Vlad's POV
I look at my watch to see that it is ten o’clock. Mina is going to be here in half an hour. I make a small list in my head to get ready for her. I am excited for her to come here at my stables, The Real Deal Stables. My handler, Luke was unsure on the name for the stables. However I like it because… Well, I am the real deal especially with horses. I sent the entire staff home for day so Mina and I can be alone this time. I walk over to the fence line as one of my best horses from the turnout pasture approaches me. I smile at the sight of my pure-blood Andalusian gelding, Dimitru. I named him after my best man that died trying to save Mirena and Ingeras from one of Mehmed's men centuries ago.
This horse reminded me of Dimitru which is why he is named after him. He is loyal and I can always count on him. He is a good horse through and through. I open and close the gate behind me. Dimitru snorts for a moment when approaching me. I pet him down his neck line, asking him, “How are you, boy? Having a good day?” Dimitru stares at me like he could understand what I am saying to him. I smile in how much his mane has grown since I maintained it through braids. His mane is now past his neck even with some curl to it.
I put a black with some yellow color design rope halter on his face then tying a simple knot behind his left ear to keep the halter together like it is now. I open the gate as Dimitru follows the pace of my walk out of the turnout pasture then turns around so I close the gate behind me. I walk him into the saddling area inside the stable. I leave him ground tied like I always do. I brush him down well, comb his mane, tail, and then pick out his hooves. I pet him on his neck a few times when I am done cleaning him up.
I smile thinking about Mina; looking forward to seeing her again after the week and a half we have spent together. I press my lips together, thinking about our first kiss. My first kiss with Mirena felt the exact same way. I forgot how wonderful it feels to be kissed like that. I lightly shake my head to remind myself that Mina is not Mirena. Mina is her own person, not Mirena.
I have a feeling that she is going to love it up here. I have worked hard for this place over the past few decades. At the same time, not easy because of being immortal. Other places I have lived before coming back here have noticed that I hardly age which leads me to fake my death and anything else I need to do to appear like a normal human in my long life.
I go into the tack room to get the saddle pad, saddle and the hackamore ready. I place the saddle pad over his back, making sure it is where it needs to be on his withers and evenly on his back. I then lightly throw the saddle over top of the pad. I unbuckle the girth so it can be dangling on his right side. I gently pet him underneath his belly where the girth will be resting on him when the saddle is tightened. I rub the girth against his underbelly a few moments so he knows the girth is coming and prepare his stomach for it. I briefly tighten the girth then release it for him. I repeat the process a few more times than the second to last tightening for him.
I grab the sport leg wraps, velcro them onto all four of his legs. I pet him on his left shoulder in the good boy he is being when standing back up. I make sure that the tandem buddy saddle is set up properly behind the front saddle seat. I do not need Mina falling off a horse on the first day out here; not happening. After double checking all of the equipment, I have everything I need. I come around face to face with Dimitru as he is standing here calm like he always is. I could never ask for a better horse than this one right now of this century.
I look at my watch to see that Mina will be pulling up any second. I think about Mina and how she kissed me. The warmth of her skin, the smell of her vanilla bean perfume and her exciting, nice lips against mine; I have never felt anything so exhilarated in my life since the last woman I was with back in the sixteen hundreds. Mina shines so bright in her excitement of things and her laugh is adorable. I cannot get enough of it. The sound of her heart racing when she sees me is something special. I know that if I was alive, I would feel exactly the same way.
Suddenly, my senses begin to hear something in the distance. I can hear a car coming down the driveway of the stables. I close my eyes briefly while my heightened hearing goes further out to where I can hear her from her car. My heightened sense makes me smile bigger at the sound of her heart beating in joy of coming to spend the day with me. I smile the closer she gets to me. Mina drives her car up into the small parking area. I hear the car engine turn off before Mina steps out of her car.
I can sense her smile, and joy from where I am standing. She circles around to see the view all around the barn of trees and green fields out in the distance of the stable. I give her a few more seconds to enjoy what she is seeing so I can make sure I am in order. I go to the tack room and over to the mirror. I make sure my shirt and hair are in order. When done, I walk back over to Dimitru, petting him. Mina enters into the stable. I smile the second I see her amazing smile at the sight of me
"Hello, Mina."
