How will I deal with them? It’s not like they go away, I’ve tried. Medicine won’t work, Ben has tried it on me. PTSD…that could be a cause. Maybe a list could help me sort it out. I’ve tried a list before, but it was a bit odd.
How to get rid of nightmares:
-Don’t sleep
-Sleep in a tree
-Ask Alton
So.. therefore, I don’t make lists. That simple. It’s not like I could tell them, I’ve only told Leon. I don’t trust either of them. I could always do something..or just sleep away(And by away, I mean out of hearing range.) of Alton and Sistine. That could work, seeing as how I scream in my sleep. This is probably why the insomnia is bad.
I hear Alton and Sistine talking by the fire. I don’t know what they’re talking about, but I think they’re talking about how we’re going to get Regina. We do need a plan; Alton’s right on this one. If we don’t have a plan, then they would capture us. I have spent my life trying to not get captured, so planning will be fun. I think. Thinking doesn’t mean it will be easy..but it is nice to think about it.
Ok, focus Naidia. You need to find a way to deal with the nightmares, I tell myself. Just think.
Well, if I sleep away from them, such as in a tree, they couldn’t hear me if I put a gag in my mouth. That could work. How did Leon and I figure this out??
Right, the abstract art game. How will that work in the forest though?
Or, I could do that, but with the forest colors. That plan will work. Thus, I start to walk over to Alton and Sistine. They are still in a conversation. I find that funny, seeing as the longest conversation he’s had with anyone in a while. Sistine looks up at me, and motions to have me join the conversation. I shake my head, and decide not to join.
“Naidia, come on.”
“Really? Are you going to be difficult?
He just shakes his head at me. In response, I sit down next to him.
“You’ve been quiet. Something..about him?”
“Alton, will you ever be quiet?”
“Sorry to break it to you, Sistine, but he never shuts up.”
“Ok. This is going to be a long envoy.”
"Well, at least it won't be boring."
I smile. Nothing suspicous, nothing they would notice.
"So, how about we all get some sleep?"
They both go and lay down, to sleep, and I sit, waiting for them to both be asleep. Once they seem to be asleep, I walk off into the woods, and climb up a tree. Hopefully, I won't fall off. I slowly start to drift off to sleep, with a gag in my mouth.
Then, the nightmares start to come.