POV Jack
Okay, maybe Wren wasn't actually great at singing... I'm kidding she is BLOODY TERRIBLE.
"Maybe we should go over that again?" said Leo.
"Yeah..." Daniel said staring at Wren "D'know Wren I'm surprised that human beings are capable of being so awful at singing,"
"I told you so," Wren just said looking at me.
"Yeah well it's not like you were that useful in the first place," I said grinning at her as her smile quickly turned into a scowl "You'll just have to play the tambourine,"
"You're kidding right?" she said.
"Nope, you can borrow one from the music classroom," I smiled.
"Not happening, EVER. C'mon Leo, Daniel you guys are nice, you can't let this happen to me," she pleaded.
"Well," Daniel said looking at Leo.
"If you guys make her do that I'll give you a five pounds, each," I said knowing they'd never say no to the money.
"Sorry Wren," Leo said.
"Jack you owe us," said Daniel.
I looked over at Wren, she rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath. She met my eyes and immediately looked away and glared at the wall.
"So are you guys going to continue?" she said coolly.
I guess I felt kinda bad for her "Hey Wren, you can see how it sounds yeah?" I said.
"Great!" she said still scowling.
"You were being sarcastic right?" I said.
"What do you think?"
"Ok, guys lets go then, on the count of three," I said, "One, two, three,"
All in all, I thought it sounded ok, it was just missing something, and I wasn't quite too sure what...
"So whatcha think of my marvellous singing voice huh?" Leo said dragging his fingers through his brown hair grinning.
"Guys we might have to reconsider letting Leo be the main singer..." Wren said.
"Great idea!" Daniel said.
"Hey!" Leo said.
"Shut up," she said. "The song sounded okayish,"
"What! Come on Wren that sounded good," Daniel said.
"Yeah!" said Leo.
"Jack?" she said looking up at me, "What do you think?"
"It sounds good, I think its missing something though," I said shrugging.
"Right, so guys on the chorus Leo, on this...line," she said picking up Leo's lyrics sheet "Wren, I don't think it's wise to give me singing advice," Leo said.
"Yeah, Wren maybe you should, like do something else," Daniel said.
"Fine," she said. "I'm going to go home I've got some homework to catch up on," she went over and picked up her bag by the doorway, well was sudden.
"Wren, why are you going? We need to work on the song," I said standing up from the seat behind the drum kit.
"Yeah, but I've got some homework to catch up on, otherwise I'm going to get in trouble, so I'll see you guys tomorrow," she said walking out the door and closed behind her, what the hell just happened there?
"What? Wait, Wren!" I called out after her.
I ran over to the door. "Hey Jack, just let her go, if she wants to go, then let her," Daniel said shrugging.
"She's part of the group you can't just let her go, she needs to help with the song as well," I said.
I quickly opened the door and ran out after her, just as I heard the door downstairs close. 'Damn you Daniel' I said to myself and I ran after her (I totally did not mean to put in that 'Damn Daniel' part, it was by accident, and I only realised what I had done afterwards, sooo...Xxx)
I quickly ran outside and saw her walking along the pavement fiddling with the strap of her satchel.
"Hey, Wren," I called to her and ran up beside her.
She stopped and turned around facing me looking surprised but quickly covered it up. "What are you doing Jack?"
Suddenly I forgot what I was going to say, what was I doing?
"Are you okay?" she said frowning.
"What, yeah...yeah I'm fine," I said "Are you okay though? What happened back there?"
She turned around and kept walking along the pavement looking at the ground.
"Huh?" I said when she didn't answer.
"Just," she said.
"Just what?"
"You should go back Daniel and Leo will be wondering where you are,"
"Daniel and Leo will be fine, what happened back there is what I want to know,"
"I need to back home," said Wren.
"Why aren't you answering my question?"
"I should get back and so should you," she said.
"Wren! Look at me," I said getting frustrated.
POV Wren
"Wren! Look at me," said Jack.
I stared at the ground and kept walking, I didn't know what to say.
Suddenly he stopped walking. I stopped and looked up at him, I didn't mean to. "I'm sorry Jack, I should go," this has happened too many times for me to care anymore.
"I'm fine," I said keeping my face blank of emotion and then walked away.
But what I didn't expect next was Jack walking along beside.
I didn't bother to hide my confusion this time and looked up at him. "Jack," I said my voice barely a whisper "What are you doing,"
"I'm walking beside you," he answered.
I know it sounds dumb, but right now I was so confused.
I just kept walking not quite too sure what to say.
And have to admit I'm like the most awkward person ever so, yeah, it was very, very, very awkward.
"So, umm, what's your favourite colour?" I said trying to break the silence.
"What's my favourite colour?" Jack said incredulously.
"Um, red," he replied, "What's yours?"
"Green, or blue one of those, well actually, probably blue, but like a light blue like a sort of greyey bluey sort of colour y'know?" I paused "I just realised that none of that makes any sense," I said.
"I didn't, but from what I gathered your favourite colour is sort of greyey bluey sort of colour, right or wrong?" he said.
"Right," I answered.
Authors Note
Hi guys, thanks so much for reading the book this far, it's going to be a bit more difficult writing now because I'm back at school Yay! (That was sarcasm by the way) Literally, I really cannot understand those people who like school!!! Like WHAT THE HELLLLL!!!! I'm even getting wound up talking about it.
Anyway Thanks for reading guys.
Luv you all Xx