open it to reveal what is inside.
She gives out a light gasp in amazement of the vintage 1920's roaring flapper headband. It is designed with a bright red feather to rest across the right side of her head with a band filled with diamond jewels to keep the headband connected when wearing it. Mina stares at the headband like it is a piece from a royalty set of jewels.
"Vlad, it is far too beautiful for me to wear."
"Mina, your beauty puts the rest of the world to shame." I say to her with all honesty.
I gently pick up the headband and place it on her head. I adjust the chain link to fit her head just right. Mina goes over to the mirror and gives a small giggle on wearing it. She turns to face me when I notice what time it is. I extend my arm out to Mina saying, "We better get going so we are not late for the party."
Mina takes my arm excited for the night ahead. We head down to where the party is and it is already quite the hit like it truly is a Great Gatsby party. There are dancers, singers, food, drinks, flashing lights all around. Mina does a small jump in excitement in how amazing the party is. It is like a carnival with all different kind of people, like a party of humanity as if we truly were in the Great Gatsby party years.
Mina and I take to the dance floor, dancing with the crowd. I spin Mina outward then back into my arms. She cries out in joy of the party. It almost feels like it is a party from the 1920's. I do miss those times. The parties were actually parties of dancing the night away until a person may drop from the drinks or exhaustion.
We exit the dance floor for now to grab some food. I am truly grateful that I am human for the past few hours. I can enjoy the food and drinks with Mina. Mina grabs a drink when I see some friends arriving to the party that I want to introduce to Mina.
"Mina, there are some good friends I want you to meet." I tell her.
She grabs my arm; we walk over to my friends. They all gasp in joy that Vlad is even here at the party. They all come over in excitement while giving me and Mina a group hug. I laugh in how they are reacting to me being out and about. I do go out some times but not as much as they would like me to do.
"Our eyes must be tricking us if Vlad is actually out partying with the living!" The woman with dark brown hair dressed in bright green dress and feather headband known as Claire says before drinking more of her champagne.
"Put that on the back burner for now. I want to know who this charming woman is right next to him." The brown haired, slightly fit man is Claire's husband, Matthew says while extending his hand out to Mina and they shake hands.
"This charming woman is Mina Barnes. And yes, she is my girlfriend." I tell them before they start prying into the point of our relationship. Claire and Matthew show their excitement again in hugging her. Mina seems to love their energy in meeting her.
"We gotta know how you put up with his brooding." Matthew starts poking fun at me.
"I'll admit he is brooding but he has a good brooding face." Mina says giggling while gazing at me.
"I gotta know how the two of you met which means girl talk. We will be back boys. I'll get your drink, Matthew." Claire says giving a quick kiss to her husband before dragging Mina toward the bar.
I laugh in how Mina has a funny look that I should probably help her but I lightly shake my head no with a sarcastic grin on my face. Matthew places his hand on my shoulder, shaking his head in immediate approval of Mina already.
"How did that happen?"
"It is quite nice but complicated story. It may take thirty minutes to an hour to explain it all." I tell him honesty.
"You know that I live to know the details of complicated things. It can be filthy and thankless while a blast to hear; do not leave out a thing." Matthew tells me.
I chuckle in how much Matthew is all about the details which it explains how he is too good at his job as an archaeologist in findings and research for the Museum of Bucharest. He has helped in several temporary exhibitions in the industry. He has done good research from the Stone Age to 18th century Romania.
He is actually doing a temporary exhibition of me, Prince Vlad the Impaler. It will be interesting to see some of my family history being shown but some of the story filled with the lies I had to tell to what it is in the history books these days. I did help him fill in the empty blanks that any research never turned up since he does his absolute best to tell it all even if the past is not a pretty one to tell. And sadly the past is something not proud of but something to learn from in the centuries to come.
"Here goes in the story. It actually starts with me walking down the street until I stop a few steps from a local flower stand where Mina was standing." I tell him while Matthew takes the story in.
Mina's POV
Claire brings me over to the bar counter as the bar tender asks us, "What can I get for you tonight, ladies?"