"Hello, Vlad." She walks over to me with the same beautiful smile.
I see that she is wearing dark blue jeans with knee length, dark brown leather boots with a blue and shade of pink plaid shirt. No matter what Mina wears, she looks amazing. “Mina, you look wonderful. I also like that you wore the right clothes to be at a barn. Some that come for lessons were yoga pants and jogging shoes like they are coming for the gym or wearing white clothes.” Mina chuckles in my words.
Mina’s eyes light up when she sees Dimitru and walks over to him. Dimitru stares at Mina with his big, dark brown eyes. Mina stands before him then extends her left hand to him. Dimitru leans his head forward, sniffing her hand for a few moments. Mina giggles when he lowers his head snorting. I smile knowing that he likes Mina already. “He likes you.” I pet Dimitru on the side of his neck in how a good horse he is. Mina places her hands on the side of her neck in how much fun she is already having.
"Oh my goodness, Vlad. He is such a beautiful horse. What is his name?" She gets closer, starting to pet him on the side of his face.
I smile saying, "His name is Dimitru. He is an Andalusian. His breed is known as the Pure Spanish horse. It is a breed from Iberian Peninsula, where his ancestors lived for thousands of years. The Andalusian has been recognized as a distinct breed since the fifteenth century, and their conformation has changed very small over the centuries. It took me some time to build my trust with him when I got him at a young age years ago. It just took one moment with you and he already likes you. It shows the progress he has made through the many hours, and miles over the years. I am proud of him.”
“Can I pet him?” Mina asks.
“Sure. Come on over.” I take a step back so she can come over to his left side. Her hand touches him, and then goes up and down his neck. Mina giggles again in how breathtaking Dimitru is to her. I sense her feelings that she is happy and safe. I wonder why she would have to feel safe around me. I do not think that she has a reason not to feel safe around me. She should not know anything about me being a vampire at all. I wonder what it could be for her. I slowly reach my hand to hers.
Mina turns her gaze to me; it is the same one she gave before I pulled her into my arms of our first kiss at the park. Dimitru turns his head then nudges Mina closer to me. We look at him when he neighs. We cannot resist in laughing at him before we find ourselves face to face. She lets out a small exhale in barely being an inch away from me. My lips slowly but surely meet with hers. I hear her heart beating from steady to moderate heart zone. It is something my hunger can handle to be around.
I embrace my arms around her mid-back. She moves her arms around the back of my neck. We kiss each other in joy. This sort of joy I have not felt in centuries. I cannot help but to smile in between our kisses. I turn around so I am leaning my backside against Dimitru. We keep our kissing simple, sweet and not aggressive until something begins to ring in her back pocket. Mina pulls away from our kiss by someone calling her cell phone.
She takes out her phone to see who it is calling her. Mina lets out a light groan of frustration in the person calling her. "I am so sorry. I have to take this. Then after this call, I am turning off my phone. I am all yours for today." Mina says to me.
“You are completely fine, Mina. I have to do one more thing to get Dimitru ready. I’ll be in here waiting for you when you are done talking on the phone.” I tell her.
She smiles to me before walking back out to her car. I do not stop glaring at her when she leaves my sight. I turn my attention back to Dimitru, grabbing the rope connected to his halter. We walk around a few times. I do some simple groundwork methods of extending his neck to the left, right. I have him walk forward then backward to help stretch his body and work his mind. He licks his lips in how well the groundwork is already working for him.
When finished, I go to the left side and tighten up the girth a few more holes in the final adjust for the saddle. I take the stirrups and briefly shake them up and down to help desensitizing him. I walk around him once more then untie the rope halter. I move the rope halter to rest on my shoulder while I put the hackamore on him. I adjust it to fit him right. I let the reins drop to the ground so Dimitru is ground tied while we wait for Mina.
