”The advantage of growing up with siblings is that you become very good at fractions.” – Robert Brault
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All he girls had gathered around the tables in the main sitting place of the camp waiting for instructions. This had been the routine was almost 2 weeks, Mira stared at the sheet in front of her, it contained her daily time table and one particular activity was standing out Counselling.
Mira opened the door to the counselor’s office, it was a cozy place the structure was similar to her cottage, there was a table in the middle with two chairs on opposite sides, there was a couch right beside the entrance, and a small laptop desk to the far end a green carpet covered the cold floor giving the room a warm feeling, there were pictures and signs all over the walls spreading awareness on various mental diseases and motivational signs. Mira sat at the table waiting for the counselor to come in and observed her surroundings, the last time she was in a counselors office was years ago, she had drawn a couple of dinosaurs fighting for an art class when she was in fourth grade, her teacher sent her to the counselor as she felt it was too violent for a child, at that time hiding problems was easy, the counselor gave her a sheet of paper and asked her to draw anything she would like, so she did, she drew her mom, her dad and all her siblings outside their house on a sunny day. That seemed to satisfy the counselor at the time and she let Mira go without and further questions.
Mira highly doubted it would be that easy this time and she didn’t even know if drawing a nice sunny day with her family was what she would want to draw, if given a chance she would draw a girl write in the middle of the picture in a dark black pen, she would draw many people around that girl in various colors, she would draw a scary smile on that girl's face but everyone around would have a frown, because that is how she exactly felt, like a disappointment to everyone around her. Her thoughts were interrupted with the door of the office opening, she quickly plastered a small smile on her face and made a strong-looking expression on her face, hopefully, she looked tough enough to hide the emotional wreck she was feeling inside.
“Hi”, the lady said, “I’m Renee I think we met on the plane”, “Ya, I’m Miracle, Miracle styles”, Mira replied. “Hmm, according to this you were supposed to meet me 3 days ago”, Renee said. “Oh yeah, all the three times I was scheduled to come after dance and I was exhausted after”, Mira said chuckling. “Oh really, we put dancing on your schedule as we assumed you would like it, after all, you are known for your amazing dance skills, we can pull it off though if your body needs time to heal”, Renee said. “Oh”, Mira said hurriedly, “No I’m just fine”, “if I didn’t know better, I would think you are avoiding this place”, Renee said laughing at her joke. “Oh no why would I avoid you, you seem like a nice person”, Mira said looking at her fingers which seemed to help her calm down, “A lot of girls avoid me, Mira, because many a time ignoring our problems is easier nut it’s not always the healthiest option”, Renee said. “Oh, I don’t have any problems or not any big one at least and a lot of people seem to be calling me Mira what’s up with that”, Mira said trying her best to divert the topic. “Oh, maybe saying Mira is easier than saying Miracle”, Renee replied, “Well if you don’t like it, we could stop”, Renee said, “Oh no no, it’s just that no one has ever called me Mira”, now that was a blatant lie and Mira knew that clearly, Nancy used to call her Mira before they fell out.
“So, Mira why don’t you tell me a little about yourself, so we can see perspective”, Renee continued. “Sure, what do you want to know”, Mira replied praying to everything upstairs that she wouldn’t ask about the accident. “How did u get into dancing”, Renee asked, “Oh, when I was around 2 or 3 there was this really nice woman who took free dancing classes one summer for children, my older sister used to take me there at first I would just sit out but I wanted to try too and was surprisingly good at it, that teacher told my parents to take me to real dance classes because I had the talent, My parents didn’t agree because I was just two but my sister argued with them she believed I could become something spectacular”, Mira replied. “Do you remember all of this”, Renee asked, “No, I just have said this to so many people so I just kind of know I guess”, Mira replied. “That’s nice, tell me more about your sister”, Renee said. “Her name is Sapphire, she is 10 years older than me, so she is 26. I have 5 siblings so my parents worked a lot to support our family, so from a very young age, my sister started looking after us. I was a surprise to my parents I don’t think they wanted 6 kids, they already had two and then suddenly after 8 years Boom, they were going to have a baby again and not just one, 4, maybe that’s why I wanted to dance I wanted to stand out”, Mira said. “Why did u want to stand out did your parents forget about you often”, “No, my parents are amazing people, but when u have siblings the same age as you, it's often forgotten that you are different individuals and people always confuse us, it’s fun pranking people and changing places and having someone who looks exactly like you but sometimes I like being me Miracle, not someone’s twin”, Mira replied.
“Do you want to tell me more about them”, Renee said carefully pushing Mira to say more. “We are very different from each other, one of my brothers is a total nerd he loves science and history and math and god knows what else, his name is Nigel he wants to be a researcher or a scientist, My other brother Matthew or max as we call him loves football and but he is working hard to be a doctor that has always been his dream, my sister Sarah she is into theatre and acting and sucks at school”, Mira said smiling, she loved her siblings more than anything in the world and Renee could see that in her eyes. “My fifth sibling Harry is 8 years older than me, and is just like me, he loves music and dance, I get along with him the best”, Mira said.
“So, you see I don’t have any big problems really”, Mira said with a fake smile trying her best to convince Renee. “Hmm, Renee said, “I guess I should go”, Mira said standing up and almost leaving. “Mira”, Renee said with a serious expression, “Your teachers do tell me your daily progress, u do attend dance class but blame your injury and don’t take part in anything”, Mira froze she had convinced herself that Renee had bought her story, “Same time tomorrow then”, Renee said and Mira left the room.