"I will take a White Romanian and a southern comfort on the rocks will go to my husband right over there." Claire responds and points to her husband so the bartender knows where to send his drink.
"Please make that two White Romanians and thank you." I tell the bartender.
"Good choices and coming right up, ladies." The bartender says with a smile to us before Claire hands him two hundred dollars in cash.
"Keep them coming to us until it reaches the first on hundred. The second one hundred dollar bill is all yours." Claire says to him with a returning smile.
"Thank you." He remains smiling and starts making the drinks.
"What do you do, Claire?"
"I work in the Gallery of European art which helps at times to live in splendor on nights like this. Plus there is something about working with art." Claire says with a fun passion in her voice about her job.
"I am the same with my work. I work in the food column for the Romania Journal. I love to explore cooking recipes. I know that amazing foods can bring people together along with memories with someone. Even history if it is a recipe passes down through family, generation after generation in some shape."
"I feel the same for art when it comes down to the artist and if it runs in the family. And there is something amazing about it. I know some people view art as nothing but furniture, just something to decorate with. However I see art as something that should speak to you, move you and there is something very intimate art. Also art can help you describe a person in their art choices." Claire tells me while the bartender hands us our drinks.
We thank him once more then my eyes go to Vlad talking to Matthew and they are laughing with another one. I cannot help but wonder how Vlad would be described if he was an art piece himself and the choices of art he has at his house. "I have seen his amazing art pieces at his house and each one amazing. I do wonder something about him though. Maybe you can help me with it, Claire."
"Fire away." Claire says without hesitation.
"How would you describe Vlad if he was an art piece?"
Claire turns in her chair to have a lined up sight of Vlad for what she is going to say about him. She takes a few more moments before speaking these words. "Imagine a sea of tonal reds, the color of the heart, of love, hope but also the color of anger, and rage. A striking combination but perfect balance between the two; it does sound aggressive however it all depends on the point of view."
My eyes study Vlad as she is describing it perfectly. She is right in every word about Vlad. My mind replays all of the time we have spent together and how he was toward Michael. I see it all in his smile to me in the color of love, and hope. But the look in his eyes of the color of anger and rage to anyone wishing me any kind of harm. She is definitely good at her job and her view of art.
"You are very good, Claire. If you find an art piece like that, get a hold of me because I would want it." I tell her as we both barely tap out glasses together.
"I'll keep an eye out for a painting like that and thank you. It is what I live for just like Matthew does with his research into history, no matter how brutal and ugly the history can be."
"Vlad mentioned he worked with a group of archeologists around the world. And I am going to go out on a limb and guess that you are the one who found those art pieces that he has in his home?"
"A few of them, yes. However there is one art piece I still need to further examine. I believe that piece is called Retribution. The painting is far too beautiful for a name like that however the back story of the painting makes sense." Claire says before sipping her drink. I nod with her in agreement about that particular painting.
"How did you meet Vlad?"
Claire smiles while looking at Matthew and Vlad still talking to one another. "I knew Vlad through social events for the gallery. Then one day he came in with Matthew. That is how Matthew and I met. He introduced us and a few years later, he was the best man at our wedding. We had our wedding at his barn and he took care of the whole thing. He is a rare one. And from what I know of you so far in just how you look at him, never let him go."
I admire Vlad even more knowing what he did for them alone. He truly is a good man to anyone that holds a place in his heart. I wonder how a man like this has so much kindness to give especially in this day and age. It is honesty a rare quality. I know I would have a hard time trusting people if I was in his sort of position. He may not be a rich man like others in the world but he is smart with his money, business and the people he has in his life.
"Now tell me how the both of you met, Mina. I am sure it is something beautiful and yet complicated." Claire says as I drink my drink.
"Where do I begin?" I chuckle to Claire.
"Mina, wherever you would like to begin; tell me everything; do not leave out a thing."
"Here goes. It was at the end of a work shift and I decided to hit up my favorite local flower stand that I have not visited in a long while due to an evil ex." I tell her.
"Evil Exes has a special section in Hell. Go on." Claire says like she speaks from experience of her own evil ex.