After about ten minutes, I do wonder where Mina is and if she is alright with whoever she is talking to. I use my senses to follow the sound of her heart. I notice that her heart is racing very fast toward the person on the phone. I am not sure if I should be listening to her phone conversation. I realize that she starts yelling at whoever it is on the phone. I lightly moan in how I am being nosy in letting my hearing listen to her phone call.
"I have told you many times before, mother!!! I will not go through with it! He hurt me! He will do it again! I do not want a life with him! I want a life with someone that will treat me as his equal and love me just as I love him! He will not give me that life! He will not give me that love in time either! You are going to stop this now!!! Whatever you think he is, he is not that man!!! It is over!!! We are over!!! And if you cannot accept that, do ever bother calling me ever again!" Mina yells to her mother.
I do not hesitate in walking over and see Mina with her back facing her car. I am about to walk over to her, but I stop when I realize that a part of Mina needs to tell her mother these things or Mina is going to lose her mind if she does not. Her mother tells her, "You are throwing away a chance to make yourself happy and wealthy, Mina. I will not allow you to throw him away. You better start seeing him again before it is too late. You are going to call him back. You will go back to him today! And you will stop seeing the man you have been seeing lately.”
“How do you know that? Have you been spying on me or has he still been watching me?!” Mina becomes more furious in the last words her mother said.
“That does not matter, Mina! Stop seeing that man and go back to Michael! That is final!” Her mother shouts.
"No, I will not! I am my own person! I am done with Michael! I will not marry him! I do not love him! I never will!! Why don't you marry him if you want this marriage so badly?!" Before her mother could say another word, Mina hangs up on her mother. Mina extends her arm back then tosses her phone and the phone lands within the tree line of the stables. Mina is now being filled sadness that she begins crying in what was spoken.
I take a step towards Mina. Mina turns around with tears streaming down her face. Mina sobs as she wipes off the tears rolling down her face. "I do not want you to see me like this, Vlad. Give me a few minutes please."
Without a word, I go over to her lightly shaking my head no to her. I pull her in my arms, hugging her. She is so stunned by what I have just done. Her sadness overwhelms her that she puts her arms around me. Mina starts to cry harder, burying her face in my shoulder. I rest my head on top of hers. I move my hands up and down her back while she continues to let it all out. I know that Mina needs to let all that she is feeling out.
“Just let it go, Mina... There is nothing wrong with crying for a little bit. It cleanses the soul. Whatever life others had planned for you; it is your life, and yours alone. All you have to do is look forward, see what life there can be for you then reach out and grab it, be unstoppable.” I whisper to her, hoping my words bring her any kind of comfort. Mina lets herself mentally soak in what I have said to her.
“How do I do that, Vlad?” Mina struggles to say in between her sobbing.
I gently let my arms down and my hands softly wrap around hers. “There is many ways you can do it. However, the best way I see it for you is that every morning you wake up, thank God that you did and then ask him to help you, Mina. Just ask the Lord to help you. Then go from there.” Mina closes her eyes for a few seconds while I sense her sadness being lifted. I watch Mina have a few tears drop off her beautiful chin to the ground.
"Mina, I want to tell you something. I hope it will help, and it will not scare you off in anyway." She looks at me with her beautiful face a bit pink from crying. I cup my hands gently around her face. "Mina, I know that we have just met about two weeks ago. I hope you can forgive me for feeling this way. I care about you more than I ever thought I would for someone in this amount of time. Whatever this is, I want to take this feeling and let it grow. I already adore you, Mina. Your sweet smile, laugh and you are a really good kisser. You are one heavenly, beautiful woman. The way you look at life, what you like in life and your excitement makes me excited. You get my senses running wild. It is hard to explain why I already feel this way for you, but I do not want to let go. I have lived more things than anyone else has which has led me to believe that there are hardly any good hearted women left in the world. That was until I saw you at the flower stand. I never imagined meeting someone like you. The feel of you in just being in my arms feels wonderful. I do not want to let go right now when you need it most."
