It's Autumn, well, it's already 1-month into autumn, to be precise. The trees in Mizuki high school's school yard already dyed themself into a red-orange-ish color, some dyed into a more brown-ish color. They looked beautiful either way. The coming of Autumn also marked a holiday called Halloween to be more close. Usually high-schoolers wouldn't celebrate Halloween, but at Mizuki high school, there's a long-live tradition, where you have to cosplay as something and come to school to study like the other normal days.
Sounds cool right? It actually isn't.
It would actually be fun if your cosplay is normal and non-stuffy, like wearing animal-ears or dressing yourself into a high-school uniform while cosplaying as a slice-of-life anime character. But if you were to pick a stuffy cosplay like a christmas tree, welcome to hell. The later is pretty likely to happen since there's also a permanent rule to this event: Students can't pick the same cosplay as the others.
To prevent similar cosplays to be wore, the principal created a paper, on there is a list of every single students from the school. During the few days before the festival, students have to write down what they're going to cosplay as. Thus, on the last day of preparation the principal will sit and check thoroughly over the list.
Why did he have to go through such a ruckus just for an absurd festival that holds little to no meanings? The girl had no idea.
Though if Midori could just fake being sick and skip class that day, she wouldn't have to attend it. Therefore, just like the other year, the purple-haired girl will spend her whole day thinking of methods on how to skip class.
As they always say "Time flies whenever you're focused on something", the lunch bell rang before Midori couldn't comprehend anything from her previous classes, well, not like she paid attention to them anyways. The girl tidied up her desk before walking out of the classroom, and by her surprise, she got greeted not by the usual messy white-haired boy but by...
Midori flushed, staggering backwards as she tries to find something to grip onto, though there were nothing around except for the hands of her senior. Thus, by impulse, she grabbed the pink-haired senior's warm hands.
The senior didn't seem to be bothered by it, instead, she gently smiled
"Good morning, Midori"
It took her 5 seconds to be able to respond to that.
"G-Good morning...senior..."
"You don't have to act so formal" Ayame embarrassingly waved her hands "Just call me Ayame"
"B-But..." Midori fidgeted her fingers, reluctantly mumbled as she tries not to look directly at her senior "That would be...weird"
The senior snickered, "Pfft- It's fine, I'm not gonna force you to do it anyways"
Midori was too focused on acting normal towards her senior that she forgot to ask the most important question. Thus, she cleared her throat.
"U-um so, why did you come here?"
Ayame's eyes widen lightly as she replied "Oh, about that" She looked a bit troubled before continuing "I was thinking of inviting you to get lunch with me"
That moment, that exact moment. It felt like her whole life just passed through Midori's eyes, it felt like she was still in bed, having a fever dream. But it wasn't. It's real, this situation.
'Am I dreaming?'
Kenji hands wrote through the paper as the sweats from his hand make the letters looked wobbly. He's currently sitting inside the student council room. The wind blew out from the wall fan aggressively floated Kenji's messy hair.
"Oi, fix your writing" A stern, cold voice scolded
"Ehh but I'm tired" The scolded boy whimpered "Moreover why was I dragged into doing this?"
The person frowned before reminding Kenji "Don't forget who bumped into me AGAIN earlier. Treat this as a payback."
The boy halted.
'Ah yea...even now my brain couldn't exactly shift into the fact that I bumped twice into the student council's president. It's rather intriguing...'
"If the student council could, we would let the original assigned member to do this. But they somehow got sick, probably because of the ice cream party yesterday" The president sighed wearingly
'Ice cream party...' Kenji ridiculously looked at the president
"Anyways please finish that report quick. I must go finish my workloads now" He said while walking away
'Treat me like a dog huh?' Kenji annoyingly grunted after the president already walked faraway from him.
Midori nervously chewed her food, avoiding looking at the senior as much as possible. The senior, Ayame, on the other hand, seems to be enjoying this too much as she chews her food with a big smile on her face. They didn't have any conversation during the whole time. The purple-haired girl earlier did tried to spark up something earlier, but because of her small voice and the bustling sound of other students, the senior didn't heard her.
'This is awkward' Midori thought while scooping up another spoon of rice
Ayame raised her head up, glanced at Midori before asking
"So, what're you going to cosplay for the Halloween festival?"
Midori startled.
"E-Eh? Ahhh about that..." She paused for a moment
'Wait, I can't say I'm going to fake being sick so I can skip class that day!'
"U-um, probably a snowman" Before she could have a chance to rethink, words slipped out from her mouth.
The senior's eyes excitingly sparked up, she awed, clapping her hands together "Awww a snowman! You're gonna look so cute in it, I can't wait!"
Midori timidly smiled.
'I'm doomed'