Vlad's POV
"It is honestly spooky how you have this ability." Matthew says to me with a sense of seriousness as we are looking at Mina and Claire at the bar talking. A server from the bar comes over and hands Matthew his drink.
"Ability to do what exactly, Matthew?" I wonder what he means.
"I am only going to say this once and then we can move on. You do not necessarily show the best judgment when beautiful women are involved."
"I have good judgment. After all, I introduced you to Claire." I tell him.
"You are not wrong on that. That was a great judgment but when it comes down to women in your personal life, if there is a stunning woman with questionable character or questionable past in the room, you are going to find her. And the rest of us suffer for it."
I cannot help but laugh in what he is saying because he is not wrong about that. I do not know how I have that ability however it happens with me ever since I became a vampire. "Alright, I don't disagree with anything you are saying but Mina is different."
"Everything before the word but is shit, Vlad. I'll admit I do like Mina just by how she carries herself. From what you told me about her stalker, suicidal ex and her charming evil mother, most would not be able to function normal all the time. However props to her in how she stood up to her mother; that much emotion built up inside can cause an eruption. Thankfully she let it out directly where it needed to go."
I think back to Lucy using her power on Mina so Mina could unleash how she was feeling. It was wrong for Lucy to do that to Mina. However at the end of the day, Mina did need to let it all out. I just wish it was of her accord, not under the vampire influence. I exhale at the thought of that night. That was quite the mental trip for all of us.
Mina's POV
I finish my second drink and I tell Claire, "I'll be back. I got to use the restroom."
"Sounds good because you and Vlad need to hit the dance floor again when you come back and we have another hour before it is officially 2015. Hurry along." Claire tells me when she grabs her third drink and heads her way back to Vlad and Matthew.
I manage to find the restroom and relief myself. I then go over to the sink to wash my hands. However I notice there is a woman lingering in the hall leading to the bathroom, almost like she is watching me just like the men Michael had watch me before I turned my life and schedule into a complete spiral to make it hard for them to keep an eye on me. But I know when someone is watching me.
"Whatever reason you have in watching me, I am only going to say this once. Back off." I tell whoever it is as I grab a paper towel to dry my hands off.
I hear footsteps come forward and stand next to me. I turn to see a gorgeous woman with jet black hair, fierce eyes and smile of wearing an amazing black silk mixed with laced corset dress with a silt going under her left leg. It is a sort of a dress with a bold tone to wear. I do not know this woman from anywhere but I can tell she is quite pale like she is not well, like she has not seen sunlight in years.
But even in her poor health, it does not stop her from fully taking me in the way Michael would to me when I was a problem in his eyes before he would take in his ideas to hit me or mentally degrade me. I keep my head up and stare right back at her, wanting her to know that I am not going to back down from whatever this is.
"God, you're pretty. You are more impressive than I thought. I can see why he was drawn to you by your face alone. I would even consider for you to be my pet as well." She extends her hand to twirl some of my blond hair in her fingers.
I instantly push her hand away from me. "Do not touch me."
"Oh, you are feisty; even better. Did he tell you about me?" Her piercing, sharp, and beautifully toxic voice says to me like this is all a game to her.
I know within seconds that she is not talking about Michael and definitely not Jace either; I do believe Michael would possibly have his taste in women but she is certainly not his type. He could never be able to handle a woman like this even with his level of abuse. She must be talking about Vlad. "Why would he? The past is the past."
"In normal relationships it would be but not our relationship. It is eternal unlike the kind you had with him in your past life. And if my words are not enough, ask him about his past. I certainly know it will change your view of him. I am surprised your view of him has yet to be changed but I can fix that."
"I do not see the point of asking him just because you are telling me to do so. I have no doubt you two shared some mighty fine times together. However just by looking at you, you are a tiger in the bedroom but at the end of it all, you are a tiger and the sad about tigers is that they are indifferent. Have a good night."
I try to walk away from her until she grabs my arm, forcing me to look at her. I grip my hand on hers to get away from her but she pulls me closer that we are face to face. She almost growls in my face like an animal that I am doing anything I can to resist her.