Her saddened face changes to her heavenly smile. Mina embraces her hands around mine then pulls my lips to hers. We remain in a lingering kiss. Her kissing is excited but yet calming. It reminds me of something I had tasted long ago. If my memory remains true to the taste of food, she is like the taste of strawberries, soft, juicy, sweet with a slight sour taste. Our lips deepen into one another while her hands rest at the back of my shoulders. I place my hand on the back of her neck to keep her as close as possible to me. We briefly part lips then kiss once more. After our lips separate, we stay in each other's arms for a little bit longer.
While staring at her, I notice something at the ground of our feet. I see that there is a shadow, my shadow on the ground. I am so focused on her that I did not realize that the sun is shining on us. I am about to take off running inside until I see that something is not happening to me. I see that my body is not burning like it normally does when exposed to sunlight. I’m in shock that I can feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. I barely let my mouth drop in what is happening right now. I smile in such happiness that I could feel my own tears falling down my face.
How is this even possible? I wonder to myself. Then in just a moment, I literally feel a few beats underneath my rib cage from my heart; my actual heart. I keep on wondering how this is even happening. I could only recall through memory when it feels like of my heart beating. Now it is such a glorious feeling to have right now. I have prayed for many years to hear and feel my heart beating again. Even for a short time. So I take in every second to remember this in placing my left hand over my chest.
My thoughts go back to Mina. I cannot help but to kiss her on the forehead a few times. I could hear her heart beat so calmly. She feels safe and sound with me. Mina sighs with some peace to the sound of her calm breathing. "I like the sound of your heart beating, Vlad. It is so full of life. I would expect nothing less." Mina whispers to me. She leans her head against my chest to hear my heart. It is amazing in the feel of my heart beating, living for the first time in centuries.
I keep myself from shedding some tears for Mina to notice. All of my senses in hearing only the animals around us and the smell of Mina's vanilla perfume; the warmth of her skin did not make my hunger come like I usually expect it to do. Instead, her warmth makes my body warm. I have been warmer than I ever thought I ever could get again. My eyes go to the sky, praying to God. I thank him for this moment right now. The sound of my heart beating, the feeling of a human's warmth without the urge to feed; there is nothing that compares to this right here.
After a little bit, I can feel my senses return. My own heart beat is starting to fade which means my skin is about to start burning from the sunlight. “Wanna go inside for a second?”
Mina and I walk inside the stable. I tell Mina to take a look around at the other horses for a moment. She smiles in walking down to the other stalls filled with my lesson horses. When she is not looking, I use my darkness ability to the sky. The sun is covered in dark clouds now with not a moment to spare. I stare upon the sky in the feeling of already missing the warmth of the sunlight I had.
I will never forget this moment for centuries to come. God gave me a chance, a chance to be in the sunlight. Maybe all of this could mean a second chance for me and Mina is my chance to live again. If so, I will do anything for the Lord and Mina to live again. I want nothing more than to fall in love again, to grow old and to be surrounded by our grandchildren; their laughter and their smiles then die an ordinary death like I should have with Mirena and Ingeras.
I won’t have anything mess with my chance to live again. I certainly will not let him mess with my second chance. If he comes around, I hope that I am fully human. Then he cannot call upon me to serve him for his Immortal Game of Revenge. I cannot be a part of his game nor will I be if that day should ever come.
I get thoughts away from all that when Mina walks back over to me and our attention to Dimitru. He neighs to get our focus back to him. He does enjoy all the attention he can get. We chuckle at him. Mina and I walk out of the stables as our hands come together walking back to Dimitru. I grab the reins so Dimitru walks to the right of me. Mina remains beside me when I go to the gate that leads to the thirty acres of pasture I have on the stable grounds. I open the door, letting Mina walk through then Dimitru and me. I close the gate behind me while Mina loves the sight of the wide open fields before us.
When Mina is done taking in the view for a second, I point to the dirt pathway along the fence line of the entire fields. "We will be taking the pathway first. I use that pathway to warm up him and let his muscles wake up such as we would before working out.”
Mina shakes her head in seeing the dirt pathway. I have Dimitru stand while I go around him once, checking on final time before we begin. I tighten the saddle up by one more hole in the girth. Dimitru is completely ready. I go over to the side of the gate where I have a medium size container that holds a riding helmet. I close the lid of the container then I hand Mina the helmet.
