Chris rubbed his head, a massive pain forming in his cranium. "wha- what happened?" Chris asked sitting up. "He got to you, Dream didn't he." a voice said, gravelly and higher-pitched, but it came from inside his head. "what? Who-" the enderman let out what he guessed was their version of a laugh. a pulsing high-pitched trill.
"Yes, the Mobeastiary does much to educate you, Chris," Tristin said, "The endermen prefer to communicate telepathically." the voice sounded again. "he's right you know. don't trouble yourself with trying to look away, I won't bite." Chris rebelled against his every instinct and turning his head looked the dark creature in the eyes. a strange sensation overcame him like he was glimpsing a very intricately carved gemstone for the first time. then a sense of familiarity, struck his mind. "are you-"
"No, I am not of the ancient Aulora. but I am of their descendants and I would be pleased to share with you the reason for my appearance." he was already beginning to get used to the voice in his mind. Tristin helped Chris to his feet. "come, friend, we have much to discuss." He said leading Chris away from what Chris saw was rubble. Tristin sat next to Chris at a table he had erected out of some scrap wood. "This enderman, quite friendly by the way, came to me after seeing you violently thrashing on the ground. you were screaming something about Dream, the nightmare Contractor."
"is that who he was? He, he wasn't human, his shape was humanoid, but, it was strange, I was unreasonably afraid, had I not been affected I could have easily beheaded him right then and there."
The enderman's voice came again. "He is not of human nature, nor of any creature known, but he is dangerous, and many of my people fear him."
Chris turned to the dark creature, "apologies, but, what is your name?"
"I am called Kusho, I am of the much calmer variant of endermen, I don't get stirred into violence by a simple courtesy. staring at me does not bother my senses, I am used to it by now."
"what, the hell, is going on?" Chris said putting his head down in exhaustion.