"I see and love who he truly is. He has a glorious darkness you will not be able to understand and handle when you fully see who he is. And that will be soon." She says in the same growling manner.
I manage to break free from her grip and she glares at me like I am nothing but meat for her to met when a more menacing growl comes out of her mouth. I feel something come over me then without warning within myself and to this woman, I immediate slap her with my back hand, clean across the face. The dark woman turns her face in the direction I slapped her and she is shocked that I even did this.
I manage to find my tongue again and get face to face with her saying, "Whatever it was that happened between the two of you is in the past and nothing that happened before I met him does not exist until he tells me. So stay out of our lives and go find a life you can be content with."
I still feel the impact of the hit in my hand unlike the hit did to this woman. I cannot believe that I actually hit her myself. She recollects herself, almost like she is impressed that I am even fighting back against her. But I will not let anyone do anything close to what Michael did to me, even if that person is a woman. This woman's whole demeanor changes, ready to do something to me.
Suddenly we hear someone calling my name, entering the bathroom. I hear that it is Claire walking into the bathroom as she asks, "Mina, did you fall in?"
Claire stops to see the strange woman with me and the looks on our faces. Claire walks over and stands next to me like she is ready to fight this woman with me. "What is going on in here? Is there a problem?"
"Everything is good; just girl talk. I know we will meet again, Mina." The strange woman says walking past Claire and waves at me with a dark sinister smile just before leaving the bathroom.
"What was that?" Claire says to me with wide eyes of being weirded out by the strange woman.
"I believe that was an evil ex of Vlad's by the way she was talking about him."
"Geez. I thought Matthew was joking when he said that Vlad does not necessarily show the best judgment when beautiful women are involved. You are the third beautiful woman that shows he has good judgment."
"You said I'm the third, who is the first and second women?" I ask Claire.
"Thankfully it is Lucy and I. Let's forget that crazy one and continue dancing, drinking the night away into the year 2014 to 2015 with our men."
I shake my head yes in agreement and I will not let some crazy ex ruin this night for me and Vlad. Michael has ruined enough of my time; Vlad helped me out so much with my evil ex. I know I am going to help Vlad in whatever crazy ex he has against him. Claire and I walk out of the bathroom hand in hand. We get another round of drinks before heading back to Vlad and Matthew.
I see that they are already feeling the effects of the drinks they have already drank but Vlad notices something has happened. "Is everything ok?"
"It's all good. Just something weird but it will be talked about later. For now, we dance the night away!" Claire shouts and brings her husband to the dance floor. I laugh in how good they are together in the short time I have known them.
Vlad grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor as well. The four of us dance together to several classic songs from the Great Gatsby movie soundtrack like A Little Party Never Killed Nobody by Fergie, Q-Tip & GoonRock. The entire room cheers in the song playing as everyone is dancing like absolute dorks; dancing like it is the last night of their lives which I love.
I cry out in joy, throwing my arms in the air spinning around a few times. The four of us join into a dancing line that is going around the entire dance floor. I cannot remember the last time I have had this much fun at New Year's Eve party. When we exit the dancing line, Matthew extends his hand to me.
"May I have this dance?"
"Yes." I grab his hand and we dance together for a bit while Vlad dances with Claire. I laugh in joy knowing any party I ever had with Michael was nothing compared to this. He would never let any man dance with me, let alone look at me. He thought I was cheating on him or making a fool of him if I barely looked at another man. The freedom of doing this feels so unreal and amazing. I sink into the feeling as Matthew dips me down then lifts me back up.
We switch partners and Claire dances with me. We point in laughter of how Matthew and Vlad dance like they are doing a corny tango. I love how Vlad is with his friends. I wish I had more friends in my life like this but Michael mentally drove me away from anyone that tried to warn me about him and I didn't believe them. I should have listened to them sooner and I will reach out to them in the hopes to renew friendships.
We all break off dancing with others when suddenly I feel a set of eyes on me. I groan wondering if it is that sinister ex woman of Vlad's and thank goodness it is not. I smile seeing it is a masked man in a black tux. I know this man even if he has a mask to cover his upper face. It is Jace! He joins the dance floor and immediately takes me into his arms, kissing me on the forehead.