She puts it on her head. I adjust it to her head size and it is placed right. We walk over to the start of the dirt pathway that leads around the entire pasture. Mina smiles at how beautiful everything is from here. I grab the stepping block that is by the fence line. I prefer to use this to help with my horse or horses' back even though I do not need it.
Dimitru stands still while I mount up. I am all good to go. I look to Mina in seeing that she is nervous. I extend my hand to Mina and she grabs my hand. She steps onto the mounting block. I instruct her on how to mount up. She places her left hand on my left shoulder and her right hand on the back part of her saddle seat. She lifts her leg over, sitting on the saddle perfectly.
"Now place your feet in the stirrups. In doing this, the ball of your feet should be against the iron stirrups. Put pressure on the stirrups when we are riding to keep your feet for sliding out. It will be hard to do but do what you can from hugging your lower legs around his belly. Many horses can get confused by this but Dimitru has learned how to work with this saddle and her goes by word commands. Make sure that you are sitting up straight with your bum against the back of the saddle seat, like you would be if you are driving a car. You can wrap your arms around me to hold on if you want to. Dimitru and I will take care of the rest. You let me know if we need to stop or slow down when riding." I tell her.
Mina smiles while listening to each thing I said. Mina puts her arms around my rib-cage. I have my hands wrapped around the reins and let her take a moment to settle being on a horse right now. When I feel her adrenaline calm down, I know that I need to ask her to be safer than sorry.
"Ready, Mina?"
"Yes." Mina whispers with another smile on her face.
I sense Mina already getting excited. I keep the reins fair so Dimitru still has his head. I tell Dimitru, “Walk on.” He walks forward with ease and on we go. He picks up his feet nicely. He keeps his head low showing that he is relaxed and calm from the groundwork earlier. How I love groundwork for horses, one of the many things that I like in this century.
We stay at a walk down the pathway for a mile and a half so Mina can get the feel of being on a horse. Mina remains smiling when she rests her head on my right shoulder, enjoying the ride so far. Mina and I hardly say a word to each other which is not a bad thing in our case. It is just our company that we are enjoying and it is enough.
We ride on until we reach the two mile mark, I stop Dimitru. I ask Mina, “If you are up for it, do you want to do more than just a walk? Would a trot be fine?” She shakes her head yes to me as her arms stay around me. “Okay. We will be going at a simple trot; this is where you can allow yourself to go with the trot. If it becomes too much, just say the word and I will slow him down.” Mina is ready for a trot. I look ahead then ask Dimitru into a trot. He moves his body into a medium stride trot; his hooves pounding against the dirt, leaving good hoof prints behind. His breathing quickens a bit. I let him remain in a trot for another mile. He keeps his trotting pace smooth with every step he takes.
Mina keeps her arms good around me while we ride down the pathway. She is doing well for her first time riding on a horse. Others I have come across either hang on for dear life or they would have fallen off by now. I am impressed with Mina already. Mina giggles in joy like she is a little girl having the best time in the world right now. I cannot help but to chuckle in joy of how much fun this is.
I look in the distance that the three and a half mile marks are up ahead. Dimitru continues doing well with both of us on his back. His hooves are pushing off against the ground, leaving dirt behind. His rhythm is strong and good for Mina. We keep on going while passing by a few other horses running in the distance. I smile in joy admiring Mina laughing in joy of the ride and the views that are all around.
We are approaching a river within the fields. Mina realizes that we are not slowing down. I sense that she is scared and her grip tightens a bit around my stomach now. I tell her, “No need to worry, Mina. Just hold on.”
“Hold on?!” She says in a mixture of confusion and a little bit of fear.
I allow Dimitru to go into a canter through the river water. When he approaches the river, his body makes a good amount of splashing, getting us a bit soaked. Mina squeals in how cold the water is, but how much fun this is for her. Mina and I laugh in us being soaked from the waist down. Mina extends her hand out so she can feel any of the water that splashes around us. Dimitru carries us right through the river to the other side.
