Thoughts will be like this (so are flashbacks)
I got up, doing my rountine.
I took a shower, then I went to my wardorbe. I looked at the clothes in front of me, I grabbed dress. It was very formal but I didn't care, no words could describe it. I started doing my makeup, Black and red. It had hearts on both sides of my eyes, 2 hearts for each side. That was my eyeliner, I put some lip gloss on. I wasn't very into makeup but I wanted to look good, like Junko told me to. I put my silver hair in two pigtails; I looked similar to my sister if I hadn't had makeup on. I left my room, just as I did. I heard an alert, it told us to go to a certain room. Once everyone arrived, the bear had us sit and gave us headphones. I put mine on and was given a CD, I sat down. Putting the CD in, I listened to it and watched the screen. It had a bear that looked just like Monokuma hit a red button. It transitoned to video game like, saying ' GAME OVER ' The little Monokuma bear walking and I saw my sister in video game style. ' PEKO HAS BEEN FOUND GUILTY ', I stared at in in confusion. Guilty? I continued to watch. The Monokuma dragged my sister, the screen saying. ' TIME FOR THE PUNISHMENT! '
Guilty? Punishment? What the hell is going on in this video! I thought as I watched it, getting more confused. It tranitioned to waves, and my sister standing on a cliff with the sword she always carried on her back. Suddenly, a bunch of robots surronded her. I noticed Fuyuhiko in the background. What was he doing there? Why was my sister on a cliff surronded by a bunch of robots? These thoughts ran in my head as I watched a Monokuma hold a voodoo doll of my sister. I watched as it controlled my sister, I noticed the robots had swords. Suddenly, words popped on the screen.
' One Women Army '
I watched as she was controlled by Monokuma as she fought the robots. It has been about 6 years since her passing. I was confused on where they got this video. She continued to fight the robots, slaying each of them. I noticed Fuyuhiko was running through the crowd, I saw a robot dash at her from behind. My eyes widened as I saw it wasn't a robot. It was Fuyuhiko! She had slashed one of his eyes, I gasped. I continued watching as Peko had held him close, seeing the robots close in on her. I saw her close her eyes as a robot raised their sword and stab down. I watched as I gasped again, my eyes watering. The screen got covered in blood, I watched my sister get stabbed mutiliple times. Tears running down my cheeks. My parents had lied to me, my sister didn't die in the coma. Now that I recall, it was barely a day my sister was in a ' coma '. She died from this. I ripped off my headphones, my chair moved from me as I collapsed on my knees on the ground. Everyone was looking at me but I didn't care, I cried my heart out. My makeup was water proof so it wouldn't smear. I heard Makoto come near me but he turned to Sayaka as she ran, everyone ran after Sayaka. I stayed there, crying. Nobody came back, I knew everyone left to comfort Sayaka in her room. I felt Monokuma's hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him. "Why.." I asked him, he looked at me. For once I saw sorrow in his eyes. "I wanted you to know the truth" He patted me on the back. "I wish she never died so I wouldn't have to have an arranged marriage!" He had seemed surprised "Arranged marriage?" I made eye contact with him as I spoke softly "After Peko died..my parents didn't want the contract to end so my parents agreed for me to marry Fuyuhiko.." He stayed with me comforting me, I knew he was a robot. I just finally felt like someone cared about me after 6 years of losing the only person who did.