"You look amazing, Mina! May I have this dance?" Jace says in his wondrous voice.
"Yes, Jace."
"Is the tango ok?"
"More than ok." I smile when we take our place.
He begins to lead into a tango. Jace has always been a wonderful dancer and that is hard to find in men these days. We remain in a close hold while moving playfully and stealthy. We are spirited and lively each second we tango. I feel sexy, powerful and in control of my body the whole time we are dancing. It is exhilarating.
I notice we catch the eyes of a few just before we finish our dance. I'm completely out of breath that we walk off the dance floor hand in hand. He leads me into a hallway that is completely empty of people. We get to have a moment alone. I smile to see Jace again when he lifts his mask up. We hug one another in joy.
"What are you doing here?"
"I had to see you in the short time I am in town. I wanted to give you a belated Christmas present." He hands me a small, pink velvet box.
"You did not need to bring me anything because you being here is enough of a present." I tell him as his warm smile fills me up to complete happiness. I could not ask for anything else to make going into the New Year is wonderful one.
He grabs my hands and kisses the inside of my hand of my words in seeing him. "You look beautiful, Mina. This man is truly good for you. You have a sort of glow to you. I do wonder if it is the sex glow."
"A glow?"
"It is definitely a sex glow." Jace says with a big grin like a sibling wanting details to it.
"I cannot believe you, Jace." I hit him on his arm as he chuckles of how I am reacting. "
"Can you blame me for being curious if he treats you right after all that happened with the previous man? You deserve the best in everything in life, Mina." Jace says from funniness to serious tone in his voice to me.
"No, we haven't yet but tonight might be the night. And he is honesty too good for me. I do not feel deserving of him and you too." I tell Jace knowing I cannot hide how Vlad makes me feel in all he has done for me.
Jace gets closer to me and places his right hand on my cheek, admiring my face. "You are the one that is too good."
I look down in disappointment knowing he is wrong about me. "I'm not, Jace.
"Yes. There is a light inside you. Your mother and Michael tried to blow out your light like a candle. They wanted to leave nothing but burnt wick and whispered smoke. I pray in happiness that they failed." He leans forehead and kisses me on my forehead while his thumb rubs against my cheek.
I place my hand on his feeling such happiness of how he views me. Vlad views me the same way and no matter what anyone says I do not feel deserving of it or the people that love me in my life. I let out a deep exhale when I know he has to get going just by the look on his face alone.
"Thank you for coming to see me, Jace. It means a lot to me no matter how short of a time to see you."
"That makes two of us." He slowly backs away but our hands remain together when he hands the small pink velvet box. I did not want to take it but Jace was not going to take a no for an answer. Then our hands come apart. He starts to walk away until he turns around to give me a fun smile.
"What is it?" I smile back to him.
"Go up to the roof just before the fireworks go off. It will be incredibly cheesy but worth it. The fireworks on a snowy rooftop for New Year's Eve into 2015 will be something fun to have in your memories. You won't regret it, I promise." Jace says to me. I chuckle on how he puts cheesy ideas into worthwhile memories; he always had a gift of things like this.
I watch him walk away knowing we don't have to say goodbye to each other. We know we will see each other again. I look down at the pink velvet box and open to find a bracelet with pink smoothed crystals with a small crescent moon charm to the bracelet. I smile in how beautiful it is and I clip it onto my left wrist knowing whenever I need his honest council and comforting heart, he is here with me now.
I put the velvet box in my small purse with a smile on my face that this night is truly almost perfect aside from the crazy woman in the bathroom. I walk back to the party and thankfully no one noticed I was missing. I grab another drink from the bar tender and back on the dance floor with Vlad and his friends.
"We have another five minutes before it is midnight. What shall we do?" Matthew asks.
"Let's go up to the roof and watch the fireworks into 2015." I smile when going for the idea Jace gave me.
Matthew and Claire jump up in excitement of this idea. "Onward and upward! Let's go!"