I barely lift the left rein outward, letting him know to go to the left, in the direction of a field where we always gallop through whenever we go out riding on our own. I do not even take any other rider this way. Mina is the first person I do this with. “Trot.” Dimitru does so. I extend my hand forward, petting him on his neck. I tell him, “Good boy. You are doing well.”
After some more time passes, I tell Dimitru to walk so we can walk easily over any dead fall trees and creeks. Mina gazes all around at the trees surrounding us. I make sure that Dimitru is following the bit of path for us to take through the ride. I stop at the view of the trees and creek water that Dimitru is standing in. I did to take out my phone, taking a picture of the forest view so I can send it to her later. Mina is amazed at the view. Her face is filled with a smile on her face. I know that we are both enjoying our time together.
"This does feel like we are in a painting. I do not want it to end. I wish we could stay here, Vlad." Mina whispers to me.
She rests her head on my right shoulder, soaking in the view. I turn my face to look at her. Mina gazes at me in such admiration. I put my forehead against hers. We stay here for a while, not sure how long, but enough for Dimitru to easily regain his energy he used earlier.
Then a stomach growl came from Mina. She is in hungry. She laughs at herself for disturbing this moment. I chuckle along with her because it is about to be lunch time. Every moment with her, I will always care about, even the silly ones like this one.
"Let's get back and I can cook something for you. Do you want something sinful or heavenly to eat?" I ask her.
She thinks to herself for a moment then decides on what she wants. "Any chance on some breakfast food for lunch?" She asks then smiles at me.
"Anything you want, Mina."
She blushes when I say those words to her with a charming smile. I turn my attention ahead as Dimitru is ready for what I am going to ask for him next. I click my tongue asking him to walk on. Dimitru does so. Mina enjoys the view to the point we are at the forest tree line. We can see the view of the fenced pastures and my stables in the distance.
"Can we go back to the stables in a canter?" Mina asks me.
"We can but I will only keep it at a hand-canter. It is a moderate gallop; a fast pace between a canter and a gallop. Something you can handle for your first time since it is a very fast, east pace." I tell her.
She gets herself ready in the saddle. I get myself ready as well. When ready, I ask Dimitru into a trot. He does so. I give him a few strides to let his muscles prepare to go into a canter. I sense Dimitru is ready. I lightly hug my legs into his sides and do one kissing sound to him before saying, “Canter.”
Dimitru goes right into a canter across the green fields. He runs very steady and strong. His hooves pound against the ground whilst the wind lightly blows in our faces. The sound of his fast breathing fills the sound of the air even my senses. I can hear his blood pumping through his body because of the pace he is going, the rate of his breathing in cutting across the field.
Mina holds on good with her upper thighs and keeping the right pressure on her foot stirrups. Mina's heart is racing so fast that it overcomes all of my senses compared to focusing on Dimitru. I take in the sound of it. It sounds every bit like Mirena's heart when it raced back in 1462. Mina is having a blast in this ride on Dimitru.
We ride on further until we reach are about a mile away from the gate entrance of the stables. I slowly have Dimitru transitions from the canter to trot into a walk. I let him walk the rest of the way toward the gate. Mina rests her head on my back smiling the entire time.
I lightly pull back on the reins asking Dimitru to a stop next to the mounting block. I let Mina mount off first. After she steps down from the block, I mount off. Dimitru. He barely broke a sweat. I walk him back to the stable and leave him ground tied. I take everything off him and put his rope halter back on. I tell Mina to follow me when I begin to walk to where Dimitru is to be turned out with some of the other horses. Mina walks around the stable grounds with me to have Dimitru cool off a bit.
After the hand walk, we walk him over to the two acre turnout pasture for some of my horses to be paired together like a herd but no stallions; only geldings and mares in pastures on the other side of the stables. The horses I breed are kept with different horses and stalls for their breeding purposes; keep them safe and sound during the entire process while they are still allowed to be horses.
We approach the pasture gate and Mina opens it for me. Dimitru and I walk through the gate way leading to the paddock. I pet Dimitru a few more moments then take off his rope halter. Dimitru walks into his paddock, snorting as he goes to the other horses in the pasture grazing. Dimitru starts to eat along with the others.
