"I don't care! Take it off, now!" Said Shahfina.
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Baca whatsapp dia macam tu, aku dah boleh bayang the way she said it. It's kinda turning me on. Like being ordered by a mistress to do what as she told.
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"Alaaa.. kan dah nampak tu. I mean you can see the bulge from the boxer.", aku still hesitate untuk kasi my uncovered cock pics to her. Don't get me wrong, dengan ex aku pernah je buat ringan-ringan, handjob, blowjob. But that is when you're in a relationship. This is your best friend. Surely it feels weird, no?
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"Awk nak end this now?", Shahfina reply. Mengeluh panjang aku. "Ishh ugut lagi. Fineeee." Aku bukak boxer aku dan snap a few shots of my cock and send it her. It's pretty erect and hard at that point. I'm imagining Shahfina being my mistress, ordering me to please her.
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"Mhmm.. sexy. And quite big for me. Btw tomorrow after work teman me for awhile. Nak carik barang. Good night awk!". Lah, camtu je good night. Dah dapat, good night pulak. Aku pun okay je lah, tapi sambil tu tengok2 balik gambar dia hantar tadi pakai gloves and pantyhose.
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So today after work aku kena teman dia carik barang. Baju laa kot dia nak beli. Ke apa tak tau. Kami masuk dalam H&M, sambil-sambil windows shopping.
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Shahfina Macam biasa menggayakan tudung bawal, tshirt, skinny jeans and Puma Suede dia. All black. Memang selalunya macam ni style dia. Since tempat kerja kami dress code smart casuals, and kena pakai some sort of jacket while working. So almost boleh pakai anything, as long as it's black. A bit susah to see her wearing something feminine. Pernah tgk pun gambar-gambar dulu dia share, or raya.
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Shahfina masuk dekat H&M, dia terus pergi ke bahagian kasut. Lepas tu dia tengok dekat section high heels.
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"Shahfina awk nak beli high heels ke? Macam kelakar je. Tak pernah tgk awk pakai high heels." Aku gelak cakap dekat dia.
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"Org memang minat je high heels ni, but dekat mana and bila je org nak pakai.", balas Shahfina sambil ambik satu heels ni and check the sizes. "Awk, tolong kejap org pakai kan heels ni.", Shahfina suruh aku sambil dia dah duduk atas kerusi yg disediakan.
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"Eh malasnya dia ni. Meh laa cepat.", aku duduk bawah and depan dia untuk tolong pakaikan dia heels. "Socks ni nak kena bukak laa kan. Mana ada org Pakai heels dgn socks.", sambil aku bebel dekat dia sambil aku bukak socks dia.
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Rupanya dia pakai pantyhose lagi underneath! Disebabkan aku baru take off her socks, I can feel her warm nylon feet. Aku tengok dia mendongak ke atas Sebab dia duduk atas kerusi kan. Dia senyum dekat aku. "Kenapa? See anything you like down there?", Shahfina cakap.
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"Tak tau pulak awk pakai pantyhose lagi hari ni. Ingat dah basuh."
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"Yes, kan org bagitau, it's comfortable and easier for me to wear this skinny jeans while wearing the pantyhose. And awk pun suka kan.", Shahfina explain dekat aku.
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Sebelum aku sarung kan heels dekat dia, sempat aku pegang and massage her soles lightly, because I like the feels of the nylon too. Dia pilih heels with thin stilettos, open toe and of course black in color. Something like this, but in black.
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I put on the heels to her, both of her feet. Looks very sexy, with that nylon toes peeking out a bit from the front of her heels. Got me a little hard on. She stood up and began to pose in front of the mirror.
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"Okay tak org pakai macam ni?", she asked. Boy oh boy she looks very stunning, even on her usual outfit. Maybe because she's wearing that skinny jeans made her legs look stands out. Her butt lift up by that heels. If we were in room, I'll be on my knees kissing her feet.
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"Cantik jugak awk pakai heels. Susah nak tgk awk pakai camni. Your ass pun nampak more shape.", aku gelak bagitau dia. She's posing again in front of me and the mirror, and when there's no people around, I couldn't stand it but to grab her ass.
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"Eh awk!", she's a bit shock but doesn't reject it nor asking me stop. I just carried on grabbing and caressing her ass. She really does have a great ass and plump too. "Sexy gila ass awk pakai heels macam ni.", I whispered to her.
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"Mhmmm..", she's moan a bit. "Okay dah, jom org nak bayar this heels. Tolong kejap pakai kan balik my socks Puma please". I did as her told. Kalau takda org, or alone. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna kiss her feet, lick her heels and suck the stilettos. She grabbed my ass when we're on the way to the cashier. "Eh Jangan laa gila!", aku bagitau Shahfina, terkejut dengan apa dia buat.
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"Padan muka, sapa suruh grab ass org tadi.", dia gelak and went straight to the cashier. This will be our normal actions anytime, anywhere, whenever there's no people around. Especially me. I will grab her ass whenever I got the chances.
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Since then, we became much more closer than ever before, sometimes we hug, kiss each other. We even make out if we got the chance. At work, in a car. She have a small mouth, which is really cute, and very tasty lips. I love making out with her. But I'm not brave enough to go even further. Just by grabbing her ass, and caressing her thighs only. That alone can already made me hard and turned on.