Vlad and I laugh in how they make their way out of the room, we follow behind them but they wonder where the way to the roof is. Vlad and I continue to laugh at them as Vlad points to the door that goes to the top of the building. We go up the stairs hand in hand then reach the rooftop. I immediately feel the cold and my breath in the air just being outside for the first few moments.
The rooftop is covered in a few layers of snow with no foot prints to disturb it. All of us walk toward the edge but remain three feet away from the edge. Matthew looks at his watch and sees we have two minutes left before the fireworks start. I shiver in the cold however Vlad takes off his jacket and places it over my shoulders.
"Thank you, Vlad. Are you sure you will not be cold?"
"No. I have grown use to the cold over some of the years when I traveled before building my business. I spent some time in Siberia and their winters are quite harsh." Vlad tells me as his breath is shown through the cold air.
"Sounds incredibly cheesy to ask however any plans or dreams for the New Year?" I ask him as I slowly break the space between our bodies.
Vlad appears to be lost for words in what I am doing but he whispers to me, "I am not sure however I hope you are with me for whatever comes next in my life, Mina. I know we have only known each other for a short while however I want you to know that from the moment I saw you at the flower stand, my heart belongs to you."
His dark brown eyes cut right through me like cake in hearing those words. It almost feels like a dream of confessing his love for me. I place my hand over his chest. I cannot resist in letting out a sob in joy feeling his heart beating fast underneath my hand. I feel my body warm up in all of this. I feel my eyes flood with tears of joy that this is actually happening.
I lean my forehead against his and feel a lump in my throat when I tell him, "That makes two of us, Vlad. It certainly has been a short time knowing each other however you have been my shelter and armor the moment you smiled at me. My heart belongs to you too."
Vlad smiles in hearing the same words from me. We kiss one another right when the whistling of the fireworks goes off into the air, lighting up the night sky above us into the New Year. Vlad and I laugh between kisses of how this kind of love confession is done in the movies with the rising music but we soak into it all the same in our reality.
Matthew and Claire are cheering, clapping for us in their drunken state while the fireworks keep going off. Vlad and I look at the color of fireworks to see exactly how Claire described Vlad if he was an art canvas. The fireworks are a sea of tonal reds that represent the color of the heart, love, hope and happiness.
I want to make this night even better as I take Vlad's hand wanting to go back to our room. He knows the same feeling I have and he goes with me. The idea of delighting and expressing love in each other begins to overcome when Vlad locks the hotel door behind us.
I stand a foot from the bed when Vlad closes the space between us and gently lifts my chin to kiss me. I look into his eyes; those amazing eyes that make me melt. I kiss him desperately like it is the very last time I will get to be with him. He cradles my cheeks in his hand while I wrap my arms around him. Our breathing gets heavier the more we kiss one another.
My entire body warms up with each kiss and touch from him. Vlad struggles to undo his tie until I help him take it off, tossing it to the floor along with his jacket and vest. I remain kissing him while he unbuckles his belt. I slip my heels off and take off the feather headband when suddenly Vlad looks down when he feels my hands unzipping his pants.
He softly stops my hands and stares at me with a look like he is afraid. I wonder if he is changing his mind about being with me. He is lightly shaking and asks me, "Are you sure?"
I smile and nod my head yes to confirm I am more than sure I want to do this with him. I couldn't be sure about anything than this. He gives me a smile back then he leans down, kissing me. I grab the collar of his shirt and unbutton it completely. The white shirt drops to the floor when I see his chest and impressive muscles that I brush my hands across that helps my body feel warmer than before.
I sigh in satisfaction of his lips kissing my neck while his right hand reaches for the zipper on the back of my dress. I feel my dress slip off me like a glove when he sees me in a pretty, floral white lace bra and hipster panty. Vlad admires what I am wearing and takes a moment to see me. I heard stories of men just wanting to have sex, not bothering to look at the woman at all or what certain lingerie she is wearing before anything takes place. Vlad does though.
"These are lovely as you are." He whispers to me, gently stroking his fingers across the white lace bra.
I smile in how he sees me when he takes off his shoes, socks and pants. He is wearing black boxer briefs when he picks me into his arms and carries me over to the bed almost like a groom does his bride on their wedding night. I admire how he gently lays me on the bed and he lies down beside me instead of on top. We kiss one another as I run my hands on his back over his shoulders to his chest.
