I had looked in Leon's room, it was tidy. Something I wouldn't expect from him, I was already aware that he killed Sayaka. As I was walking away, I suddenly fell to the ground. I felt something crash into my head, everything went black.
"Why must I marry him?!"
"Do it for the family!"
I woke up, sweating. I was in a room I didn't recognize, I saw someone enter. Makoto Naegi.
"Oh, you're awake" He sat on the bed with me "Yeah, what happened?"
He sighed, looking at the ground.
"Well..you got knocked out and missed the class trial. Leon killed Sayaka and we suspect while you were investigating that he knocked you out since I found you laying outside his room.." Makoto sounded tired
"How long have I been knocked out?"
"For the entire day, it must've been hit really bad in the head. Kyoko suspects that Leon tried covering the murder by trying to hit you hard enough in the head to kill you" I nod, understanding all of it.
"I'll go to my room" I get up to leave but feel Makoto grab my arm
"It's almost 10, I don't want you getting in trouble" I sighed, giving in.
"Fine..but don't mention this to anyone" I got back into the bed, falling asleep a few minutes later.