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The school bell rung. Despite their eagerness to bail out of the classroom, the students politely bowed to their last teacher, Hanji Zoe.
And didn't bother to return the courtesy. Hanji Zoe instantly grabbed Rikkun before running like a madman from the premises.
Kuro and Inoue stared at the door leading outside.
Hanji Sensei got to him first.....
"Don't forget the homework Hanji Sensei had given to us..."
Jean Kirschtein told to his classmates, grumbling all the way as he directed his long-face toward the door of their classroom.
"Way to go doing the actual normal thing, Jean." Marco chirped, as he follow suit.
"It doesn't sound a compliment when you put it that way..." Jean grumbled continuously.
"You guys go on without me, I need to give this to Connie." Armin said to his two friends, Mikasa and Eren.
"Oh, yeah... Connie is absent today. What happened to him?"
"..... I saw him with the president to the council's office. Someone was screaming inside." Mikasa mused.
Poor, poor Connie...
Sasha Blouse peeked in between the stiffened Eren and Armin, looking directly at Mikasa with unidentifiable food poking out between her teeth. "I'll kang widch kchyou, Arnging! I hagf chu gingf shomching--"
Mikasa pushed Sasha's food down to her throat, choking miserably.
"Don't talk when your mouth is full."
The others went outside the classroom as well, faster than people can say Attack on Titan.
"Inou, we'll be having a meeting today." Chael reminded his elective subordinate as he left the room as well.
"Well, go with your duties Inoue, I'll just be having fun hanging out with my friends~" Kuro teased before bailing out of the window instead, not giving the opportunity for Inoue to attack him with her daggers.
She slammed the window shut instead as she followed Kuro's figure waving at his another new founded friends.
"Hmph. With that wide range of friends you'll regret it, homo." She muttered to herself before snatching her bag and went outside as well, smiling.
"At least, my friend is someone I can count on."
"Waaaahh! Hanji Sensei took Rikkun just like that without giving me a chance to say "see you later" or "have fun"...."
Sniffing, Inoue was leaning her back on her bestfriend, Lulu Rainelle, the one she can always count on.
She has a pair of deep blue eyes that complements her dark skin and short hair. Truth be told, she was voted as one of the top ten cute girls in the men's polling lists.
They were separated in section, since the number of 4th year high-school students were vast. So they meet and chill at the rooftop after dismissal. Their usual hang-out place where the sun can sometimes be less cruel to the earth as it casts the beautiful scenery of what photographers called as, The Golden Hour.
While Lulu herself was enjoying the view, she helped herself to the sundae ice cream Inoue promised to treat her. Although, it's only half enjoyable when her best-friend was acting like a stupid fair maiden helplessly lost in her world of romance.
Sighing in defeat, she placed her ice cream cup down on the bench to free her hand and grabbed for strawberry pockie in her bag as she give it to Inoue. Taking a side-glance look at her friend, her eyebrows quirked in slight concern.
She could see Inoue's smirking face from her crocodile tearful eyes.
"Here... you win."
"Aww~ You shouldn't have~"
Taking it from her hand, Inoue helped herself to the pockie.
"Aah~ I missed this!~"
"Well... that will be your last."
"Ehh?~ But I thought I can count on you to smuggle pockie for me when I couldn't myself?~"
"That's not what I meant, Inoue..."
Inoue immersed on the strawberry flavour melting from the pockie on her tongue. She has been diagnosed by unprofessional psychologists (her classmates) that she had a strawberry addiction syndrome. Even her mom told her not to eat too much relating to the stuff but as people who are addicted to drugs, that's her one and only drug.
Half of a piece of pockie stick unfortunately fell on the bench down to the floor as Lulu's words dawned on her.
"Ehh.... EHHHHHHH??!!!!"
Inoue shook her beloved best-friend by the arms.
A scoop of Lulu's ice cream fell on Inoue's skirt.
Inoue was quiet this time. She gazed on her ice cream-stained skirt already wiped off by her handkerchief as she intently listened to her best-friend's explanation.
"So... something bad came up that you have to leave and transfer to another school in Europe."
Lulu nodded at the summary.
"Yeah. I've already informed this to the principal and had necessary files sent and signed. I'm going to leave later at night."
So this was what she wanted to discuss about yesterday....
I'm such a moroon....