His lips move to kissing my neck again as he whispers to me, "Kiss me again and again, for your love is sweeter than wine as I am enchanted by the fragrance of your perfume."
I kiss him more passionately in his words to me while we both slip under the fur blankets of the king size bed. I moan in how his body feels when he slowly gets on top of me. He does not put his full weight on me. His hands continue to brace over my white lace bra before his right hand goes to my backside, easily unclipping the bra. I am amazed in how easily he did that with just one hand. "How did you do that?"
"I'll tell you later." He tells me with a certain playful grin on his face.
I chuckle when his right hand starts gently going up and down between my legs which somehow gets me even warmer than before down there. I bite the bottom of my lips when he kisses me neck to my stomach then down to my waist. He slips under the blanket as I ask him, "What are you doing?"
"It is something that may please you; if you want me to stop at any time, tell me immediately and I will stop. I will only continue with your consent, Mina." He says to me.
I brush my right hand against his cheek in how much that means to me. He wants to make sure that he has my consent before doing anything to me and it is one of the qualities I already love about him as a man. It is a rare thing which makes him too good for me. I tell him that he has my consent.
I feel his hands gently take my white lace hipster underwear off and he is kissing me down each of my legs before he starts kissing me in a certain area. I lightly gasp in what he is doing that makes me feel breathless. I run my hands through his dark hair letting myself feel what he is doing. My body feels like it is building something up and I am doing my best to hold it in however the more he does this, the harder it is to keep the feeling contained.
Before I even realized it, I let out a loud release of several moans as my body feels almost relieved of what he did to my body. It almost felt like an outer body experience. I deeply sigh in what he did when he smiles at me.
"Did that please you?" He asks me. I shake my head yes unable to find the words of how amazing that felt of what he did.
I rest my hands around his face, bringing his lips back to me. I know my body is fully ready to feel him in every way possible that a woman does for a man. Vlad is still slightly trembling when we are fully naked under the fur blankets and fully together. We look each other in the eyes before he rests his head into my neck, rocking back and forth on top of me. I let myself feel everything with Vlad through the entire night.
Vlad's POV
I moan in how good it feels to be with Mina, not as a vampire but as a man. I forgot how it truly feels to be with someone alive and amazing as Mina. I mean every word that my heart belongs to her as it is racing in every movement we do together. I smile in between our kisses of feeling a hunger to be with Mina in every way I can for as long as I can be.
I shudder knowing I feel myself about to finish however I want to make sure Mina is the one who feels good and is taken care of before me. We keep on going until thankfully we both finish at the same time and we are out of breath. I gasp in all of this since I have not felt any of this in centuries. I place my right hand on her neck to feel how fast her heart is racing. My heart is racing so fast I believed it was going to burst from my chest. Mina and I remain like this for a few moments to catch any air we can to recollect ourselves.
I gently go to the side of her and she cuddles up next to me. I wrap my arms around her, kissing her several times on the forehead and lips. We laugh in joy and cuddle for a bit before we could not keep our hands off one another. We go at it again several times throughout the night that I wonder if I am going to become addicted to Mina as much as I can before my vampire state returns.
Marishka's POV
I hear them going at one another almost like animals do for the first time as I am standing on the rooftop of the hotel. I glare over the blood bags partying like they are going to live for eternity of the New Year to come. The sad truth is that they are all going to die someday just like the blood bag Dracula is with.
I must admit that I am impressed how my vampire lord, Dracula did not rip her throat out during their vanilla sex. She will not be able to please him like I have and will do once I get rid of her. She may look like his past wife, Mirena. I admit that she is more impressive in person than I thought she would be especially when she back handed me.
But she will never understand him the way I do. I see all he is and she will be nothing more than a blood bag at the end. Dracula, my vampire lord will be mine forever and perpetually again. Nothing will stand in my way, not even the Supernatural council or their vampire hunters or their leashed mutt.
