Chapter 5. StarFleet Admiralty War Room, Earth.
Admiral Aurora Stern took the coded message device and set it in on the holographic projector.
"Send in the war council," she commanded. It would be better if she did not break the electronic seal on the message until the Council was present, even if virtually.
Small blue lights blinked on the ceiling, thirty four lights in all, one for each council member. The council was now in full quorum.
"Is everyone present?" she asked the seemingly empty room except for the orderly who delivered the device. "Decode the message."
An image flickered over the table.
Emergency. Hipparcos is under attack. Near Gliese 785. Immediate warning was issued.
Admiral Stern watched the ships encircle the Hipparcos for an attack run. Several smaller craft darted in and out, firing energy missiles and pulsar beams.
But the Hipparcos fought back, by the book, taking out the smaller craft. Then, suddenly, the transmission ended and the room was silent.
The council waited for Admiral Stern to speak. Even though the room was empty, Admiral Stern could feel their eyes upon her, studying her, watching her every move. All of the council members were politicians or friends of politicians. Individually, they would have trouble ordering lunch for themselves, without the help of some sub-minion . . . Collectively, they could be dangerous . . .
"Admiral Stern, this is Councilor Rygar. What ships attacked the Hipparcos?"
"This is the work of the Capricorni Alliance. In response, I will order the diversion of six of the escorts for the resupply convoy to Mu Arae to the Gliese 785 sector."
"How did they manage to surprise our ship?"
There was no surprise. The Hipparcos was aware of the tactical situation at all times."
"Why wasn't a reserve ship placed nearby?"
"That would have resulted in a tactical disadvantage."
"How do you know this?"
"We ran simulations to that effect."
"When were these simulations run, Admiral Stern?"
"War-sims are run on a constant basis, around the clock, based on current tactical information."
"I have no further questions, Admiral Stern . . . at this time."
"Thank you, Councilor Rygar."
"Councilor Tidus. Why wasn't the Council informed of these developments?"
"If I may speak forthrightly . . ."
"You may, Admiral Stern."
"Thank you, Councilor Tidus. As you know, the StarFleet Admiralty does not deal in speculation and guessing, if we can help it. We try to base our decisions on fact."
"Admiral Stern, this is Councilor Vegan. Is that wise to leave the Mu Arae convoy without its full accompaniment of escorts?"
"In 678 of 680 previous war game simulations, that was the correct choice."
"And in the two that it wasn't?"
"And in the two that it wasn't?"
"Please . . . just answer the question."
"And in the two that it wasn't, the choice was not correct."
"Who is the commander of the Hipparcos?"
"Captain Stern."
"Captain Roan Stern?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"Any relation?"
"Yes. He is my husband."