An apartment complex on a nice sunny Wednesday morning. People were barely waking up, getting ready for another repetitive day of their repetitive life. Though not everyone in this apartment complex was at peace, there was one resident who was experiencing an unpleasant morning.
Vanesa was quickly packing her things in her apartment, picking up all of her essentials she needed and packed them all up in a suitcase. She scrambled around the apartment in a panic, rushing to pack everything and get the fuck out of there fast. Including grabbing the briefcase filled with the very thing that has single handedly ruined her life. Girl Points.
She had finished packing everything into the stuffed suitcase, so stuffed that it could barely be zipped up. A loud and booming knock on her front door leaves her frozen with fear.
“Oh no.” Vanesa whispered to herself. “They’re here.” Vanesa grabbed the briefcase and ran over to her bedroom window that led to a fire escape. The knocking on the door grew louder and louder until the door was just kicked down and two men wearing sunglasses walked inside and saw the open window and immediately connected the pieces.
They ran to the window to see Vanesa rushing down the stairs and onto the sidewalk where she went into a sprint. The men also go down the fire escape and chase after Vanesa.
Vanesa sprints all the way to the parking lot and to her white van. When she reached the van she reached in her back pocket for her keys and pulled them out. But when she pulled it out, she dropped the keys on the ground. She quickly picked it up and kinda stumbled around with the keys, her hands shaking as she kept looking over her shoulder, seeing the two men approaching rapidly.
Realizing she doesn’t have enough time to get away in her van, she ditches it all together and continues running around the apartment complex as the two men are still chasing her.
She ran around in circles, hoping that she would lose them. For a second, she did and was able to finally take a chance to catch her breath. She wouldn’t be relaxed for long, as the two men came around a corner, right next to Vanesa, cornering her.
“Give us the girl points now!” One of the men said.
“Fuck you!” Vanesa retaliated.
“Looks like we’re doing this the hard way.”
The two men came rushing towards Vanesa. One man was winding up a punch as he charged, Vanesa obviously noticed. She threw the briefcase at the man's face, hitting him square right in the nose. The other man came in, taking a swing at her. She dodged and swept the man’s feet, sending him flying into the ground face first.
The man who was hit by the briefcase regained his senses but he didn’t have enough time to react as Vanesa punched him in the face. She picked up the briefcase again and started running to her van again, this time having enough time to get away.
She got in her van and started the engine and put the car in gear. Backing out of the parking space she saw the two men come running after her van. She backed up and pressed down on the gas pedal, making the car screech as it accelerated. One man ran in front of the car and Vanesa hit him at full force with the weight of the car, sending the man flying in the air and barreling to the ground, probably leaving him with a broken bone or two.
Vanesa sped off down the street, and Vanesa released a sigh of relief as she finally had gotten away.
“That was so fucking close.” Vanesa said. “Now what to do with these.” She looked over at the briefcase. “I have an idea.”
Vanesa kept driving until she had a thought cross her mind. She thought about those kids who were there last night, and about how they are most likely in danger. She heard that they had escaped and left Jason with a huge gash in his right eye. He’d had to be hunting them down.
She then did an illegal U-turn and started heading towards a school she knew was nearby, hoping to find Ned and Chris. She needed to warn them about how much shit they’re in.
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Ned walked out of the library after the sweet little study session he had with Michelle. He was getting himself mentally prepared to go back home until he was stopped dead in his tracks by a sight he did not expect to see.
Chris was standing right next to the library entrance, leaning up against the wall with his hands in his hoodie pockets.
“Hey.” Chris greeted.
“Oh, hey.” Ned responded, with a hint of anger but also happiness.
“So um, were you talking to Michelle in there?”
“Nice! That’s great to hear. How did that happen?”
“Well I took your advice and it actually worked, I just talked to her and she needed help with her math homework so I helped her.”
“Proud of you.”
“Thanks.” A silence lingered in the air as they both just stared at each other. “You know, I expected you to say, ‘I told you so!’”
“Me? No, why would I say that?”
