Kenji knew Midori since they were still kindergarten little kids. It was like every ordinary day on the day which they met, it just happens that they're in the same volleyball team that day. If it wasn't for that volleyball activity they wouldn't be able to be what they're now, so Kenji felt really grateful for that. He might have to take back his words now though.
After a few years of them being friends, Kenji noticed Midori could be rather a random and weird person. Kenji remembered as if it was only yesterday the moment where Midori out of nowhere ate a drawing of burger she drew for an assignment their elementary school teacher gave them. She was 6 back then and normally a 6 years old would have enough acknowledge to know drawings aren't edible. Midori defies that principle however.
That wasn't the only thing which is weird about Midori however. Midori was also a girl who would notice the most weirdest thing ever, like one time, while the two were playing rock-paper-scissor by the neighborhood, Midori eyes tend to usually roam about, that wasn't really a weird thing if considers how weird his friend is, but then she started yelling as she ran down to a bulletin board. Kenji was stupefied, he stood up a few seconds later and caught up with Midori. As the boy reached the board, he realized what Midori was yelling for, it was a picture, just a fucking picture of a mushroom with a cute face and a little hand waving around. It was probably an advertisement for a new kindergarten school being opened nearby, Kenji didn't pay much attention to it since he was too lazy and that for some reason the mushroom irritates him.
With the past being like that is the reason why as Midori suddenly darted to a vicinity was Kenji anxious about what possibly could caught her attention.
Thank god it wasn't something bad or weird. As Kenji caught up to where Midori ran to, he realized what caught the girl's attention was just the school billboard. This billboard has lived here for god knows how long, it seemed old, musty and fragile enough to if a ball just hit into one of it's stands right now, the board would fall. Don't ask the boy why their school never bothered to change or renovate the billboard, because he would never know. There was one time he recalled the teacher answering a question about this asked by one of his classmates, all she explained was:
"The school was too poor they can't afford money to renovate the billboard. Apparently the principal also said it doesn't need a renovation either"
It sounded suspicious enough, and with the details that the teacher nervously looked away from the students for a quick second before continuing her second sentence, Kenji could confidently assume that the teacher was deceiting them.
Anyways, back to our main problem. As Kenji's eyes followed to where his friend was looking at, he spot a poster of the content probably was about their school.
"Concert...?" Kenji baffled
The poster looked colorful, and by colorful the boy meant about the fact they decorated the whole thing using neon colors. With the header being positioned in an irritatingly unbalanced way and the sub-header being even more catchier than the header itself, in general it depicted out a kindergarten child drawing, no more, no less. No wonder why none of the students who are reading the billboard laid their eyes on this one.
Except for Midori. Which is why Kenji may have to take back his words he reassured himself before.
Kenji glanced over to the weird girl who lead him into seeing this disaster of creation. Her eyes was chanted by excitement as she skimmed through the little description at the bottom of the poster.
"We should go there, Kenji!" Midori exclaimed after reading the whole thing
"Yes but no" Kenji deadpans
"Oi I'm being serious!"
"Actually" Kenji deceitfully sighed in a pitiful manner before continuing "I have an uhm, invitation to god's palace on that day so-"
"Can you ever come up with a good excuse, Kenji?" This time, it was Midori turn to sigh, but the sigh was in a disappointed manner.
"Shut your mouth!" Kenji cleared his throat "But really, I think you should invite that angelic senior out"
To be honest, Kenji was expecting at least for a reply like a nod or something from his friend, but what he received was an utter blank stare, which leave him to turn annoyed. He scolded, pointing a finger into Midori's face, which Kenji hasn't yet noticed that it's starting to turn red:
"Hey, don't give me that blank stare!"
Midori dragged her head down in embarrassment as she growled "It's gonna be weird..."
The boy gave Midori an unbelievable scowl.
"See you later!"
"See you!"
School was over. The bustling noises of students waving each other goodbyes resounded in every corner of the school, their waving were expressed as if the other person are gonna go to military's duties or something, which Midori and Kenji could barely understand. The girls were hugging each other before they part ways, however often they would stop and then turned back to wave to the others, they repeated it for more than 3 times. On the contradictory the boys were running around hypertically, messing with the others while they quickly went into different directions, without any leftover emotions or unnecessary feeling being left behind, this was what Midori and Kenji understood the most, because they do this almost every time. Apart of the rare times they got engaged into a serious topic which cause them to say goodbye to each other in silence, without saying anything to each other after they dismissed the topic, they each went to opposite directions.
This time their goodbye fits none of the thing mentioned above.
"So? Go ask her" The messy haired boy insisted with a serious voice
"No no, what if she thinks I'm annoying?" The troubled girl shook her head several times, eyes nervously glance over to the senior girl who was walking while chatting enthusiastically to one of her classmate as she passed the school gate.
"Midori." Kenji shifted his eyes straight into his friend's, in a solid, perseverate voice, he said "It is now or never"
The girl gulped. Thus, without any hesitation left, she rushed over to the senior, closing her eyes tightly together.
Midori could sense the angelic senior startling a bit due to her name being shouted. The other 2 classmates who were walking with Ayame seemed to be surprised by the situation too. She instinctually stopped right before she trip and fell into the senior, Midori lid up her eyes, looking into Ayame's with a flushed expression.
"Can I talk to you?"