Nasib baik dekat tempat kerja kitorang dapat work station lain-lain. Kalau tak memang aku usha je lah Shahfina ni. Dapat tau dia pakai pantyhose inside pulak.
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Selalu lepas kerja kami akan lepak-lepak dulu instead of balik terus. Time lepak-lepak dekat taman dia duduk crossing her legs, and sometimes dia buat shoeplay, dangling kan sneakers dia tu. Sometimes nampak that black pantyhose inside.
838Please respect copyright.PENANANNvBJKOCXm
Saja aku tanya, "Whole day awk pakai pantyhose ni, selesa ke? Mesti macam warm and sweaty gila feet awk."
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"A ah my feet feels so hot and sweaty. And lenguh this whole day banyak jalan and berdiri lama. But feels like macam tak pakai pun pantyhose. I mean I didn't feel uncomfortable or anything.", Shahfina senyum.
838Please respect copyright.PENANAtfC1eHZLbn
"Meh org massage feet awk. Since awk dah pakai pantyhose for me. Let me repay you pulak." Ujar aku bersahaja.
838Please respect copyright.PENANA66zqJz7Rb6
"Isshhh tanak laa. My feet are sweating laa awk. Nanti busukkkk!".
838Please respect copyright.PENANAZukymxOb8t
"I don't think your feet are stinky. Sebab org pernah peluk awk time peluh-peluh ehh. And.. you have your own scents, and I like it. Massage je punnnn.", aku cakap dekat Shahfina.
838Please respect copyright.PENANAXE62Nj2Q1C
She's hesitate at first, because like I said earlier she's a bit insecure with herself, including her body smells. But for me she smells amazing. Especially when her body scents combined with her perfume.
838Please respect copyright.PENANATiLN2gAKcF
Dia letak dua2 kaki dia atas peha aku. Dalam masa yg sama aku pun nervous jugak. Satu, takut dia tak suka, kedua, takut jugak if her feet really stinks. Haha.
838Please respect copyright.PENANA2Vu8jeraT0
Slowly aku bukak kasut dia sebelah, and then sebab Shahfina ni pakai socks jugak, aku bukak jugak socks dia tu. Ikutkan hati, nak je aku sniff deeply her Puma sneakers. Boleh nampak a bit of footprint dia on inside soles, and maybe sweats stains too. Terus aku pegang kaki dia yg tinggal nylon pantyhose tu.
838Please respect copyright.PENANAhW8JY9vHeu
Oh my god, it is so warm and can really feel the damp on her feet, like her sweats. I really want to bury my face on it. Aku just proceed massage slow-slow. Time ni memang my cock are slowly getting hard. Aku tengok Shahfina dia dah pejam mata enjoying the massage.
838Please respect copyright.PENANA5aU38rPCLa
Aku massage her feet and toes. "Mhmmm.. aahh..", aku dgr Shahfina moan sikit. Hearing that made me even harder. I just proceed to massage her feet. And took off the shoe and socks on the other feet, seeing that she's still closing her eyes , I took my chances to sniff her warm and sweaty feet. But at the same time I keep massaging her feet to avoid her knowing it.
838Please respect copyright.PENANAMhW9fPaFqC
It is the best and most addictive scents that I've ever sniffed. Surprisingly it's not stinky at all. It's just her body scents that made it addictive. If it's stinks it would be a turn off for me, but no. It's like I can't stop sniffing her feet, and I can already feel that my cock are dripping pre-cum, because I can feel my boxer are a bit wet down there.
838Please respect copyright.PENANAh5zTPSBSj6
Shahfina is still closing her eyes and lightly moan when I massage her feet a bit harder at certain spots. I can't get enough of her sweaty nylon feet, but I need to stop before she's realising it. The sexy toes peek through the pantyhose nylons, made me wanna suck it clean.
838Please respect copyright.PENANAbXMbotcjiW
"Shahfina, I'm done. Or do you want me to massage you some more?", aku bagitau dia sebab Takut nanti aku horny lebih-lebih. Shahfina Tengok aku, just angguk and senyum. Aku pakai kan balik socks and sneakers dia, then we head back home.
838Please respect copyright.PENANABTxVJMw7u2
I can't believe I get to sniff her feet, and it feels so good. I can't get over it, and hope for the best that she didn't realised my stiff cock, and I had sniffed her feet.