“Because you’ve kept telling me that ever since yesterday.”
“Oh yeah right, I kinda forgot about that.”
“Didn’t you also say that you never wanted to talk to me again.”
“Yeah but look. Ned, I'm sorry.”
“Sorry? For the things you said? Oh no you don’t have to do that.”
“No I do, I was a little too harsh.”
“You were in your total right to do so, I was being a huge fucking idiot and you were right. I’ve realized that it's fine Chris. Really.”
“Are you sure? I was just a little bit too harsh.”
“Chris, it’s fine. Wanna walk home?”
Ned and Chris left the school walking side by side with each other.
“What made you change your mind?” Ned asked.
“I took a little walk around the campus after school ended.” Chris responded. “And during that time I took some time to reflect on my actions and realized I was a bit too harsh to you and overreacted. So I saw you walk into the library with Michelle and waited outside so I could apologize.”
“Aw man, you didn’t need to do that.” Ned playfully bumped him on the shoulder.
“I felt like I needed to.”
“I appreciate it.”
A white van speeds up to them and screeches to a halt, right next to Ned and Chris, the screeching of the tires being deafening and the passenger side window being rolled down, revealing Vanesa as the driver.
“Get in!” She shouted.
“Vanesa?” Chris said.
“You know her?” Ned asked.
“Yeah, she was the girl that helped me look for you at the club.”
“Get the fuck in now!” Ned and Chris jump a little as her shouting scared them and they scrambled inside, barely getting the door closed as Vanesa sped off.
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Ned and Chris were in the back of the long white van, and Vanesa focusing fully on the road in front of them.
“What is going on!?” Chris asked
“You guys are in deep shit!” Vanesa said, turning at a stoplight.
“Oh shit.”
“The people who you fucked with last night are hunting you down!”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m pretty fucking sure.”
“Fuck, fuck!”
“Don’t worry, I can get you guys out of this. I think.”
“You think?” Ned said. “You got a plan or something?”
“Yes, I’ve thought about it overnight. Your name is Ned right?”
“Good, nice to meet you. I’m Vanesa.”
“Now's not the time to exchange greetings!” Chris yelled.
“I want to hear this plan.” Ned said.
“I can’t tell that to you yet.” Vanesa turns up the main street, with a car tailing her. A blue Camaro with some of the blue paint scraped off.
“Why?” Ned asks.
“Because right now is not a good time.” Vanesa finished saying that as a bullet came through the back windshield and out the front, shattering the glass on both windows. Ned and Chris scream as Vanesa swerves out of the lane and runs a red light.
At the intersection, a second blue Camaro comes crashing through the intersection, tagging along with the van, hurling bullets at them.
“Get down!” Vanesa yells, and Ned and Chris lower their heads from the windows and hold on to each other. Vanesa pulls out a gun and starts firing wildly at the car right next to them as they go over an overpass and into a rural area.
“Here!” Vanesa tossed the gun to Ned and he fumbled it a little as it landed in his hands.
“What am I supposed to do!?” Ned frantically asked, his hands shaking with the gun in it.
“Fucking shoot at them, whatever! I need to focus on the road!”
“I don’t even know how to-”
“Just fucking do it!”
Vanesa swerved off the road and onto a dirt road that led into a canyon of some grassy mountains with the two blue Camaros coming right after them taking the same road.
“Here goes nothing.” Ned pointed the gun out the shattered back windshield and started firing, hoping to hit something at the least. By a stroke of luck, Ned hit one of the tires of the blue Camaro and it swerved off the road and into a ditch, the front of the car caving in as it did so.
“Nice!” Chris complimented. “There’s only one more car left and-” Chris gets cut off as Vanesa swerved a hard left, sending Ned and Chris flying across the van, slamming into the van door. Vanesa takes several sharp turns, hoping to lose the last car and drive him off the road.
“Goddammit! I can’t lose him!” Vanesa shouted. “Can one of you just take him out already!?” More bullets spray into the van and multiple come through the van but fortunately it doesn't hit anybody.
