I got up, another day. I had painted my nails pink and green. Picking up a white dress, I put it back in my closet. I had many white dresses, my parents had made me buy them when I was young to be ready for the day. The dress was too showy, I looked in my closet again. Grabbing a different one, I smiled when I saw it. It was a black gown, it wouldn't hurt to wear beautiful things. Plus, I'm required to anyways. Today, I put some of my hair in two pigtails while the rest was down. I started doing my lips, adding lipstick and some other stuff. I did my mascara with a little line under my eyes. I had finished, I exited my room. Noticing Sayaka's room was open. I walked over to it, pushing the door open a bit. "Maizono..?" I said, wondering where she was. I felt uneasy. I walked into her room, her bed was empty. I turned and saw the bathroom, letting out a scream. She was laying, dead in the bathroom. Apparently I had alerted some people, I heard Makoto run into the room and he took a glance and saw her. His face looking like he wanted to puke.
I heard Monokuma speak on the intercom "A body has been discovered!"
Soon after he said that, people rushed to the room. I felt like passing out, I knew I had to suck it up and figure out who had killed her. Monokuma said we could so after everyone saw the body, we went to go find clues.