I see that there are several drunks on the snowy driveway of the hotel when I step off the roof. I extend my arms out as I fall faster to the ground. My feet lands, leaving a cracked impact on the ground while the drunks are shocked in witnessing my vampire landing and they approach me like stupid ass blood bags do when liquor affects their judgment. I smile at them when the drunken blood bags of men greet me.
"That was dangerous for a woman as beautiful as you to do especially in a dress like that. Let us help you..." One of them manages to speak in complete sentences instead of slurring his words like the other drunks are.
"Oh what gentlemen you are. However I have something even better in mind." I smile at them knowing exactly what I want to do to them without causing anyone to know I am in town for my vampire lord. I take one of them with me as the others follow us into the woods. I smile the entire way that they are more than willing to follow me into the deep dark woods.
I begin to play hide and seek with them and being in their drunken state, they go along with it. I chuckle in turning around the large trees like an innocent sheep hiding from wolves. Little do they know I am the demon in sheep clothing; my chance finally comes to do what I wanted to do with them the second I sighted them. I get the first man alone and we do kiss one another for a moment as I start kissing his neck. He moans in my lips kissing every inch of her neck while his heart races and his pulse pumping the blood through his veins. I grip my left hand in his dark blonde hair and before he could realize what is happening, I place my hand over his mouth.
The drunken man moans when I set my body against his as he tries to move but he realizes he cannot move against my strength even in my weaken state. He notices how I am looking at him when he sees my vampirism comes forth for the first time in centuries. He lets out the loudest scream he can but my hand muffles it so the others cannot hear him.
I smile with my fangs brushing against the bottom of my lip when I bite into his neck, drinking his blood. The drunk man struggles weakly against me while I feel the terror course through his blood as I drain him. I move my clawed hand to pin his head against the tree. I continue drinking him until there is nothing left. He lets out several whimpers while his heart beat goes from racing to beating slow. He draws his last breath then his body goes limp.
I hold his now dead body in my arms then his corpse drop to the snowy ground. I growl in feeling his blood dripping from my fangs, down my neck. I can still feel the fear through his blood while it travels through my body, restoring my strength bit by bit. I suspected his blood to be thinned out from the whiskey he drank; it did not thankfully. It had flavor to it that I took my time drinking him than tearing his throat our completely.
I look down at his corpse to see he had a wedding band on his left hand. It is a shame he died this way instead of being with his pitiful wife and possible child or children but he is a blood bag. It matters not to me anymore. I stare at his motionless body ready to do what I need to do next. I need more blood to restore myself enough to stand in the presence of my vampire lord again.
I use my vampire sight to notice that there is a wolf pack not far from me. I pick up the man's dead body and drop it off close enough for the pack to come, letting them do what they do best with fresh vampire killings. I use my vampire speed to travel far enough away that the wolves start in on the man's body. I know that when their bodies are discovered, the humans will believe it to be the furious killings of wolves. This remains an easy and fun cover up even in this century.
I extend my hands out, bringing forth my vampire claws then I turn to see another of the drunk men close to me while my vampire sight hears their heartbeat beating at a slight fast pace of searching for me. I slowly walk towards the man closest to me with my arms at my side ready to do the same to him as his dead friend.
I immediately use my vampire speed killing each of them off the same way but I let their screams fill up the entire woods because there is no one to hear their dying screams. I am drenched in blood but with no blood on my gown which I prefer with how much this dress means to me. My vampire lord, Dracula gave me this gorgeous black silk, corset dress after he turned me and nothing will ruin anything he has given me.
My vampire eyes go up to the vast night sky to see all of the bright stars knowing the next time I am in the woods again, Dracula will be with me one way or another. I will destroy any relationship, tear families apart even sacrifice my other vampire brides and drink from the blood bag that looks like his past wife to get my glorious Dracula back.
I walk through the vast snow covered woods as the small train of my black dress gently goes over the snow covering the ground. I hear the pack of wolves ravaging in hunger, finishing off the trail of bodies I left for them to have. I let myself mentally think of all the times I had with my Dracula, craving him all these decades, century since he left us for this new life he has. But this new life of his will come apart under my power and I will do whatever it takes.
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