Kami dah kenal lama and sangat rapat, so macam almost all conversation boleh borak, tanya and bagitau. The best thing is, she's open minded too. So macam onz je nak borak apa-apa dengan dia. Dari aku kau, ke org awk, panggil nama family dia panggil . I you. Semua ada. Haha.
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One day, we're working on the same workstation, and time tu agak lengang tak ramai org. So just borak-borak dgn dia macam biasa. Topic masa tu tak ingat, pasal past relationships kot. Tiba-tiba terasa nak tanya..
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"Awk pernah tgk 50 shades of grey tak?" , aku tanya dekat Shahfina. Sebab time tu kalau tak silap cite tu macam tgh hype.
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"Pernah.", dia jawab. "Tapi macam boring sikit storyline, kenapa? Awk suka eh camtu?". Dia tanya aku balik. Aku ckp boleh laa. "Tapi org lagi suka kalau terbalik, pompuan tu yg in control instead of lelaki tu. Haha." Dia pun gelak je time tu.
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"Awk suka ke kalau lelaki torture awk camtu? I mean macam ada punishment bagai." Aku tanya lagi.
"Tengok lelaki jugak kot, kalau awk, memang org laa yg buat awk.", lepas dia jawab macam tu dia gelak. Aku pun gelak je takda pikir apa pun.
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After work macam biasa kami akan sambung ber-whatsapp pulak bila dah balik. Saja lah aku tanya dia, dia suka lelaki pakai camna, apa yg boleh buat dia turn on. Dia suka lelaki kalau pakai full suit, macam James Bond tu, tuxedo bagai. Or at least blazer with jeans, white shirt inside.
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Dia pun tanya aku benda yg sama. Time ni aku jawab je takda sorok-sorok dah. "Org suka Kalau pompuan tu pakai satin gloves and stockings, these two things alone dah boleh buat org turn on gila. And lagi-lagi dia pakai tudung sekali. Macam Ada 2 personality muslimah but naughty gittewww. Haha." Aku expect dia mesti pelik, ye lah selalu lelaki suka pakai ketat-ketat, short skirt, or costumes ke.
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"Org kadang-kadang selalu jugak nampak pompuan arab pakai gloves camtu, especially those yg pakai gloves but without the niqab or purdah. Suits them well. Macam best jugak tgk! Nak try but malu. And takda keluar pergi mana-mana nak pakai macam tu." Aku siyes macam berdebar bila dia reply macam tu. Like, siyes laa dia ni nak pakai gloves. Macam kelakar pun ada.
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"What if org belanja awk satin gloves, awk nak pakai tak keluar dengan org?", saja aku tanya dia. "Of course lah! You're the only person that made me feel like the real me, so org tak kisah kalau dengan awk." Jawapan dia buat aku happy gila. And yes, I feel the same way too. Macam every time dgn dia, tak perlu nak sorok-sorok or anything, just be myself around her.
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Several days later, we went to Times Square after work. Aku dah ajak dia untuk pergi sana belikan dia gloves. Aku pun tak tau camna but terjumpa this one shop jual macam-macam accessories. Dari Halloween costumes, gloves, stockings and pantyhoses. Times Square kan, macam-macam kedai ada dekat situ. She likes black color, so I bought her black satin gloves, paras lengan, bawah sikit dari siku and alang-alang dah dekat situ aku belikan sekali pantyhose. Dia taknak thigh high stockings sebab takut rolled down bila pakai seluar nanti, and dia takut tak cantik.
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Shahfina ni ada insecure sikit pasal diri dia, semua Sebab ex bodoh dia clash dengan dia , alasan Sebab dia gemuk. For me she's not fat, just a bit chubby. But in the meantime she's currently on diet and working out, so body dia dah more to curvy, which is I very much like. Haha. Especially bila dia pakai skinny jeans or jeggings, boleh nampak bentuk kaki dia and her ass. But she always tutup with oversize tees or hoodie.
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Lepas beli the gloves, she's so excited to try it on, kami terus duduk at the bench in front of the shop, she take it out of the plastics and slowly slip the gloves on her right hand, and moving on to the other. Aku dalam hati, dia ni saja nak teasing ke apa. But she looks really perfect with that gloves! Even time tu dia just wearing her usual clothes which is tudung bawal and tshirt. Aku dalam hati excited gila Tengok, ye lah pakai tudung dgn gloves pulak kan.
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Aku mintak permission nak ambik gambar dia pakai gloves tu, dia terus posing with her sweet smiles and seductive eyes. Few pictures was taken and Aku immediately reached out her hands to hold it. The soft and silky materials of that satin gloves, feels like electricity went through my body.
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"Best laa feel satin gloves ni, and cantik awk pakai. Suits you well.", aku ckp dekat dia sambil pegang tangan dia. This is the first time aku pegang tangan Shahfina like, really hold it like I'm his boyfriend or husband. Haha. Tak pikir panjang aku terus kiss her hands several times and sniff it deeply, macam my mind was already been hypnotised. Tak peduli org lalu lalang dekat situ, aku just carry on like that. The gloves smells amazing, combined with her smells and perfume.. it's just addicting. Shahfina just duduk diam, and dia pun tak tarik tangan dia or anything just bagi aku buat apa aku nak. Time ni Jangan cite lah, my cock was throbbing hard! But kena sorok lah Kalau tak kantoi pulak nanti.
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After that baru aku sedar, aku tgk Shahfina, dia senyum je Tengok aku. Aku ckp sorry dekat dia. "Suka betul eh awk dgn gloves ni.", Shahfina ckp dekat aku. Aku senyum je. Malu pun ada. She took off her gloves and simpan. Time tu aku macam kecewa dah Ingat dia tak suka.
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"Surprisingly the gloves feels so comfortable. How about we go for a movie or lunch during our off day, and I will wear this gloves with you? Awk nak tak? Since dengan awk je org berani pakai and awk yg belikan. And org pun ada barang nak carik, so awk boleh teman kan." Aku punya happy time tu tak tau nak ckp, aku okay kan aje. "Pantyhose ni nanti org try dekat rumah, mana boleh try sekarang. And I might wear it during our date too.", Shahfina senyum menggoda/teasing dekat aku.
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So, I'm gonna have a date with Shahfina, yg mulanya just a stranger.