As Chris followed the mechanical creature he began to feel drowsy as if he had been walking for days. he became sleepy, and yawned. soon his legs gave out from beneath him, he tried to keep crawling toward the beast but his vision blurred and his head dizzied. "what the..." and he drifted off, his surroundings shifted like mixing paint, and after the image cleared, he stood up, no longer sleepy and fatigued. Chris looked around and observed his surroundings, everything was pastel and hazy, like a dream, but it was dark and ugly, every object seemed to be blowing away like a pile of leaves but the object's image never disappeared. he was in a would-be comfortable office, with candles on the walls and books on the shelves. "what kind of dark magic is this?" Chris asked nobody as he milled about the room.
"mine." a dark voice responded. a man walked around the corner, white plates covering his torso, a green hood hung over his head, and covering his face was a weathered white mask with two dark eyeholes cut out, but only a dark void lay beneath the gaps in the mask. Chris stumbled back in surprise, a feeling of inexplainable doom overtook him and he managed to stutter. "wh-wh-who are y-you?" He supported himself on the desk.
"I am Dream, but on the contrary to my name, I am here to feed upon you fear, your delicious, addicting fear. but your soul shall be his."
"who's 'he'?" Chris' feeling of fear deepened
"Wouldn't you like to know?" The dark man named dream drew a sword, dark clouds forming augmented and deformed faces seeped through the silver blade. as the man drew up his blade to attack, Chris heard a loud man's voice, it took him a moment but he recognized it as Trisin's voice, and he felt a sharp pain in his gut as the wind left his lungs, the image blinked and he was thrashing on the floor of the stronghold hall, not just Tristin and the golem were there, but the dark form with glowing purple veins of an enderman, Chris immediately averted his eyes at risk of angering the creature, he knew that as long as you didn't stare at endermen, they were quite friendly people.