I close all of the gates behind me then put everything back to the saddle room. When finished, I show Mina up to the small rustic style barn house I have close to the barn. “I occasionally stay here if I need to watch a horse over night with injuries to be cared for around the clock or I need to be close by if anything were to happen to the mares that could be due to deliver foal.” I take my keys out and unlock the front door.
I tell her, “After you.”
She walks in first to find the kitchen. It has an interior of a golden valley travertine stone wall, dark brown wood countertop and grey- brown cupboards; tones that go well together. It is a small studio place with the bedroom and bathroom upstairs. Nothing majorly fancy so if anyone is stupid enough to break in, they won’t find anything of value. The only thing I really keep here is clothes, a hidden fridge holding blood bags for me to have when I stay here, and phone charger, nothing more. But I make sure Luke has some food here in case if I have one of my lessons waiting for their parents or ride and I allow them to make themselves something to eat if they are hungry.
Mina is so stunned by the living quarters. I go to the cabinets and fridge to be sure I have the food to make what Mina may want. Luckily I have everything I needed to make her meal. I ask how she likes her eggs, bacon and toasts. She tells me how she likes them and I start cooking.
We talk about horses while I am cooking. I answer the questions she has truthfully. I do not sugar coat anything since it is better for her to know things such as making the call to put a horse down and watching it happen. I admit to Mina that no matter what the situation is with a horse, good or bad, it hurts all the same to make the choice to put the horse down. When we finish discussing horses, I finish cooking her food. She watches me make the food to near perfection. I get done with it then place the plate in front of Min. "Let it cool off for a moment before you eat."
I sense that she is impressed that I made her meal into an all in one sandwich. I have the over easy eggs on the toast with the bacon on top then another over easy egg within the top piece of the toast with a few little pieces of parsley. Mina sighs in such satisfaction of how good the food looks. I give her a glass of no pulp orange juice. When the food is not too hot to eat, she takes a bite into it.
“This is so good, Vlad. You made it exactly how I like it. Thank you.” She tells me after she finishes her first bite. I watch her eat all of her food then drink the orange juice down. She leans back sighing. My senses feel that the food hit her right in the spot. I chuckle in how much she loved the food, even though it was a simple thing to make. I wash the dishes I used to cook her food.
Mina comes over to help me wash, dry and put them back into the cupboard. We finish putting the dishes away, and I notice that she has a look on her face. It seems like she wants to ask me something.
"What's on your mind, Mina?"
"I know that it is a little bit late to ask and forward but I am wondering if you want to go out to a Halloween party that my entire work place is going to. Everyone is allowed to dress up. Even for us to have a plus one if possible. I am wondering if you would be my plus one." Mina says to me.
I smile telling her, "I would be honored to be your plus one, my lady. When is the party? And any ideas on what you want to dress up as?" Her face glows at me when I say this.
"In three days. I am going to be honest about ideas for costumes, no clue. My costume ideas are no good. I’m open to any ideas that you may have.”
I sit down next to her while thinking for a moment of all the people we could dress up as. I think of two possible good ones that we could be. "There is Prince Charming and Cinderella. The second idea is Prince Derek and Odette from The Swan Princess. Both classic tales and you will look marvelous in either of those dresses."
"Both of those are really good! However, where are we going to get our costumes?" She asks me in a bit of worry.
"Not to worry. If you are ok, I will take care of it. I have tailor that can help make our costumes. Just send me your size for a dress and any possible jewelry for the gown. I will take care of it." I tell her. She smiles in the fact that I can go to the party with her.
We smile to one another when I recall some things that were said in her phone call with her mother earlier. I wonder what she meant by him and her being followed. But that is none of my business until she wants to tell me. I know that she will tell me in time about this engagement she is still suppose to be in. I know her mother wants her to go through with it by the way she talked on the phone about it. I want her to tell me when she is ready to do so.
I tell her that I will make a phone call to my tailor once she sends me what the tailor will need in order to make her costume. Mina wonders if we can read more of the Tiger Saga together. I go over to the small living room and pull out the Tiger Saga books having a hunch that she will want to read more after the ride. Mina and I start to read the first book of the Tiger Saga together on the couch.