“We only have one bullet left!” Ned responded back.
“Well take a great shot then!”
Ned was about to peek when Chris stopped him. “No.” He said. “If you even put an inch of yourself out that window, they’ll shoot you immediately.”
“Well what do I do?”
Chris looks ahead of the road where it goes right between two mountains. On top of one of the mountains is a huge boulder, only being held back by a little rock pile otherwise it would fall right on the road.
Chris takes the gun from Ned’s hands and aims at the little rock pile.
“What the fuck are you aiming at!?” Ned said.
“You’ll see.” Chris smiled, pulling the trigger on the gun. The bullet struck the pile of rocks, shifting them and making them crumble apart, letting the boulder go and come crashing down the cliff and into the canyon. Vanesa sped up and passed the boulder's landing spot, however, the blue Camaro wasn’t so lucky as the boulder fell on the car, crushing it and making it explode as it hit the gas tank. The explosion rang out, making the van shake as Vanesa spun the car around, facing the carnage.
“Holy shit. What a shot.” Vanesa said, in awe at the sight of the fire.
“Thanks.” Chris said.
“That was fucking insane!” Ned shouted, putting his arms. “One of the most scary and awesome things to happen to me all simultaneously.”
“Don’t celebrate right now, that’ll only be a taste of what these guys will throw at you.”
“Oh.” Ned put his arms back down to his side. “But that plan of yours will fix everything right?”
“It will, but it’ll be risky as hell.”
“Well what is it?”
“We’d have to kill the president of the whole Girl Points company.”
“It’s a whole ass company!?” Chris screamed.
“Think of it like more of a corporation, it’s exactly like that.”
“Oh, my god. Guess there is no getting out of this.”
“Not now. Once you pissed Jason off, it’s basically game over for you.”
“Fuck dude, can’t we just move.”
“Yeah, try convincing your parents to do that.”
“Couldn’t you just move?”
“I could, but without me, you’d guys would die.”
“Wait!” Ned chimed in. “Me and Chris had the chance of killing the president of that company or corporation, whatever.”
“You’re talking about that Jason guy right?”
“That is not the president, he’s just another pawn for the real president. He’s just like a more privileged pawn.”
“Damn, but we’re really on that guys hit list huh?”
“No duh.”
“Where is the real president?”
“That…” Vanesa took a long pause “I don’t know.”
‘You don’t know? I thought you worked for that place.”
“I did, but even us workers don’t even know about that.”
“Then how the fuck are we gonna find that guy?”
“We’ll decide on that later. Right now, I need to drop you guys back home. I’ll explain everything tomorrow, I promise! I need to talk to my parents so I can stay over at their house for a bit. They’re leaving on vacation in a bit and I need to talk to them before that. So let’s go.”
Vanesa put the car in gear and continued down the dirt road to get off the mountains, leaving the burning wreckage behind.
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The van pulled up to Ned’s house and Ned got out of the car.
“I’ll pick you guys up after your school gets out. Chris, are you ok to walk home?” Vanesa asked.
“Yeah, I should be fine.” Chris jumped out of the van.
“Good, I need to go! See ya!”
Before Ned and Chris could get the chance to say goodbye, Vanesa sped off.
“Damn, that was fast, I couldn't even say goodbye.” Ned said.
“Me too.” Chris responded.
“Dude, I know all of this shit is going on right now. But I don’t even feel that excited for it, like the high wore off back there.”
“You got that right, it doesn’t even feel like it even fucking happened. It was just a part of our lives.”
“It’s insane right!?”
“I know!”
Ned and Chris laugh at the absurdity of their situation.
“This is gonna be good, are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home?” Ned asked.
“No, I’ll be good. Hopefully.” They stood there for a while, not saying anything. “Better get going I guess.”
“Yeah, see ya.” Ned walked up to the front door of his house and looked back at Chris, beginning his walk back home. Ned cracks a smile, and walks inside his house to the usual sight247Please respect copyright.PENANAxHvHP2c5Sr