Inoue didn't expected this. Ever since she knew what statistics can do, she had calculated the possible issues that may happen between friends. And knowing that it's more peaceful to have at least one or two friends, she also gathered information about their family, history, and their average grades. Lulu Rainelle was always at the top of the class, always one of the honorable students, and have a pleasing personality expressed to everyone. Only Inoue knew about her evilish persona behind her angelic demeanor and-- oh boy-- it took her two months to get used to it. Her best-friend must have the dirtiest mind ever to compete with the perverted guys. Her parents are too busy fawning over their only precious daughter to even notice.
In short, the chances were very low of her transferring to another school unless there was some sort of accident happened within her family, which did happened.
Inoue buried her face between her propped up knees.
"I... I wanna go to Europe too. It's one of my.... dream place.."
Lulu Rainelle softly smiled, also trying to fight back tears.
"Go ahead and try! Let's see if you can find me in that big place!"
Inoue snapped her head back to face Lulu, genuine tears protruding at the corners of her eyes. Her bottom mouth and chin quivering from the emotional struggle.
"I swear... if I see you doing something really.... really illegal! I-I-I will kill you!"
"I... b-better keep that in mind then!"
Lulu grinned bright and wide, just as the sun had fully settled behind the clouds. A tear rolled on her cheek just as stars became visible on the darkening skies.
It was only then that Inoue let the emotions swirling in her flood out that night. Within mutual understanding, they never shared goodbye or even see each other in the airport for the last time. Before it got dark out, they walked together back to their home, as though they were actually going to see each other again in school.
Days has passed and Inoue woke up early from her alarm. It was the weekend, but she didn't forget about the special occasion to be held tomorrow.
"Abattoir von Riese, is it? I wonder what that is..."
Shrugging the thought off too soon, she prepared herself for breakfast, change of clothes, and what supposed to come after.
"Y-you can bake!?"
"I'm not useless, you know. I can cook too, draw, paint, and wood craft. Like I said, leave the action stuff to me."
The information took Inoue by surprise. Well, anything that the gay-harem incubus reveals never cease to surprise her.
Seeing Inoue's unexpected shocked expression, Kuro winked playfully.
"How do you see me now, sweetie?"
".... You're an introvert on the inside, aren't you?"
This made Kuro jolt. It was his turn to be very shocked. He didn't expect that Inoue would read him just easily like that.
"H-how did you know?!"
Inoue scowled. "I know an introvert when I see one." She placed a hand on her chest, gesturing to herself. "Technically, I'm an introvert on the inside, too. I read some books, write poems, and sometimes compose music."
The shocked on Kuro's face subsided, shifting to being impressed. "Oooh~ Sounds nice~ Does that mean you can sing?"
Inoue stammered at this. ".... E-everybody can. Just not everybody can do it well."
Kuro grinned evilly. "That's good and all, but aren't I more lady-like than y--"
An ugly sound of someone punching someone reverberated across Kuro's house, followed by a yell.
"By the way... I... umm... heard about your friend leaving to another school. Sorry for your lost."
Kuro subtly sympathized. Inoue raised an eyebrow, not expecting the sympathy.
"Knock on wood, Kuro. You sounded as though my best-friend just passed away."
"Gee, just trying to be a little nice, shorty spoiled brat."
Inoue glared at the pouting Kuro.
"You could be a little nice by not saying shorty spoiled brat, at least."
"Whatever you say, shorty spoiled brat."
"Why you..."
It was getting dark when Inoue had finished aiding Kuro at baking in his house. They stood at their rendezvous point where they meet here first before Kuro led Inoue to his uncle's and his house.
With their determined gaze fixed on each other, they traded their gaming face on.
"You better prepare yourself tomorrow."
Inoue said within her smirk.
"My perfect face is all I need~ Wish you luck, sweetie~"
Kuro ricocheted, also in his grinning state. Inoue crossed her arms.
"Hmph. I don't need luck, homo."
Glancing each other one more time, they were gone to their homes and called it a day.
The next morning, Kuro and Inoue stood at the place that Rikkun picked to hang-out. Granted, they never knew exactly what place they're going to. But they couldn't help staring blankly and questionably at the battered wooden post-sign of the building in front of them. It was completely unexpected.
Abattoir von Riese
Rikkun, who was watching the two behind him, spoke up.
"From your faces, you two don't know what Abattoir means huh."
He faced the building, starting to pace forth inside.
"In your fundamental English, it's basically called, Slaughterhouse."797Please respect copyright.PENANAeZOyFvo9qH
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