We are enjoying the story line so far. Mina and I read up to where Miss Kelsey meets Phet in his home. He explains how Ren becomes a tiger. They believe how she could be the one to end the curse. This book was a page turner for the both of us. We manage to stop at chapter ten. We talk about what happened so far in the book and the relationship that Miss Kelsey has with Ren. We laugh about her reaction to realizing that Ren is the tiger. We both wonder if either of us would react the same way in her position.
We spend the rest of the day and afternoon together just talking about more about horses. It begins to get dark outside. Mina starts to yawn from being tired in the day we had. "I better get home since I have to go to work tomorrow.”
“Same for me. I’ll walk you to your car.” I tell her when we stand to our feet. We walk out of the house and I lock the door behind me. We walk back to her car and I open the door for her after she unlocks the car.
“The day after tomorrow, do you want to meet at the flower stand?" She asks.
I press my lips against hers and then whisper, "Of course, Mina."
She smiles but stops when she looks over to where her phone is. Mina walks over to her phone that she threw earlier. She wipes it off from the bits of grass and dirt on it. She says, "Not my finest hour."
I chuckle to her in saying, “I completely get it. Even I have my not so finest hours. Just remember that it is your life and yours alone. Don’t let anyone tell you different, Mina.”
We stare at one another for a few moments before she leans in and kisses me. I do not hesitate to embrace my arms around her, not wanting to let her go but I had to for right now. We kiss each other one more time before telling each other good night. Mina finally gets into the car. I close the door for her. She turns the car on and slowly drives away. I watch her drive away as she gives me a wave.
I wave back to her while smiling until I could no longer see her car anymore. I think about her and what had happened earlier today with the sun. I stare upon my hands. I did not start burning away like I normally do. I know in this moment that she is what I prayed for. She is my chance to live again. I hope that I am everything she wants, what she needs me to be for her. I look up to the night sky and study the stars that I can see through my heightened sight. I then transform into the swarm of bats. I fly right to my home that is over five miles away from the stables. I would drive my car to the stables but I prefer the fly or occasional walk to the stables than driving there.
I form back into my body and get home. I go up stairs to my bedroom to get ready for some sleep. I take a shower listening to some calming music to help me feel relaxed. When finished with the shower, I get into my sleeping clothes then slip underneath the bed covers. I reach over to my small nightstand and take out my bible. I read pages of the bible, just to read. It is nice to read it like a normal book than just for redemption or spiritual growth or lessons that I still need to learn, no matter how long of a life I have lived.
When I am done, I look down in the nightstand drawer to see my very own silver wedding ring from when I was nothing more than Prince Vlad or Vlad the Impaler; nothing more. I extend my hand to it and grab a hold of it. I wince in agony while the ring is in my hand the whole time I pray to the Lord. I thank God for the brief moment of being in the sunlight with Mina. It was far more than I deserve to have after the things I have seen and done in my long years.
After I am done praying, I slowly put my wedding band back into the draw along with the Bible beside it. I close the draw, no longer sensing the feel of the silver near me due to the wood of the night stand made out of Axe Breaker also known as the ‘quebrar hacha’ in Spanish. This wood helps to maintain the power of the silver over me when I am right next to it. So if I am to talk to anyone in my bedroom, the silver will not affect me.
I lay back and get comfortable in my bed. My mind goes to the thought of Mina and the day we had. I am glad that I got to tell Mina how I feel for her. I want to know more about her and I cannot wait to see her again. I wonder where things will go for us from here. I snap my fingers and the lights cut off and the blackout curtains cover all of my bedroom windows so if I do not take the chance to wake up burning in the sunlight.
I remain in silent for a little while that I begin to drift into peaceful sleep thinking about Mina. The sight of her sweet smile, laugh, warmth and calming heart beat. The way she looks in the sunlight and how she shines to things around her. I will never tire in the way she glows when she sees me. I close my eyes and I finally fall into a peaceful deep sleep with a small smile on my face that I will be seeing Mina again.
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